Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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While I don’t doubt the above, I also want to know who funded that research. Research should also be read with a side of skepticism and then follow the money for it.

Prime example is wine, a lot of research says a glass per day is healthy for you. But it’s the wineries who are paying for that research. Don’t get me wrong I love a glass of scotch, anejo tequila, and beer but I know that **** ain’t good for my body.
The article does comes with a disclaimer that the study has not yet been peer-reviewed.
“Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants,” was published online on Monday by the Journal of Natural Products.

“These compounds can be taken orally and have a long history of safe use in humans,” van Breemen noted. “They have the potential to prevent as well as treat infection by SARS-CoV-2.

i ate edibles on my 5th day when i had the delta. Most definitely helped with the aches and lack of sleep...took me a couple of weeks after i tested negative to "want" to smoke...still felt mucus in my lungs so i knew it wasn't a great idea.

Trump calls politicians who refuse to say they received Covid boosters 'gutless'​

Cannibinoids, so real weed or i gotta go in the dispensary in the cbd non card side?

Also do i quarantine 5 days from today ( the day i got my tret results) or from yesterday (the day i took my test) or from the day i think i may have gotten it (Saturday)?
I think you go from first day of symptoms. Otherwise you go by first day you tested positive (based on when you were swabbed, not when you got the results).
We got an email from the principal of my kids' school last night saying they'll accept a picture of rapid antigen home test result in place of PCR, so it's basically honor system, IMO. You can send your kid to school with symptoms as long as you know how to use Google images. I guess this means sending your kid to school with cold or flu is ok again? Awesome.
We got an email from the principal of my kids' school last night saying they'll accept a picture of rapid antigen home test result in place of PCR, so it's basically honor system, IMO. You can send your kid to school with symptoms as long as you know how to use Google images. I guess this means sending your kid to school with cold or flu is ok again? Awesome.
thats how theyre doing in DC too..
If the numbers are the highest its ever been whats the logic of us not shutting down again?
The point of shut downs was to prevent everyone from getting sick at the same time and crushing the healthcare system. By now everyone who wanted to get vaccinated should have. Those who are at highest risk of hospitalization and death are the unvaccinated, immune compromised, and those with multiple comorbidities. We will not shut down the whole country to save the unvaccinated and I'm ok with that. I do feel bad for those with health issues who are vaccinated but are still at risk, kids under 5 who are too young to be vaccinated and all the kids over 5 with idiot parents who aren't getting them vaccinated.

EDIT: and I am devastated for the health professionals who have had to deal with this madness for 2 years and counting...
The point of shut downs was to prevent everyone from getting sick at the same time and crushing the healthcare system. By now everyone who wanted to get vaccinated should have. Those who are at highest risk of hospitalization and death are the unvaccinated, immune compromised, and those with multiple comorbidities. We will not shut down the whole country to save the unvaccinated and I'm ok with that. I do feel bad for those with health issues who are vaccinated but are still at risk, kids under 5 who are too young to be vaccinated and all the kids over 5 with idiot parents who aren't getting them vaccinated.

EDIT: and I am devastated for the health professionals who have had to deal with this madness for 2 years and counting...
Yeah, I don't think a shut down will happen. Vaccine has been available and there is plenty of data on COVID now. I think it's a matter of maintaining the guidelines and being smart in protecting yourself and your family.

But I'm all for another round of stimulus or child tax credits lol.
One of my coworkers is a Vietnam vet marine who retired from the LIRR and went back to nursing school so his wife would stop bothering him around the house.

We were desk buddies for 2 days this week and he asserted to me that COVID was created under the guidance of Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci in order to make Pfizer and Moderna rich.

I asked him "why would Fauci and Bill Gates be interested in making money for Pfizer and Moderna?" and he trailed off.

I don't even think he actually believes his own nonsense. :lol:
Update: got stuck working alongside this dude again yesterday. He was explaining to me how he just upgraded his cable package and gets Newsmax now.

He told me how he likes that they approach things from a conservative lens, but then says "but I'm watching it, and they all hate the vaccines. I couldn't believe it!"

I just said "you're learning!" and went to go answer a call bell.
I just wind those types up and watch them go. Casually asking them stupid *** **** just to see what they say. :lol:
At this point covid might as well just be another type of flu... its not going anywhere. Might as well just accept it, invite it to dinner and hope it doesnt show up.
So I don’t want to say I’m completely out of the woods, but the worst thing about having it was the body soreness and the absolute worst headache I’ve ever had. I mean I took everything for that headache and it only seemed to intensify. That lasted for about 8 hours and that was the main reason I just couldn’t sleep. Once that subsided then it was the body aches, not just body, but overall aching. I have a bad back, and it made it tremendously worse. Then the nausea and vomiting kicked in. After that subsided then it was the lethargic feeling, I just felt a 100 times slower and just generally out of it. Not so much coughing even though I had some good chest congestion and pressure and a weird feeling in my throat. And people at work are on their 2nd and 3rd tested go round with this. The whole time I’m suffering, my wife still doesn’t have a single symptom and she goes to work tomorrow(teacher). My daughter only has chest tightness and nausea. At first I was like “cool, it’s on the decline and I’m past it” but then I was reminded that it can be had more than once. And this was being fully vaxxed, I would’ve hated not to be. And the whole time I was dealing with it I was more paranoid about some underlying condition that I didn’t even know I had because my whole thought was “no one ever really knows what they got going on until it’s almost too late or discovered on accident”
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