Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Got at least two bottles of these at work.


What are they hitting for on the black market?

I have a giant *** bottle I bought from Boxed forever ago and I was so glad that I found it in all of its glory.
Nurses and Therapist owning these front lines like pmfking WARRIORS!!!! Makes me feel crazy proud of the response of my peers, not a single complaint, this is why we do this.
As a supply chain employee for a major hospital I’d like to give all the supply chain guys a shout out. The work we do behind the scenes to provide all the medical supplies the hospitals need to treat patients goes unnoticed.
Having bidets installed in all toilets so you don’t need to stock up on mountains of toilet paper >>>

for the people spending hundreds on TP, buy the $30 bidet attachments off amazon instead.You can install it yourself in less than 30 mins. You’ll still need some TP but only a tiny fraction of the usual amount
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Oregon's Governor shut down all schools in the state K-12 through end of March. This state seems on the verge of a total lockdown.
People buying up all the alcoholic drinks at the grocery store......lmao.

Hope y'all got strong asz immune systems after you get wasted during coronavirus pandemic.
but if covid-19 did somehow contaminate the water supply, this would be the way to go.
I have a giant *** bottle I bought from Boxed forever ago and I was so glad that I found it in all of its glory.

Make sure it’s not expired. I still had one from when my first son was born and i just had a newborn...checked the date and it was expired. This was months ago so i reupped. Glad i did.
Having bidets installed in all toilets so you don’t need to stock up on mountains of toilet paper >>>

for the people spending hundreds on TP, buy the $30 bidet attachments off amazon instead.You can install it yourself in less than 30 mins. You’ll still need some TP but only a tiny fraction of the usual amount

im Filipino so I’ve been using a tabo (small pair of water) since birth to wash myself after dropping a deuce. For all the Filipino peeps, ya’ll know what a tabo is. Hahaha.
im Filipino so I’ve been using a tabo (small pair of water) since birth to wash myself after dropping a deuce. For all the Filipino peeps, ya’ll know what a tabo is. Hahaha.

not using any water/wet wipes afterwards is the most uncomfortable feeling for me. No idea how so many Americans do that
People buying up all the alcoholic drinks at the grocery store......lmao.

Hope y'all got strong asz immune systems after you get wasted during coronavirus pandemic.
As I buy Some booze yesterday, I see an older overweight elderly man with 9-10 1.75Ls of wine/whiskey. He's going out in style.

I have yet to see a real big alcohol push. Everyone was in line buying food essentials first. Not really anyone in the alcohol aisles just yet. But that was this past evening. A lot can change when you see that first person buying 5 30 packs. Beer will be gone by the weekends end. I can sense an uproar soon with a quarantine looming.
not using any water/wet wipes afterwards is the most uncomfortable feeling for me. No idea how so many Americans do that

I’m the same way! I have a 5 yr old son and i wash his bottom after he poops. I grew up in the PI so i used a tabo to take baths. I always carry a cottonelle wipe with me whenever i go out just in case cuz those public bathroom TP are rough as sandpaper. lol.
rummaged throughout all the house, garage and cars and found 4 travel size hand sanitizers :pimp:

basically liquid gold rn

Lol sanitizer has to be the most overhyped thing going right now

Its def gonna keep your hands A1

But come into contact with somebody that has the virus and your hands are gonna be museum clean while you most likely get infected inhaling that ****

Sure theres some prevention from getting it from contact but that sanitizer isnt insulating anybody from exposure man
Exactly, that’s all we’ve ever known. Wet wipes feel weird to me but I use them since I know the importance of hygiene out ways the odd sensation.

Man....I never should’ve finished watching that Spanish video I posted earlier. It almost gave me a panic attack thinking about the worst case scenario with family members. Heart was racing and woke me out of my sleep :smh: :blush:
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