Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Mandates are a slippery slope, I can understand why some people dont want to be forced into something in a general sense, not just particularly this vax thing but that being said if you personally choose not to get vaxed then you should be prepared to accept what comes with that decision: not being allowed a transplant, getting fired from your job, not being allowed to fly, not being allowed in places that require masks, etc.

Just seen a video of a dude getting denied access to a library cause he didnt wanna mask. Dude chose to video tape it and claim freedom this freedom that. Fine, you have the freedom not to wear a mask but they have the freedom to deny you entry. :lol: It works both ways. Unbelievable how childish some people are when it comes to masks, they dont wanna mask for 2 seconds to buy a coffee. They dont even wanna do the half half hanging off your face crap. They rather just freedom fight it. Bro, shut the hell up put your mask on and get your coffee damn. Spent more time arguing than just putting the mask on and getting your coffee. :lol: Holding up the damn line and ****.

That’s what’s interesting about these “mandates” - they’re not mandates in that you have to get it - just that you are restricted from doing certain things if you don’t get it. That’s not compulsory, it’s a choice and as you say if you decide it’s not for you then you live with the consequences of that.

Others shouldn’t have to live with the consequences of your decision.
Saw this in the Google news feed

Fox News: North Carolina man would rather 'die free' than get vaccine needed for life-saving transplant.

Well, here is another person waiting for a transplant (kidney), and won't take the vaccine. 😞 His kidney function is at 4%, so he won't last much longer. Doesn't want it and is already picked out a spot on that hill.

I hate the source of the article, but I posted for the comments below the article (read a few, they will blow your mind). Too many Dr. Googles trying to say the hospital is wrong and he doesn't need the vaccine because he already had Covid. Little do those Google science majors know, he'll be immunocompromised as soon as they start him on the meds to turn off his immune system so his body doesn't attack the new kidney (if he would get it). Having antibodies won't stop his body from getting COVID being immunocompromised. If he got Covid again, without the vaccine, it would most likely kill him.

God I hate those people commenting. Until you ACTUALLY go through the transplant process, the interviews, do all the tests, get any vaccinations one isn't caught up on, and sit and wait for "that call", those people should just not comment. It's an INCREDIBLY stressful time and scary as you don't know how it's gonna end. Those commenting are really irritating and frankly sad. And this person isn't the last, I'm sure.

I did a vaccine for a guy a few months ago who was an extreme example of that. He had already had 2 doses but had a letter asking for us to start again. I can’t remember the name of the condition but he had effectively had his immune system completely wiped as part of the treatment. He hadn’t left his house or had any contact with anyone in months and he was finally allowed out and was getting a bunch of vaccines so he didn’t get childhood diseases - and obviously covid.
We never should have gotten to the point where they are mandating everyone to get the vaccine. People should have wanted the vaccine after seeing what was going on the in the country and the rest of the world (specifically China and Italy). But instead of following the advice of doctors and scientists their opinions were swayed by FOX news and memes. I consider myself to be against mandates but this time it was actually necessary.
That’s what’s interesting about these “mandates” - they’re not mandates in that you have to get it - just that you are restricted from doing certain things if you don’t get it. That’s not compulsory, it’s a choice and as you say if you decide it’s not for you then you live with the consequences of that.

Others shouldn’t have to live with the consequences of your decision.
Unless your name is Kyrie and it's an away game. :lol: But for real the mandates are OD imo. If you're vaxxed and boosted then you've protected yourself against the consequences of someone else's decision.
I did a vaccine for a guy a few months ago who was an extreme example of that. He had already had 2 doses but had a letter asking for us to start again. I can’t remember the name of the condition but he had effectively had his immune system completely wiped as part of the treatment. He hadn’t left his house or had any contact with anyone in months and he was finally allowed out and was getting a bunch of vaccines so he didn’t get childhood diseases - and obviously covid.

That was me at the beginning of all this mess back in early 2020. We did curbside pickup on groceries and washed everything when we got home (before it wasn't determined of this was a necessity). Very rarely did I go into any store unless I ABSOLUTELY had to. Now, being boosted and able to get my 4th by the end of the month, I still wear my mask, go into a grocery store, get my stuff I and get out ASAP. Never linger.
That was me at the beginning of all this mess back in early 2020. We did curbside pickup on groceries and washed everything when we got home (before it wasn't determined of this was a necessity). Very rarely did I go into any store unless I ABSOLUTELY had to. Now, being boosted and able to get my 4th by the end of the month, I still wear my mask, go into a grocery store, get my stuff I and get out ASAP. Never linger.

Not washing is fine?
I remember it came out that the virus wasn't staying on the boxes of groceries long term eventually and it wasn't necessary.

The virus doesn't survive long on most surfaces and the risk of transmission is low if you maintain good hand hygiene (thumb suckers need not apply). The primary route of transmission is and always has been via inhaled aerosolized viral particles. Unfortunately droplet protocols are still being used in many places that should know better.
I still think mandates are a slippery slope,

But I’m all for insurance raising costs of people not vaccinated, or requiring vaccine passports, etc.
I still think mandates are a slippery slope,

But I’m all for insurance raising costs of people not vaccinated, or requiring vaccine passports, etc.
So you think a "mandate" that doesn't literally force people to partake in a medical procedure, just attaches an economic penalty for not doing so is a slippery slope

But you are for hitting people that don't take the vaccine with an economic penalty
So you think a "mandate" that doesn't literally force people to partake in a medical procedure, just attaches an economic penalty for not doing so is a slippery slope

But you are for hitting people that don't take the vaccine with an economic penalty
Wait what? How can one be both for and against an economic penalty ?

Look, I don’t have the answers, lol, regardless of how you paint it, I believe that businesses, insurance companies, etc, should be allowed to have their own mandates (whatever they deem to be fitting)

I just don’t think it should be coming from
The government. Does that make a little more sense ?

For example, smokers pay more for insurance quite often. How would this be any different ? And that is something that is coming from the insurer, not the government.

On a different note, I will tell you what confuses me… I know folks who work in health care, at a hospital that was supposedly “mandating the vaccine.” Neither of them have been vaccinated, and they both still work in the hospital. So how many of these hospitals that are mandating it are actually doing so, or just saying it for publicity. I don’t really talk to them like that anymore so I’m not about to ask how they still have to their jobs.

But again, I don’t have the answers.
Wait what? How can one be both for and against an economic penalty ?

Look, I don’t have the answers, lol, regardless of how you paint it, I believe that businesses, insurance companies, etc, should be allowed to have their own mandates (whatever they deem to be fitting)

I just don’t think it should be coming from
The government. Does that make a little more sense ?

For example, smokers pay more for insurance quite often. How would this be any different ? And that is something that is coming from the insurer, not the government.

On a different note, I will tell you what confuses me… I know folks who work in health care, at a hospital that was supposedly “mandating the vaccine.” Neither of them have been vaccinated, and they both still work in the hospital. So how many of these hospitals that are mandating it are actually doing so, or just saying it for publicity. I don’t really talk to them like that anymore so I’m not about to ask how they still have to their jobs.

But again, I don’t have the answers.
I am saying that in your post you are saying you are against people being hit with an economic penalty (losing their job) because of a mandate. But you are cool with them being hit with other economic penalties if they don't get vaccinated. So if you are worried about slippery slopes, then you should realize the same could be said about your suggestion.

I am not anti-government as most people, I say this not as an insult to anyone. Just that I feel that the things that lead to bad outcomes go beyond it simply being from the government. I think a lot of how a where level of government to have power over citizens and I think that vaccine mandate, especially during a pandemic is a completely reasonable use of that power. If you told me the federal government was gonna take over the food supply, then I would be very concerned.

BTW, it was the federal government under the ACA that gave insurance companies the power to charge smokers more, it legalized that price discrimination. Your example is a federal law too. The government has been active in the passing of laws to lower the amount of smoking that takes place. Even though I think there should still be more, the government regulates a lot of what health insurers can do.

I can't speak to a hospital's enforcement of its mandates.

This is America, I understand that most Americans are skeptical of anything the federal government does. Some for good reason. But these concerns are "slippery slopes" fall into the natural libertarian way of thinking most people do (not taking a jab at you, just saying that it is natural for people not to trust government intervention), but actually are reasonable given the circumstances.

"Spikevax gang" Couldn't be me
That’s a fair response and assessment.

I’ll just stick to my “I don’t have the answers” because I don’t… lol.

It just feels right now that this is never going to end and people are going to continue to become more divided. I hope I’m wrong.
People just don’t like the government telling them what to do, I know guys who would have got the vaccine if the government didn’t tell them to do it. :lol:

I’m not on my tinfoil hat tip but I’m def skeptical of “authority” whether it’s a politician, cop or even your boss.

I see no reason to take anything they say at face value unless it’s proven otherwise. Not talking vaccines just in general.

Everything is always about money, if I listened to the governments advice about food I’d be chugging a gallon of milk an day and eating 3 loaves of bread.
People just don’t like the government telling them what to do, I know guys who would have got the vaccine if the government didn’t tell them to do it. :lol:

I’m not on my tinfoil hat tip but I’m def skeptical of “authority” whether it’s a politician, cop or even your boss.

I see no reason to take anything they say at face value unless it’s proven otherwise. Not talking vaccines just in general.

Everything is always about money, if I listened to the governments advice about food I’d be chugging a gallon of milk an day and eating 3 loaves of bread.

Speaking of milk…. What the hell happened to all the “got milk” advertising from back in the day? They used to go crazy with that and then it disappeared lol.
Speaking of milk…. What the hell happened to all the “got milk” advertising from back in the day? They used to go crazy with that and then it disappeared lol.

:lol: idk man, they subsidize dairy so obviously that’s why they push milk but I think that everyone found out you don’t actually absorb the calcium and get more from eating leafy greens.

Plus milk is just awful. :lol:
You mean almond beverage. And the human body absorbs goat milk much better than cows milk.

Granted I still drink normal milk. I grew up on it, I can drink it like water.

You’re right, that’s like calling a big piece of cauliflower cooked on the grill a steak. :lol: vegans are always wilding with their descriptions.

I can drink milk, I just think it taste foul so I don’t.
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