Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I like to imagine airant, cam Nelson, dirty, and jrose5 are hanging out in NT heaven, cruising around in the Saturn while blasting Outkast.

They kicked dirty out of the Saturn, legend has it he’s a big guy and he was hogging up all the space.

Jrose got beat up when cam Nelson took him to one of his “whips in the city” meetups in Indiana for screaming racial slurs.

Now it’s just air ant and cam Nelson peacefully riding in the Saturn blasting dungeon family.
They kicked dirty out of the Saturn, legend has it he’s a big guy and he was hogging up all the space.

Jrose got beat up when cam Nelson took him to one of his “whips in the city” meetups in Indiana for screaming racial slurs.

Now it’s just air ant and cam Nelson peacefully riding in the Saturn blasting dungeon family.
one can dream but let's not kid ourselves. cam is still in the garage working on his car, airant is just pacing around mumbling "yo, df!" over and over, jrose5 is posting on here as delk, and dirty? dirty is at an anti-vax rally, and he's a small guy.
In an ideal society where adults act responsibly and people actually love thy neighbor there shouldn’t have to be a vaccine mandate because everyone would do the right thing. Instead, our healthcare system is on the brink of collapse. It’s not simply an individual decision when your choice has so many negative consequences that end up affecting other people who actually deserve those precious resources that may not be available when they need them because a bunch of freedom loving morons thought they were smarter than Fauci. This tragedy is playing out all over America and nobody seems to care.

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How long does this stuff stay in your system? It’s been almost a month and my PCR still came back positive.
How long does this stuff stay in your system? It’s been almost a month and my PCR still came back positive.
Here they don’t recommend another PCR for 90 days - because the test is so sensitive that it can detect tiny amounts of virus which can hang around for a while.

So, somewhere between resolution of fever and a few months later?
What was that site that had stories of antivaxers getting (and succumbing) to covid? Reminds me of r/HermaincaneAward on Reddit but it wasnt Reddit.
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