Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I'm not surprised at all but still remarkable. Keep in mind too that omicron is just starting to hit a lot of the country. Two implications: 1) roughly half of us will get omicron in these two months, 2) if you do anything indoors with more than 5 people, there is a very very high chance somebody in that room is putting out omicron.

I'm not surprised at all but still remarkable. Keep in mind too that omicron is just starting to hit a lot of the country. Two implications: 1) roughly half of us will get omicron in these two months, 2) if you do anything indoors with more than 5 people, there is a very very high chance somebody in that room is putting out omicron.

Me and the wife (tested positive two days after I did) went wrong on the assumption that everyone was vaxxed. But hell, we both are and still got it.
Yeah, my close friend just tested positive right after their trip from Disneyland in LA. So far, the kiddos are still negative. My wife just called me saying the whole HR department is exposed, and many others don't come to work today. My kiddo's best friends are tested positive too. She said there're quite empty seats in her classes today.

At least my friend said she didn't have any fever or loss smell. Just sore throat, dry cough, sinus. She and her hubby fully boosted too.

Just ordered couple more KF94 masks. These things have been sold out for a good week or two. My previous orders haven't even been picked up by UPS yet.
so many dudes on NT getting clipped. lots of people i know irl too. how much of the recent spread is due to omicron being more transmissible or is it people being tired of mitigation strategies and doing whatever? seems like a combination of both.
It’s a combination of factors. Omicron is definitely more contagious, but holidays had everyone giving it an easy assist. People need to realize that what might have worked in the past isn’t gonna cut it now. The vaccine wasn’t designed for Omicron so that layer of protection against infection is gone. Those shty cloth or procedural masks aren’t gonna work either. When the positivity rate was low you might get away with indoor dining, but not now. The game has changed and behavior needs to change accordingly.
It's mostly because of omicron. Practically every state and every country is seeing an unprecedented rise in cases the past month. It's not helping that we had the holidays and most places are not instituting any new restrictions (if anything, we're relaxing them more), but the most parsimonious explanation is omicron.
Those shty cloth or procedural masks aren’t gonna work either. When the positivity rate was low you might get away with indoor dining, but not now. The game has changed and behavior needs to change accordingly.
that's what i was thinking too. also, what are your thoughts re: outdoor activities and proximity to others? we went hiking yesterday and we don't come anywhere near 6 feet to anyone else. maybe 12 feet away at the closest and not very many people. it was a sunny day. light breeze. mask or nah? about 10% of the people we saw were wearing masks on the trail.
My job implemented mandating testing for the unvaccinated due to the Federal Government order but then the job & Iowa backed out of it and will not follow their demand. Not sure how long this is gonna last at all.

Honestly I’m jus at a point where I don’t care anymore bout how ppl feel. It’s pretty much “play Russian Roulette, if ya wanna.” It’s been a long 3 years of this.
that's what i was thinking too. also, what are your thoughts re: outdoor activities and proximity to others? we went hiking yesterday and we don't come anywhere near 6 feet to anyone else. maybe 12 feet away at the closest and not very many people. it was a sunny day. light breeze. mask or nah? about 10% of the people we saw were wearing masks on the trail.
Everyone needs to really evaluate household risk and live as such. If you plan on being around the public, you will eventually get infected and the entire household will as well. If you minimize risk by vaccination, its not the end of the world.
For those recently infected and had mild symptom, you can basically live normal for a few months at least with not much risk from Covid. It seems like an infection plus vaccine is the only way to have some immunity.
I think omicron is that more transmissible. I’m no expert, but it’s just my opinion.

It is but..

Man, sometimes I feel its just people are more laxed about masks and social distsncing and all that. This time last year, there wasnt even indoor dining in NY. Now its that, shows, sporting events, clubs, gyms, etc. Wasnt the OG strain highly contagious anyways to begin with? Whatever you “did” to get omicron (went to a gathering, show, dinner whatever) and you woudve gotten the regular strain too.
It’s a combination of factors. Omicron is definitely more contagious, but holidays had everyone giving it an easy assist. People need to realize that what might have worked in the past isn’t gonna cut it now. The vaccine wasn’t designed for Omicron so that layer of protection against infection is gone. Those shty cloth or procedural masks aren’t gonna work either. When the positivity rate was low you might get away with indoor dining, but not now. The game has changed and behavior needs to change accordingly.

Now its nothing but a respirator mask and the vaccine is useless huh.
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