Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Both my parents and I tested negative last night. For me it lasted about 7-10 days, a little longer for them. It took me a few days to notice that my smell was gone, but it came back, and I think I lost some taste. Other than that thankfully we’re all fine. my mom is just tired, but she also hasn’t taken a break in 50 years :lol: so she’ll be alright
Both my parents and I tested negative last night. For me it lasted about 7-10 days, a little longer for them. It took me a few days to notice that my smell was gone, but it came back, and I think I lost some taste. Other than that thankfully we’re all fine. my mom is just tired, but she also hasn’t taken a break in 50 years :lol: so she’ll be alright

Was it just rapids?
By all means go for it, I just don’t remember buying it in over decades ago lol. Def won’t get away with it now unless I was single.
I'm all kinds of confused now at this theory of masculinity in regards to cereal

So grown men shouldn't eat cereal

But if they wanted to, they can't because their significant other would veto it

So eating cereal makes someone less of a man than letting another adult dictate what they eat? :lol:
“We’ll never get back to normal if we don’t do what we need to do”

I'm all kinds of confused now at this theory of masculinity in regards to cereal

So grown men shouldn't eat cereal

But if they wanted to, they can't because their significant other would veto it

So eating cereal makes someone less of a man than letting another adult dictate what they eat? :lol:

I get almost mad when I see a dude get told what to eat by his wife or vice versa. old people especially do this, grandma is always trying to cut grandpa off from desert for some reason.

another thing that makes me creeped out is when someone gets put to bed by their wife. like dude, you don't have to go to bed just because your wife is. tf is wrong with you? stay up if you want. :lol:

I don't get it.
You're each others' better half. Sometimes you gotta hold someone (even your SO) accountable. My dad ate garbage my entire life but his metabolism and active military lifestyle allowed him to do so. Now he's in his mid 50s and still eating garbage but that metabolism caught up, plus his knees and back issues don't allow him to lead as active a lifestyle and it shows. He still wants to eat garbage but sometimes my mom has to remind him what his doctor's told him to and not to eat. She ain't forcing him or nothing but it hits different when a loved one is holding you accountable to your actions vs someone you see a handful of times a year.
yeah I should have clarified, I don't mean like that.

just people nagging each other about their food choice. like when I worked in restaurants you'd see it all the time. you're out to eat and they're bickering over pasta or fried chicken. :lol: like neither is healthy and now I'm in the middle of this weird argument as an innocent bystander.

maybe I'm just sensitive to it because I've seen the stupidest fights over food.
I only eat cereal if there's no other food in the house. Still find it surprising a lot of nt'ers seem to hate milk. I've tried the soy and almond stuff, nope. Cookies and milk still one of the best combos.
wait oh lawd did he think that HIV was contagious like that...? :wow:

I THINK the point he was trying to make was that Magic has a vulnerable immune system because he’s HIV+, so if he doesn’t have a mask in public, why should children need it.

Still a stupid point since, ya know, most kids are unvaccinated. Also, the tweet was written horribly
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