Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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im familiar with the washing before going to mosques (lived in riyadh) but the disease is airborne as well. and you are right, if this goes out of hand, countries may need to shut down significant parts of cities just to contain the virus.
I said this yesterday. Theres no cure or vaccine against it. It's almost a matter of when, not if, you get infected unless major cities are put on lockdown for at least 30 says.
So out of all the recovered cases worldwide and the thousands here in the US self quarantined not one person has been able to go online and report what they’ve been taking in terms of medication that has helped them recover or get better? Not one person that has been hospitalized and released can report back on what the doctors were giving them?
Not a damn peep from anyone?!

Chick is 37 and just took normal cold and flu medicine and was fine within a week.
Why couldn't the store just set some limits? They know people are panIcking. Reminds me of the Jordan releases decades back. A FL employee and his friends would clean house within seconds. They'd fill up their cars right in front of people waiting in line.

This sounds suspect though. I feel they had some insider knowledge on drop dates or drop times. And even then, had a buddy as a cashier that didn't give them a hassle.
I respect the hustle once. But how can NY say they are against gouging. But Amazon isn't?

I can respect the hustle once for a quick come up. But to make it a career? Grimey

Efficacy of Chloroquine and Lopinavir/Ritonavir in mild/general COVID-2019: a prospective, open-label, multicenter randomized controlled clinical study

Coronavirus in India: Italian couple given anti-HIV drugs to treat the virus
They are closing DC Public schools for 2 weeks and are taking away our Spring Break. People already have travel plans. We will see how that plays out.
They are closing DC Public schools for 2 weeks and are taking away our Spring Break. People already have travel plans. We will see how that plays out.

I teach in raleigh and almost every county around us has closed even though we're the ones with the majority of the cases. I'm just prepping and waiting for the ball to drop at this point it has to be coming.
What’s more chilling than the 40% - 70% number is the fact people are stil downplaying this and putting temporary pleasure like concerts over this. There’s going to be a time where something much more fatal like the avian flu but more transmissible comes along. With this mentality there ain’t no hope
Bruh, am i trippin for thinkin my mindset needs to switch to doomsday prep mode?

all i keep thinkin bout is an eventual zombie outbreak.

Corona this. corona that. I aint heard a DAMN thing boutta corona FIX tho. NOTHIN.
Encouraging action of Remdesivir (Gilead) in COVID-19

Experimental antiviral Remdesivir has helped critically ill COVID-19 patients recover.

14 Americans with an average age of 75 who contracted SARS-CoV-2 infection on the Diamond Princess cruise ship were treated with the drug at hospitals in Japan.

After two weeks, all survived and more than half recovered. Five Americans remain critically ill. A total of 17 patients received daily intravenous treatment for 10 days.

The ship was placed under two-week quarantine on February 5 after docking in Yokohama. More than 700 passengers and crew tested positive. Eight died.

Remdesivir (GS-5734), a nucleotide prodrug that blocks a key enzyme needed for viral replication, is also being developed for Ebola virus infection.
The people who are downplaying this is mind boggling to me. There is so much uncertainty with this virus that, that alone should freak you out enough. My friends who recently went on a cruise with their child was pissed off at us for declining their birthday invitation at an indoor play space. I am legit flabbergasted at them choosing to ignore whats going on and jeopardizing the health of other families. I wouldn't be surprised if no one sowed up.

For all the nonchalant, ignorant, downplaying young healthy person this is a must read. If you still think you're somehow more invincible than the 29 year old lady with no underlying condition who died, I don't know what to tell you. But hope this is a wake up call for many
im Filipino so I’ve been using a tabo (small pair of water) since birth to wash myself after dropping a deuce. For all the Filipino peeps, ya’ll know what a tabo is. Hahaha.

same for Muslims it’s the first thing we teach our kids , to wash yourself with water after using the bathroom. We keep a lota with us at all times lol
The people who are downplaying this is mind boggling to me. There is so much uncertainty with this virus that, that alone should freak you out enough. My friends who recently went on a cruise with their child was pissed off at us for declining their birthday invitation at an indoor play space. I am legit flabbergasted at them choosing to ignore whats going on and jeopardizing the health of other families. I wouldn't be surprised if no one sowed up.

you didn’t want to play in the ball pit? :rofl:
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