Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Did you read the article, nothing in there is definitive or makes the lab leak implausible?
just seems like exaggerating in the opposite direction.

also this;


the reality is;

Coronavirus outbreak occurring around massive wet market.
Coronavirus outbreak occurring near virus lab with poor security researching coronaviruses.

Occams razor can lead you to either zoonotic or lab leak theory.

and one theory being true makes the other a massive coincidence.

Yeah and even alluded to humans infecting the dogs as a possibility. Not saying it is 100% proof. We rarely get 100% of anything in science

I do not think this specifically is the strongest evidence but it’s the strongest evidence when considered in the context of what we already know

Our corpus of evidence is now stronger than it has ever been but this finding alone wouldn't establish that much

It's far more important in my opinion that the virus can be traced to its epicenter at the market and that it does not appear to have spread elsewhere in Wuhan until it percolated through the market for a while
This would break America


Vaccine makers prep bird flu shot for humans 'just in case'; rich nations lock in supplies​

LONDON, March 20 (Reuters) - Some of the world's leading makers of flu vaccines say they could make hundreds of millions of bird flu shots for humans within months if a new strain of avian influenza ever jumps across the species divide.

One current outbreak of avian flu known as H5N1 clade has killed record numbers of birds and infected mammals. Human cases, however, remain very rare, and global health officials have said the risk of transmission between humans is still low.
Covid done?

Any recommendations for getting boosters in 2023 or is that a wrap too?
It will probably be provided through people private insurance like the flu shot

But if they were using the same boosters in the fall, I would guess there is still a ton of supply from the batches the government bought.

Either way I am thinking they will still be free
It will probably be provided through people private insurance like the flu shot

But if they were using the same boosters in the fall, I would guess there is still a ton of supply from the batches the government bought.

Either way I am thinking they will still be free
Got mines last October guess I'll check back in this fall to see if there is any updates
Went indoor dancing for first time last weekend since Jan 2020. Felt weird and good at the same. That's probably the longest I've gone without hitting a club since I started going to clubs at 16.

... I been social distancing but now i'm back in the place... You cough near me though i'll put this blick in your face ...
been getting random colds and coughs. testing - though. Went on the plane with no
mask last week. think that’s where i got this cough from.
back to masking up cause i can’t b missing work
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