Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Not the point. That said how much physical activity do you do daily?

I was being sarcastic :rofl:

But I play pickup 3-4 times per week. Full-court 5 on 5. Taking this week off, had a scare on Sunday and thought I ruptured my Achilles.

I'm Washed forreal. Luckily the superior ankle support in my Bron's saved me.
Flu shots are way safer than the covid vaccine, and it is usually a different shot for the flu variant circulating each year, rather than injecting people with more of the same covid vaccine over and over.
Each of the COVID variants has a common ancestor, which is what the current COVID vaccines (that continue to prevent severe disease and death, to a very high degree) were based on. From what we've seen so far, if they start tailoring boosters to circulating variants, that particular surge will be over by the time the booster is available and it becomes worthless because a variant specific boost hasn't seemed to provide good cross immunity to previous variants and there's no guarantee the next variant will be a direct ancestor of the currently circulating variant. Go hit the gym. I think you've done enough damage in here today.
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We already have mandated fitness breaks at my job.

I participate in those about as much as I follow the mandated weight limits of my truck and hours of service which is never. Don’t have time for none of that. 🧏‍♂️
Source please.

“To put these symptoms into context, I like to compare the COVID vaccine to two other commonly received vaccines – the flu and shingles vaccines. The side effects of the COVID vaccine are more than the typical flu shot, but are fairly comparable to, or possibly a bit less than, side effects from the shingles vaccine.”

“To put these symptoms into context, I like to compare the COVID vaccine to two other commonly received vaccines – the flu and shingles vaccines. The side effects of the COVID vaccine are more than the typical flu shot, but are fairly comparable to, or possibly a bit less than, side effects from the shingles vaccine.”

Side effect profile and safety profile are two totally different things.
I’m probably done wearing a mask outdoors while the cases here in NYC are much lower. Indoors I’ll still mask up though. Three shots, getting Covid twice with or without a mask, I’ll just follow the spikes/trends here and there from now on. It’ll lag on the stats a little but we can tell if beds start filling up again.
“To put these symptoms into context, I like to compare the COVID vaccine to two other commonly received vaccines – the flu and shingles vaccines. The side effects of the COVID vaccine are more than the typical flu shot, but are fairly comparable to, or possibly a bit less than, side effects from the shingles vaccine.”

Lol dawg take a look at the side effects they listed and compared.

We were talking about the safety of the vaccines and you posted a source that addresses headaches, muscle, aches, chills, fatigue, etc.

Very dangerous things. :lol:
I’m probably done wearing a mask outdoors while the cases here in NYC are much lower. Indoors I’ll still mask up though. Three shots, getting Covid twice with or without a mask, I’ll just follow the spikes/trends here and there from now on. It’ll lag on the stats a little but we can tell if beds start filling up again.
Agreed. Hoping to enjoy a semi normal summer. Cases around here have dropped dramatically. If things start to pick up I’ll be happy to resume masking, but until then I’m looking forward to a little break.
That 6 feet distance was really the best part :lol: Some folks love getting way too close for comfort.
The cognitive dissonance at work used to kill me. When the pandemic first started we’d have nurses and aides in literal tears about having to go into COVID rooms because they were concerned they might catch it. 15 minutes later they’d be hugging one another talking with their masks down at the nurse’s station like

I was “social distancing” long before COVID and I have no intent on changing that. Hate when people get too close or put their hands on me. :lol:
It's been more than 2 years, I'm ecstatic that governments across the US are lifting mask and vaccine mandates.

If you want to wear a N95 mask the rest of your life and get a booster shot every 6 months, go for it, but don't make it a government mandate.

They need to mandate 30 minutes of gym time and healthy eating. For jobs that require you to be at a computer 8 hours a day, they should mandate the employer give you a gym break if they care about public health.

I can't wait to vote this November.

Sir, can we also add the consumption of elk into this health protocol??
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