Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Just got an email from my son’s school and they will be following the CDC guideline for no more indoor masks. They also said it was an option for kids to still wear masks so I’m still going to have my son wear one.

I already know what’s gonna happen but some of the parents DGAF and are so over the mask thing. These parents wear no masks and are chiilin in front of the school waiting to pick up their child (but the kid is wearing a mask). I’m like the only parent who wears a mask while waiting.
Same thing with my daughter's school. Will still have her wear one as well.
Kindergarten teacher at my kids' school who constantly posts anti-vax/mask nonsense on her socials tested positive today. She already had (presumably) Omicron around the holidays, so this is likely a BA.2 reinfection less than 3 months later. Natural immunity, huh? I watched her walk around yesterday at the Ash Wednesday service with her mask under her chin and purposely pull down her mask to talk to students when she was already feeling like she was congested from allergies. Reckless. This sht aint over, folks. Living with COVID is not a sustainable plan.
Men infected with the virus are three to six times as likely as others to develop erectile dysfunction, which is believed to be an indicator of long Covid.
About fly back to the US from Costa Rica. Was so relieved when we tested negative last night. Lol. We kept out masks on for the most part of the trip but still, you never know.
Damn, the thread slowing down big time. Guess the pandemic really is nearing the end.
A new variant finna show up by fall and Covid gonna be in these streets like...
Yeah “us” are but a lot of folks aren’t. I definitely worry this is going to hang around longer. Just waiting for a nasty variant.

I hear so much disinformation - I went to my local post office recently, only one lady in front of me but she was wearing a scarf that wasn’t covering her mouth at all and she was fiddling with it - she then said “it’s okay I’ve had covid anyway so I can’t have it again” and the post office guy who hasn’t been wearing a mask said “of course it’s just the flu anyway, that’s how all viruses start…”

I couldn’t help myself but I talked to them both and pointed out their errors.

My personal issue this week is that my dad has been in hospital since last Sunday. He’s a retired doctor (and the worst patient in the world!) and developed serious pain last Sunday. Discovered he had gallstones and operated to fix the blockage a few days ago so he’s feeling much better. They first fix the blockage then a few days later go back in to remove the gall bladder but it’s been delayed a couple of days due to emergencies coming in - due to get done today and my mom just called to say he’s tested positive! They’re sending him home to recover and will reschedule for a few months. Im assuming he caught it in the hospital due to the length of time he’s been there.

They’re both triple vaxxed so I'm not too worried but it’s one of these little things adding to strain on the health service that is frustrating - never mind the personal toll.
Yeah “us” are but a lot of folks aren’t. I definitely worry this is going to hang around longer. Just waiting for a nasty variant.

I hear so much disinformation - I went to my local post office recently, only one lady in front of me but she was wearing a scarf that wasn’t covering her mouth at all and she was fiddling with it - she then said “it’s okay I’ve had covid anyway so I can’t have it again” and the post office guy who hasn’t been wearing a mask said “of course it’s just the flu anyway, that’s how all viruses start…”

I couldn’t help myself but I talked to them both and pointed out their errors.

My personal issue this week is that my dad has been in hospital since last Sunday. He’s a retired doctor (and the worst patient in the world!) and developed serious pain last Sunday. Discovered he had gallstones and operated to fix the blockage a few days ago so he’s feeling much better. They first fix the blockage then a few days later go back in to remove the gall bladder but it’s been delayed a couple of days due to emergencies coming in - due to get done today and my mom just called to say he’s tested positive! They’re sending him home to recover and will reschedule for a few months. Im assuming he caught it in the hospital due to the length of time he’s been there.

They’re both triple vaxxed so I'm not too worried but it’s one of these little things adding to strain on the health service that is frustrating - never mind the personal toll.
The way the UK has decided to normalize COVID I would have assumed they could just proceed with the procedure and he has no obligation to quarantine. I’ve heard things like there’s no separation of COVID patients anymore that just didn’t sound right, but please correct me if I’m mistaken.
The way the UK has decided to normalize COVID I would have assumed they could just proceed with the procedure and he has no obligation to quarantine. I’ve heard things like there’s no separation of COVID patients anymore that just didn’t sound right, but please correct me if I’m mistaken.

Your error there is that there is no UK policy - the 4 constituent nations have been making their own rules the whole time (and healthcare is devolved to the separate governments and always has been) so they are all slightly different.

England has been slower to react positively and lifted restrictions earlier than the 3 other nations but they are significantly larger and noisier so that looks like UK policy. I don’t actually know if they are still testing before surgery in England - but in Scotland we still have a test before surgery - and until very recently there was a mandatory quarantine (of just a few days) which I’m not sure if has been lifted - my dad was already in hospital, my experience is outpatient procedures so they were asked to quarantine at home before attending on the day of their surgery.

I work in the community mainly and we’re still screening everyone on entry - any contact or +ve test in the last 10 days (or even a runny nose) means they only get in with a serious issue - and with extra restrictions like end of day and they get supplied a proper mask…

I understand that has just been lifted in Wales though - and no masks at all even in healthcare. The meeting I was in last week discussed it and we’re expecting masks in our environment to be around another few months - like I tell people the risk of walking by someone in a store is completely different from 30 minutes close together in an enclosed space.

Im expecting to have that conversation a lot with people when the “public rules” change at the end of this month.
Your error there is that there is no UK policy - the 4 constituent nations have been making their own rules the whole time (and healthcare is devolved to the separate governments and always has been) so they are all slightly different.

England has been slower to react positively and lifted restrictions earlier than the 3 other nations but they are significantly larger and noisier so that looks like UK policy. I don’t actually know if they are still testing before surgery in England - but in Scotland we still have a test before surgery - and until very recently there was a mandatory quarantine (of just a few days) which I’m not sure if has been lifted - my dad was already in hospital, my experience is outpatient procedures so they were asked to quarantine at home before attending on the day of their surgery.

I work in the community mainly and we’re still screening everyone on entry - any contact or +ve test in the last 10 days (or even a runny nose) means they only get in with a serious issue - and with extra restrictions like end of day and they get supplied a proper mask…

I understand that has just been lifted in Wales though - and no masks at all even in healthcare. The meeting I was in last week discussed it and we’re expecting masks in our environment to be around another few months - like I tell people the risk of walking by someone in a store is completely different from 30 minutes close together in an enclosed space.

Im expecting to have that conversation a lot with people when the “public rules” change at the end of this month.
Thanks for the clarification. Stay safe. I pray your father has a quick and easy recovery. Thankfully my (vaxed + boosted) dad only had some congestion and mom never caught it.
If we’re gonna pretend it’s just a normal viral illness (it’s not) then the mortality figures should be comparable to how many people typically die from those. Hint- It’s not even close.

I understand but I’m just asking at what point do we consider going back to “normal” style of living?
I understand but I’m just asking at what point do we consider going back to “normal” style of living?
If you mean the old normal, it’s gone the same way air travel was never the same after 9/11. As we’re seeing right now, in the short term many people will mistakenly think the threat is gone and try to get back to life without protective measures, but after enough repeated surges we’ll settle into a new normal eventually.
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