Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I was “social distancing” long before COVID and I have no intent on changing that. Hate when people get too close or put their hands on me. :lol:
TBH, I was already taking most precautions except masking in public, so I'm happy that masks are finally normalized. Even before COVID if I had a cold I would wear a mask around my kids in the house because I didn't want to get them sick and I would stay home from work the first few days when I felt my worst so I didn't spread my germs around the office. Always pissed me off when co-workers would come into the office visibly sick and coughing all over the place. If anything good comes of this pandemic, I hope people will at least consider masking when they don't feel well if they aren't going to stay their a*s at home.
Well, got my 4th shot today (Pfizer) and nothing! Feel great. Had it at 2:09, sat for the 15 minutes to make sure I'm good and left. No chills, no fever, no nothing! My arm is barely sore. And remember, I'm an organ transplant recipient (liver) and severely immunocompromised and the shot didn't affect me. 👍
My friend got Moderna/Pfizer/J&J + boosters. He used his ID and foreign passports. His logic was that they all use different ways to give protection against COVID..
Completely ok with 6 feet distance being a standard and never shaking hands again.

People nasty.
When someone pulls up too close to me in the grocery line

Side effect profile and safety profile are two totally different things.

Ok, is this better?​

"CDC says severe allergic reactions to the Covid vaccine run 10 times reactions to the flu shot but they're still rare"​

Comparing the covid vaccine to the flu vaccine reminds me of people comparing covid to the flu.

It's an overall safe vaccine but it's not the flu vaccine and shouldn't be compared to it.
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Ok, is this better?​

"CDC says severe allergic reactions to the Covid vaccine run 10 times reactions to the flu shot but they're still rare"​

Comparing the covid vaccine to the flu vaccine reminds me of people comparing covid to the flu.

It's an overall safe vaccine but it's not the flu vaccine and shouldn't be compared to it.

Fam. You are LITERALLY the person who started comparing the flu shots to the covid vaccines in here. Go sit down man
Fam. You are LITERALLY the person who started comparing the flu shots to the covid vaccines in here. Go sit down man

Wrong. When I debunked the claims by others on here that a mandated booster is similar to an annual flu shot, your response is to tell me to sit down.
Well, got my 4th shot today (Pfizer) and nothing! Feel great. Had it at 2:09, sat for the 15 minutes to make sure I'm good and left. No chills, no fever, no nothing! My arm is barely sore. And remember, I'm an organ transplant recipient (liver) and severely immunocompromised and the shot didn't affect me. 👍

Great to hear that you had no side effects and things went well.

It's a great thing when we allow people to exercise their own free will and decide if they want to continue boosters.

Ok, is this better?​

"CDC says severe allergic reactions to the Covid vaccine run 10 times reactions to the flu shot but they're still rare"​

Comparing the covid vaccine to the flu vaccine reminds me of people comparing covid to the flu.

It's an overall safe vaccine but it's not the flu vaccine and shouldn't be compared to it.
To be honest with you, as long as you’re not getting your vaccine in a back alley an anaphylactic reaction can be managed. It can be life threatening and that’s why when you receive a shot the health care provider has treatments on hand for that scenario.

I’m sure you’re more likely to be allergic to peanuts or shellfish than any vaccine.

If you want to know the truth I’d be more concerned about getting guillan barre after a flu shot than I would any Covid vaccine related effects. Before you tell me you can get it from covid shots too, yes I know you can get it from J&j, which I would never recommend anyone get anyways because the mRNA are vastly superior in effectiveness and side effect profile.
Great to hear that you had no side effects and things went well.

It's a great thing when we allow people to exercise their own free will and decide if they want to continue boosters.

Please don't put me in your political agenda when you said "free will". There's a thread for politics you can do that in. All I posted was that I had ZERO problems with my 4th dose and will keep going to get more of them if I need them. And I'll do that, despite what armchair google doctors want to tell people! It's people that want to tell me to "be careful" or "it doesn't work" blah blah blah. I'll trust my MEDICAL doctors who actually did my transplant and continually watch over my care vs people who think they are smarter than said doctors because they read something or heard something crazy off of Reddit/Google/crazy relative or coworker, about some microchips in the dose, or I'm magnetic now. Total loop jobs. If you don't have training in the medical field, leave your medical advise at the front door.
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Please don't put me in your political agenda when you said "free will". There's a thread for politics you can do that in. All I posted was that I had ZERO problems with my 4th dose and will keep going to get more of them if I need them. And I'll do that, despite what armchair google doctors want to tell people! It's people that want to tell me to "be careful" or "it doesn't work" blah blah blah. I'll trust my MEDICAL doctors who actually did my transplant and continually watch over my care vs people who think they are smarter than said doctors because they read something crazy off of Reddit/Google/etc about some microchips in the dose, or I'm magnetic now. Total loop jobs.
Have you been offered Evusheld yet? You seem like the ideal candidate, IMO.
Think of it as long lasting prophylactic monoclonal antibody therapy for high risk patients. It fills the immune gaps for those who cannot reliably create their own antibodies due to immune suppression.

Thanks buddy. I'll have to send a message to my transplant coordinator with the name and see what they say. Much appreciated! 🙏🙏
Think of it as long lasting prophylactic monoclonal antibody therapy for high risk patients. It fills the immune gaps for those who cannot reliably create their own antibodies due to immune suppression.

Just messaged my team. They have a VERY limited supply for it and they are giving it out via lottery to those who just got their transplants or had recent rejection issues. Makes sense as they need everything they can get.
Just messaged my team. They have a VERY limited supply for it and they are giving it out via lottery to those who just got their transplants or had recent rejection issues. Makes sense as they need everything they can get.

Considering you recently got your 4th dose and recovered from COVID a few months ago you should be ok for a while. I think it's definitely something to keep in the back of your mind in case we see another surge soon or you are planning a trip or something where you would be at higher than normal risk.

Got some not-so-good results at my daughter's GI appointment today, so I'll be PM'ing you with some questions ASAP.
Considering you recently got your 4th dose and recovered from COVID a few months ago you should be ok for a while. I think it's definitely something to keep in the back of your mind in case we see another surge soon or you are planning a trip or something where you would be at higher than normal risk.

Got some not-so-good results at my daughter's GI appointment today, so I'll be PM'ing you with some questions ASAP.

Thanks buddy. Definitely don't take any trips (we have cats who we don't want anyone else watching). If they decide to get more and open it up, maybe I'll ask again but being I can get the vaccines vs newly transplanted patients probably won't, I'll let them get stuff they need more than me. 👍
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