Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Day 6 quarantined. Got the vid last week. Vaxed back in March. Ran out of gummies. Been going back/forth with thc and NyQuil.. Thinking bout eating a magic mushroom bar.
You about to travel into another universe just to ask Rona “what the **** is your problem?” 💪😎

I'm still amazed how many people just want to hang out at stores. Just hanging in the store and vibes. They really get mad when we tell them we're only open for pickup orders. No one wants to order online.
I don’t get it either. This is serious and they’re out here wandering around bored walking into stores just cause, smh.
No talks yet from my daughter's kindergarten class about remote learning. That's going to be tough on her if they decide to do that.
No talks yet from my daughter's kindergarten class about remote learning. That's going to be tough on her if they decide to do that.
IMO, it's going to be a last resort and they'll only consider it if a significant portion of the class gets sick all at once and there's an obvious outbreak caused in the school setting. I just wish they would be proactive and do more to protect the students, such as keeping doors/windows open (wear a jacket if you're cold), requiring well fitted quality masks (or having them available), and eating outdoors when weather permits. If it's raining and there's no covered area, eating indoors should be done in shifts so you don't have everyone unmasked all at once. When my kids have to eat indoors, I tell them pull your mask down for a bite then back up while you chew.
I never lost my sense of taste or smell. . I actually feel like my sense of smell is better now, somehow. I only got flu symptoms, chills, body aches, slight head ache, loss of appetite, tiredness but not being able to get comfortable enough to really get good sleep until last night... but that was just the first 3 days. Today I feel much better.

The crazy part is that I am double vaxxed. My girl hasnt got the vaccine and she seems fine and has been around me the entire time. Guess well see how she is on Thursday.
the Aura feels like a/c compared to regular 3m n95s
did you get yours from home depot? are you near kapolei? i picked mine up there but they keep emailing me the locker# and code if you want to swing by there and see if there are any masks in the locker and you can keep em lol.

my son usually does work on the ipad at school but he started bringing it home “just in case”. they’re doing a ****load of testing at his school. no idea where they’re getting that **** from when it’s so hard to get tests. after last week, their numbers are down. they communicate with us via email daily.
I never lost my sense of taste or smell. . I actually feel like my sense of smell is better now, somehow. I only got flu symptoms, chills, body aches, slight head ache, loss of appetite, tiredness but not being able to get comfortable enough to really get good sleep until last night... but that was just the first 3 days. Today I feel much better.

The crazy part is that I am double vaxxed. My girl hasnt got the vaccine and she seems fine and has been around me the entire time. Guess well see how she is on Thursday.
Not crazy at all, IMO. Sounds to me like your vaccine did exactly what it was designed to do.

It was supposed to give me super smelling powers? What about my non vaxxed girl who is seemingly fine?
It's possible that she's asymptomatic, has been previously infected, was the one who gave it to you, will test positive soon...
As for your sniffer, damage to the olfactory epithelium is thought to contribute to changes in taste and smell. Your olfactory epithelium is the tissue in your nose that receives odors to be processed as sensory information your brain can interpret. It’s also theorized that damage to the neurons that carry information from your nose to your brain also plays a role. Sorry to break it to COVID deniers and minimizers, but COVID is not and never will be strictly a respiratory illness like the common cold. It is a brain invading vascular disease that can cause damage (sometimes long term and/or permanent) in every major organ of the body.
It is a brain invading vascular disease that can cause damage (sometimes long term and/or permanent) in every major organ of the body.

Sure. When we speak about long COVID and microclots, I think we should just step back a second and speak about acute COVID. We have noted - we and others have noted that the vascular system and clotting is not working properly during acute COVID. So the dilemma with long COVID is that the percentage of individuals, up to 30%, never really get over the presence of these clotting abnormalities or physiological abnormalities when they are not infective anymore - so when they get over the normal five to 10 days of acute COVID. So during long COVID, these clots then just continue to be present.
Things don't look good at my wife's workplace. The whole HR and engineering departments are out either they are sick or being exposed. Most of her staffs are out too for the same reasons.

My kiddo said there were only 7 kids in her class yesterday.......7 out of 30+ in normal days. Crazy.

I work at local hospital here. 200 staffs are out from the email I read this morning.

I find interesting that my friend's spouse and kids, who are technically being directly exposed to her since she got it and tested positives days after, are fine with no symptoms and still negative. She keeps her kids home today from school just because.
Do any of you use your state's exposure notifications system? Apparently it constantly scans and exchanges random tokens with phones of people you are near for 15 minutes or more. I just got the notification that one of those people has tested positive. The thing is I have been indoors for the past several days and the only person I've been near is a family member...unless it can get nearby houses? Not sure what to make of this |l
Do any of you use your state's exposure notifications system? Apparently it constantly scans and exchanges random tokens with phones of people you are near for 15 minutes or more. I just got the notification that one of those people has tested positive. The thing is I have been indoors for the past several days and the only person I've been near is a family member...unless it can get nearby houses? Not sure what to make of this |l

This was discussed several days ago and apparently the notifications were not timely and exposures were more than a week prior. Look and see if it shows when the exposure occurred.
did you get yours from home depot? are you near kapolei? i picked mine up there but they keep emailing me the locker# and code if you want to swing by there and see if there are any masks in the locker and you can keep em lol.

my son usually does work on the ipad at school but he started bringing it home “just in case”. they’re doing a ****load of testing at his school. no idea where they’re getting that **** from when it’s so hard to get tests. after last week, their numbers are down. they communicate with us via email daily.

nah Im in town. I've had the Auras for awhile but been doing double mask, now with cases pumping I feel like its a must tho.

yeah all im hearing about is how no one can get tests.
Do any of you use your state's exposure notifications system? Apparently it constantly scans and exchanges random tokens with phones of people you are near for 15 minutes or more. I just got the notification that one of those people has tested positive. The thing is I have been indoors for the past several days and the only person I've been near is a family member...unless it can get nearby houses? Not sure what to make of this |l

I got one a few days ago and it told me the exposure was 13 days prior :stoneface: and to quarantine for 5 days after exposure :lol:
This was discussed several days ago and apparently the notifications were not timely and exposures were more than a week prior. Look and see if it shows when the exposure occurred.

I got one a few days ago and it told me the exposure was 13 days prior :stoneface: and to quarantine for 5 days after exposure :lol:

I appreciate it bros! It would have been impossible otherwise (i.e. more than a week ago). It makes sense and unfortunately, I was at an airport so that's likely where it came from |l I have felt fine but will look into when the exposure occurred. Thanks :nthat:
Swear having Delta must have made my immune system weaker or something. I used to get a moderate cold maybe once a year. I'm now on my 4th cold since November.

Gonna have to step up my vitamin game or something. Should have probably been doing that anyways.
literally 0 symptoms but I took a test due to an exposure. Positive. I'm feeling like shenanigans but I'm going to quarantine and do all the right things
Do you mind sharing details about that exposure?
And what test did you use? I know Ellume has a higher false positivity rate than Binax.
just found out my girlfriend's daughter in law was positive on Saturday. She had been dropping her son off during the week. I was boosted Thursday so Monday I took a test. Lowkey I been working out and eating better to start the new year, I feel better than ever though. I don't even be working out outside or running and I was literally about to go do some work on the soccer field
just found out my girlfriend's daughter in law was positive on Saturday. She had been dropping her son off during the week. I was boosted Thursday so Monday I took a test. Lowkey I been working out and eating better to start the new year, I feel better than ever though
So presumably the son was also positive and in your house all week? If that's the case, I'd be very surprised if you weren't positive after ongoing repeated exposure.
Possibly. I'm hoping the rest of the fam under this roof tests negative, for their healths sake obviously and also a quarantine if they oblige would finally get me some alone time #silverliningsiguess
I appreciate it bros! It would have been impossible otherwise (i.e. more than a week ago). It makes sense and unfortunately, I was at an airport so that's likely where it came from |l I have felt fine but will look into when the exposure occurred. Thanks :nthat:

If you’re on iPhone you can go to settings -> Exposure notifications and it’ll say how many days. Im pretty sure 19 days ago I was at the barber, Albertsons, Wendy’s lol so it checks out since I was in some crowds.


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