Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I guess Karen is too upset that she's paying a dollar more at the pump per gallon, few cents more for her steak meat and that the gub'ment is spending wrecklessly everywhere that we have to cut the thing that probably matters most right now.
Virus is excreted and can be detected in wastewater samples. It is an early indicator that can accurately predict a surge. The more virus in the samples, the higher amount of virus is being shed and indicates that community spread is already underway. If they are finding an increase in wastewater samples, that means infections are increasing, despite what may be currently reported.
Ok so it is true that the virus appears in poop and (urine maybe). I thought I read a while back tat was debunked after the early spread in China where people were saying that it could be spreading that way
I’ve just arrived in London and there aren’t many masks around.

Thankfully the Scottish Government just announced that masks are staying a bit longer.

As you’d expect the comments are the usual mix of deniers and idiots and political opponents being arbitrary.

The bad news though is that cases are high - it would be useful to see a difference compared to England to prove the efficacy - even with the mandate there are a lot of people just ignoring it though and I’m pretty sure that’s a similar cohort to those being cavalier with the rules so that doesn’t help.
How long does one need to isolate now after contact? It used to be 1.5 weeks but has this been shortened after omicron?
How long does one need to isolate now after contact? It used to be 1.5 weeks but has this been shortened after omicron?
You mean legally or just being respectful of others? I’d say take a rapid test 3-5 days after exposure depending on the circumstances. 7 days if you wanna be extra safe. Omicron symptoms come on fast, typically ~2 days.
You mean legally or just being respectful of others? I’d say take a rapid test 3-5 days after exposure depending on the circumstances. 7 days if you wanna be extra safe. Omicron symptoms come on fast, typically ~2 days.
I mean more scientifically and respect. Like if i returned from traveling and was possibly exposed to covid, how long should i wait to visit at-risk family members?
I mean more scientifically and respect. Like if i returned from traveling and was possibly exposed to covid, how long should i wait to visit at-risk family members?
With that in mind, I'd recommend a 7 day quarantine with a rapid test on days 3, 5, and 7. You should feel pretty confident after day 7 with a negative test and no symptoms.
Is this a serious question, like you don't know how Budgets are passed?

Or are you doing your usual diet alt-right trolling schtick?

I seriously can't tell with you
Asking why do we need GOP approval if dems control both house and senate. Don’t dems have majority of the votes?
Asking why do we need GOP approval if dems control both house and senate. Don’t dems have majority of the votes?
A party needs a supermajority of votes in the Senate to get pass the filibuster and pass bills through regular process. The Dems are 10 votes short of that. They have 50 votes, GOP has 50. Harris is the president of the Senate so she is the tiebreaking vote.

Budgets are passed through regular process and negotiated as bipartisan bills. When the negotiations were taking place the Dems asked for more Covid funding and the GOP refused to fund it. The said they were willing to force a government shutdown over it.

That is how.
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I mean more scientifically and respect. Like if i returned from traveling and was possibly exposed to covid, how long should i wait to visit at-risk family members?

For at risk family, I would wait 10 days from exposure - the old guidelines. I would not follow the new revised guidelines that were recommended to mitigate the impact of the virus on the economy (For at risk family)
Is abolishing DST the only thing that ever got a unanimous vote?
From my understanding, most Senate business is handled by unanimous consent. But most of those are procedural. Or to get a short budget passed

Unanimous consent is different from a unanimous vote. Unanimous consent means no one opposed a bill. A unanimous vote means everyone voted for it.

Basically, if something is gonna pass away, they just use unanimous consent to avoid having to call everyone back to the Senate and debate it out. It is a big time-saving measure for the Senate

Rand Paul is notorious for being the only dissenter for some ****. Cruz too. That is why even Republican Senators hate them as people.

When the Dems threaten to kill the filibuster, Mitch threatened to kill unanimous consent as retaliation, to make the Senate move painfully slow.
But don’t the dems have control of house and senate ?
I don't consider Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema members of the Democratic party. They definitely don't act like it.
With that said, there's something very wrong about 50 republican senators who vote against any sort of measure meant to stabilize and protect American society, and then loudly take credit for passing said measures when the bill ends on the president desk, and we should all be tired to pretend that this is normal behavior for elected officials.
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