Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Chick is 37 and just took normal cold and flu medicine and was fine within a week.
This is what I mean. There should more coming forward out of the thousands or tens of thousands that are self quarantine and self treating.
She was also EXTREMELY lucky to get a home testing kit because she signed up for a “flu study” in her area.
Corona aside those places give me anxiety. Even before this craziness, i've always carried purell wipes and hand sanitizer in his diaper bag. Kids and parents are disgusting man.

yeah I wouldn’t have gone anyway. I want kids one day but glad I don’t have young kids right now.

Guess the MD governor just announced that all non essential employees have mandatory telework effective today. My girl said she’s required to tie all lose ends today before commencing the two week quarantine.

I’m about to head to Wegmans in a few hopefully it’s not too much of a ****show.

For all the nonchalant, ignorant, downplaying young healthy person this is a must read. If you still think you're somehow more invincible than the 29 year old lady with no underlying condition who died, I don't know what to tell you. But hope this is a wake up call for many

People should be woke, regardless of age, but also need to look at statistics and the numbers. Most young people wont feel it, of course theres always gonna be exceptions.
Bruh, am i trippin for thinkin my mindset needs to switch to doomsday prep mode?

all i keep thinkin bout is an eventual zombie outbreak.

Corona this. corona that. I aint heard a DAMN thing boutta corona FIX tho. NOTHIN.

If youre waiting for a FIX well then get to doomsday mode.
yeah I wouldn’t have gone anyway. I want kids one day but glad I don’t have young kids right now.

Guess the MD governor just announced that all non essential employees have mandatory telework effective today. My girl said she’s required to tie all lose ends today before commencing the two week quarantine.

I’m about to head to Wegmans in a few hopefully it’s not too much of a ****show.

Yeah I cant get sh** on whole foods online so i am going to have to push to the store. I wanted to grill out tonight...we will see what I can get though. We already got the big stuff.

Matter of time before we will be on lockdown in SF
Growing number of cases in bay area and we are still in the early stages
Bruh, am i trippin for thinkin my mindset needs to switch to doomsday prep mode?

all i keep thinkin bout is an eventual zombie outbreak.

Corona this. corona that. I aint heard a DAMN thing boutta corona FIX tho. NOTHIN.

The people dying ain't rising up to eat live folks yet so I'd hold off on buying a crossbow, Darryl.

And while I still don't think the threat is as serious as it seems for the average person, I do believe it's a legit threat that's really out here so just practice the basics of good hygiene and be mindful of what you touch when in public and hopefully, this all passes soon.
LAUSD having an emergency meeting today, schools need to be closed. It's time to be proactive.

My daughter's school is a stone's throw away from the first reported death in LA County (Walnut).

For all the nonchalant, ignorant, downplaying young healthy person this is a must read. If you still think you're somehow more invincible than the 29 year old lady with no underlying condition who died, I don't know what to tell you. But hope this is a wake up call for many

This is like the most extreme case possible and she was a nurse that caught it directly from a patient in China she was with that was hospitalized with it themselves. You can find thousands of deaths like this every year as well from the flu but I guess because it’s been around so long and most of us have had it at least once to know it’s not going to hurt us like that people don’t even pay that any mind.
It's surreal out there. Seeing all the cars out there still commuting to work like nothing's happening. And the other spectrum is Chaos at grocery stores. It feels like we're living in a movie.

When did Spain get totally infected? They're the new Iran. Every 4 days we may see a new country take a huge increase
Going to pick up a few canned items on the way home today. Pantry and freezer is already loaded, no need to stock up on perishables waste of money im my opinion.
Canadian government just shutdown for 5 weeks.

House of commons. The lawmakers
LAUSD having an emergency meeting today, schools need to be closed. It's time to be proactive.

My daughter's school is a stone's throw away from the first reported death in LA County (Walnut).

Especially down in SoCal where people can be transient. My son's district here in Seattle shut down until AT LEAST 4/24. However, there are ramifications for kids not going to school because some parents can't afford daycare and don't have the paid leave to stay home. Hoping the best for everyone.
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