Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Even though kids aren’t as sick, they are losing. They’re losing parents, social lives, entire years. Yes, kids are resilient, but they can’t go on like this. No one is this resilient.

my city just claimed victory over rona & that it's time to go back to the pre-rona days

what's going on in your guys' area?
Pretty much the same, but my county has been very poor on mask and vax from the start, with just over 63% vaccinated compared to the state average of 74%. Today is the first day at my kids' school where masks were optional. It will be interesting to hear how many were actually wearing them, but I'm really hoping it's not just my 2. My son expressed some worry about it last night before bed and I told him that the best we can do is protect ourselves at this point and not to talk or argue with anyone about it.
my city just claimed victory over rona & that it's time to go back to the pre-rona days

what's going on in your guys' area?

LA County steadily going down in current cases/new cases, mask mandates gone for private businesses but encouraged, still in place for the usual spots (public trans, hospitals, care facilities, etc.) Some smaller districts going mask free but LAUSD still in place and the usual suspect parents are continuing to be up in arms on some "wOnT soMeBoDy pLeAse tHiNk oF tHe cHiLdReN"

I spend the last few days working out of a starbucks near my place and was pleasantly surprised that the majority of folks staying in or waiting for drinks were masked when moving around the lobby, it was mostly the people passing through in and out picking up mobile orders maskless.
I mean, Alabama is pretty low. For awhile we were the least vaccinated state, probably still bottom 3.

51% fully vaxed and 63% atleast one dose. My county is better though, 57% fully vaxed and 71% atleast one dose.

As I said before, COVID been over here since late spring/early summer 2021. I'm glad y'alls states have also been able to defeat COVID /s
Canary in the coal mine indicates it would be a good idea to maintain a high degree of protection in indoor public places. BA.2 wave is building. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The general public has no clue. It’s no longer on the nightly news and everyone clearly seems to think it’s over. Good time to buy masks while they’re in stock and on sale, IMHO.

In the UK, 86% of eligible people are fully vaccinated, and 67% are boosted, compared with 69% of those eligible vaccinated and 50% boosted in the US.

To all the dudes that were complaining that people are taking Covid too seriously, welp here, the GOP has your back.

Threatened a government shutdown to stop the federal fight against Covid.


Gonna need someone to explain how the F Covid levels are measured by waste water and sewage
Virus is excreted and can be detected in wastewater samples. It is an early indicator that can accurately predict a surge. The more virus in the samples, the higher amount of virus is being shed and indicates that community spread is already underway. If they are finding an increase in wastewater samples, that means infections are increasing, despite what may be currently reported.
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