Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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What kills me is that all these people willing to accept anything that is deemed as a cure for Covid. But there has been constant changes to the dose time intervals and increase in doeses. This doesn’t bother you??

To answer your question about the vaccine, no this doesn't bother me ONE BIT! As soon as they created it, I was on the phone with my doctors in the transplant department asking questions and such. I wanted it as soon as it was created but had to wait till they had info. But even then, I got it rather early this year and got the booster back in August.

You want to keep saying it's not tested enough and long term effects...well, let me explain to you that if ANYTHING were to happen, side effects wise, to someone, I would be the perfect example of that happening to. See I don't have a functioning immune system. It's essentially turned off as I take medication twice a day to turn it off so said immune system doesn't attack the liver that was transplanted in me back in October of 2003.

You wan to know what? I've had ZERO side effects. Not one. Now that isn't to say some people won't have them, as we know some did (but the percentage is so small from who has what vs all those who took the vaccine). But if something bad was gonna happen, I know it would have happened pretty quickly as I wouldn't be able to fight off whatever it would have been. And I'm in pretty decent health otherwise, except for pretty severe Crohn's. I'm not overweight (6' 185-190) and I don't eat crappy stuff. Lots of chicken, fish, turkey & the occasional burger. No soda or anything with sugar. Only water/sparkling water/unsweetened tea with lemon.

I'm immensely thankful for these vaccines. I was so paranoid when Covid first hit last March as I didn't even try to go anywhere. I was fearful that I was gonna die if I caught it. Lots of curbside groceries in the trunk, and not going anywhere. Thankfully I was out of work on disability so I could stay safe at home (I sold cars and that was NOT a possibility had I not been out). So you can say what you want about the vaccines. We all know Science is essentially "best guess" at firat and when new info comes from research & data, we take that into account. And as the other poster said, science constantly changes.
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Team Pfizer here. Getting cross-pollinated today with a Moderna booster. I’m not looking forward to it.

Like you my first two shots were Pfizer and I got the Moderna booster on Sunday. The booster shot gave me the sore arm (my only symptom with Pfizer), but I also got the chills, body aches, headache, and a fever within 24 hours of getting it. I feel fine today, but that booster shot side effects through me off.
I got the vax the day I was eligible. Pfizer gang.
But I still don't understand the mentality of harassing and demeaning people who might be hesitant about the vax. There's been countless health products in the market that were found to be cancerous/toxic/dangerous decades after they were released into the mainstream. Unlike other vaccines that already existed for a long time before most of us were born, we lived through the development of this one. It's not so insane and farfetched to empathize with people who might be unsure.

Unless there's some stupid political agenda to them (e.g. fox news), this isn't about "team vaccinated gang vs team unvaccinated gang". My parents live in Taiwan, one of the countries that did the best with the pandemic and there's barely a sliver of political bs when dealing with the pandemic, but there's a large population of people there who are a little scared of getting a vaccine so new. I'm supposed to get the booster tomorrow but I'd be completely lying if I didn't question if a healthy relatively young person myself needs the booster
yeah, unless you’re spouting off qanon nonsense or something I’m not here to lecture.

I mean heaven forbid someone doesn’t trust big pharma, fda and the government.

you mean we can’t question the people who set off the opioid epidemic and how they might not give zero ****s about anything besides money?

you should always question big pharma and government.
Like you my first two shots were Pfizer and I got the Moderna booster on Sunday. The booster shot gave me the sore arm (my only symptom with Pfizer), but I also got the chills, body aches, headache, and a fever within 24 hours of getting it. I feel fine today, but that booster shot side effects through me off.

I got my booster yesterday and did the same. Went Moderna with initial Pfizer. Arm wasn’t too bad surpristinely but didn’t feel my usual self today. Felt tired overall and some sore joints. Went to the gym like normal but workout intensity was not there.
I got the vax the day I was eligible. Pfizer gang.
But I still don't understand the mentality of harassing and demeaning people who might be hesitant about the vax. There's been countless health products in the market that were found to be cancerous/toxic/dangerous decades after they were released into the mainstream. Unlike other vaccines that already existed for a long time before most of us were born, we lived through the development of this one. It's not so insane and farfetched to empathize with people who might be unsure.

Unless there's some stupid political agenda to them (e.g. fox news), this isn't about "team vaccinated gang vs team unvaccinated gang". My parents live in Taiwan, one of the countries that did the best with the pandemic and there's barely a sliver of political bs when dealing with the pandemic, but there's a large population of people there who are a little scared of getting a vaccine so new. I'm supposed to get the booster tomorrow but I'd be completely lying if I didn't question if a healthy relatively young person myself needs the booster
The problem (as you allude to in your 2nd paragraph) is that you quickly find out that "vaccine hesitancy" is really a mix of "libs suck" and "i don't understand modern medicine." It sucks because it's unfair to legit, honest hesitancy.

We each have our own timeline. I was kind of interested in signing up for the vaccine trials back in 2020 but also wasn't sure if it was a good idea (once the Israel data came out, I was convinced). I also didn't like the idea of getting a booster initially (and posted in here about it a couple times), but after more data came out, I jumped and got one. Other people may need longer and that's fine.

One more thing, a point that I haven't heard enough is that it's really hard to get psychologically motivated to do something to yourself to prevent some unknown risk down the road. As an extreme example -- if you told somebody to cut off a finger to save their hand, they wouldn't do it. Getting yourself up to get a shot that'll make you feel sick for a day when you're feeling perfectly healthy at home is a tough ask under normal circumstances.
Haven't been posting that much all year on NT but got the covid positive last week and im double vax no booster. Symptoms felt pretty mild with congestion and runny nose def felt like a cold but also something I wouldn't go out in public with. Lost the taste and smell on day 4, taste is coming back but smell is non existent (taking dumps not smelling is alarming but good at same time but alarming ). I've been in quarantine since testing positive and luckily my wife has tested negative twice. Since my positive result.

The head cloudiness and fatigue have impacted my work focus.

I'm almost 30 overweight had a history of asthma but "grew out of it"

I felt symptoms after a weekend in NYC where the indoor establishments required double vax to enter. Everyone that's been positive is also double vax so this breakthrough covid is on another level or the mutation dgaf about vaccine.

Sorry for the long post but wanted to share the experience, and hope everyone is safe this holiday season.
Haven't been posting that much all year on NT but got the covid positive last week and im double vax no booster. Symptoms felt pretty mild with congestion and runny nose def felt like a cold but also something I wouldn't go out in public with. Lost the taste and smell on day 4, taste is coming back but smell is non existent (taking dumps not smelling is alarming but good at same time but alarming ). I've been in quarantine since testing positive and luckily my wife has tested negative twice. Since my positive result.

The head cloudiness and fatigue have impacted my work focus.

I'm almost 30 overweight had a history of asthma but "grew out of it"

I felt symptoms after a weekend in NYC where the indoor establishments required double vax to enter. Everyone that's been positive is also double vax so this breakthrough covid is on another level or the mutation dgaf about vaccine.

Sorry for the long post but wanted to share the experience, and hope everyone is safe this holiday season.
Appreciate getting your story and good to hear you're doing better.

Yeah I'm still laying low for the near future. I'll spend time with family and a few friends so there's still a risk of course but I'll try to keep it down. These next 3 weeks are going to be interesting.
The problem (as you allude to in your 2nd paragraph) is that you quickly find out that "vaccine hesitancy" is really a mix of "libs suck" and "i don't understand modern medicine." It sucks because it's unfair to legit, honest hesitancy.

We each have our own timeline. I was kind of interested in signing up for the vaccine trials back in 2020 but also wasn't sure if it was a good idea (once the Israel data came out, I was convinced). I also didn't like the idea of getting a booster initially (and posted in here about it a couple times), but after more data came out, I jumped and got one. Other people may need longer and that's fine.

One more thing, a point that I haven't heard enough is that it's really hard to get psychologically motivated to do something to yourself to prevent some unknown risk down the road. As an extreme example -- if you told somebody to cut off a finger to save their hand, they wouldn't do it. Getting yourself up to get a shot that'll make you feel sick for a day when you're feeling perfectly healthy at home is a tough ask under normal circumstances.
Just to add a bit to this, early Omicron data has me feeling really happy I got boosted when I did.
Gotta do my research but I’m vaccinated and looking to get my booster. I’m 34, it’s available to me right or still special restrictions?
36 and positive since Thursday.

Smell and taste went away Saturday I think.

Sometimes I can taste but for the most part it's still no smell.

Double vax no booster.

my smell came back about 2 weeks after i tested negative.

you feeling ok for the most part though?
The problem (as you allude to in your 2nd paragraph) is that you quickly find out that "vaccine hesitancy" is really a mix of "libs suck" and "i don't understand modern medicine." It sucks because it's unfair to legit, honest hesitancy.

We each have our own timeline. I was kind of interested in signing up for the vaccine trials back in 2020 but also wasn't sure if it was a good idea (once the Israel data came out, I was convinced). I also didn't like the idea of getting a booster initially (and posted in here about it a couple times), but after more data came out, I jumped and got one. Other people may need longer and that's fine.

One more thing, a point that I haven't heard enough is that it's really hard to get psychologically motivated to do something to yourself to prevent some unknown risk down the road. As an extreme example -- if you told somebody to cut off a finger to save their hand, they wouldn't do it. Getting yourself up to get a shot that'll make you feel sick for a day when you're feeling perfectly healthy at home is a tough ask under normal circumstances.
Maybe dudes missed it since it was deleted but the same person that was talking about he doesn't trust the vaccine came back in here and went off, telling people to eat a **** and all kinds of things, just because people poked holes in their logic

People were generally respectful, but simply being challenged on some stuff was illogical and kinda conspiratorial set the person off

That is why I have little patience for the unvaccinated now.

People demand civility toward them but somehow that always includes a) tolerating nonsensical arguments b) Dealing with insults

People can out of one side of their mouth demand their dissenting view be heard, then out the other side of their mouth complain when their view is challenged.
was in Florida the other day and shh was startling

dudes have just decided the shh is over and acting like people ain’t dying every day and healthcare costs ain’t what they are

luckily was able to get my booster nice and easy thou
People demand civility toward them but somehow that always includes a) tolerating nonsensical arguments b) Dealing with insults
This, shouldn't have deleted it so all could see how he embarrassed himself. It was just a conversation, people really have forgotten how those work. If you don't just let me say anything unchallenged you're a bully and oppressor.
Yeah I feel like these arguments only devolve into pettiness after one side's views get challenged to the point where the person can't provide reasonable explanation or justification of their position. That's when feelings start to get hurt.

The problem is this should never be about feelings. This is science. This is public health. You have a dissenting opinion? Fine, just don't cry foul when others disagree with you. If you find that you can't back up your position with compelling evidence, it might be time to change your position or, at the very least, start seriously reconsidering.
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