Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Hearing about a new strand that has pink eye as a symptom.

It’s been a symptom all along, especially if you’re infected through your eyes, which have ACE-2 receptors.


It’s been a symptom all along, especially if you’re infected through your eyes, which have ACE-2 receptors.

Smh… my sons school went to masks optional not too long ago and within two weeks 3 kids in school were out with pinkeye. My son and one other kid are the only ones still wearing masks.
Welp, got me again. Pretty sure I got it from one of my kids - they’ve been zero mitigations in schools for a long time now and she had a bad cold last week - but never tested positive and wasn’t too unwell.

I had a scratchy throat one day and then gradually over the next few days became unwell - not nearly as bad as last year but like a severe cold and feeling lousy for a few days. Only lost my sense of taste for a day or so this time and today is the first day I’ve got through the day without a handful of ibuprofen.

I still have at least another day off work - and that depends on a test tomorrow because our guidance is 5 days and then 2 consecutive tests before you go back to work (some of you know I’m an eye doctor so spend a lot of time in close proximity to elderly people). Even then they say to avoid vulnerable people for another few days.

The part I’m most annoyed about is that my wife and I had planned some time away over our birthdays - first time away just us for nearly 10 years - and we got sick and came back early.
Welp, got me again. Pretty sure I got it from one of my kids - they’ve been zero mitigations in schools for a long time now and she had a bad cold last week - but never tested positive and wasn’t too unwell.

I had a scratchy throat one day and then gradually over the next few days became unwell - not nearly as bad as last year but like a severe cold and feeling lousy for a few days. Only lost my sense of taste for a day or so this time and today is the first day I’ve got through the day without a handful of ibuprofen.

I still have at least another day off work - and that depends on a test tomorrow because our guidance is 5 days and then 2 consecutive tests before you go back to work (some of you know I’m an eye doctor so spend a lot of time in close proximity to elderly people). Even then they say to avoid vulnerable people for another few days.

The part I’m most annoyed about is that my wife and I had planned some time away over our birthdays - first time away just us for nearly 10 years - and we got sick and came back early.
Losing your sense of taste has to be the worst effect right? I know someone who still doesn’t have her taste back after almost 2 months :sick:
Losing your sense of taste has to be the worst effect right? I know someone who still doesn’t have her taste back after almost 2 months :sick:
I think the memory lapses have been the worst for me.

I lost taste and smell and it took roughly 2ish months before either one started coming back. Still don’t taste certain things the same anymore (coke and Pepsi taste way different). This is also when I had the og Covid back in August 2020.
Losing your sense of taste has to be the worst effect right? I know someone who still doesn’t have her taste back after almost 2 months :sick:

I’m not sure I would say it’s the worst - it’s a novelty for a couple of days and then gets tiring. I had about a week last time but I’ve heard of people having months and months.

The worse long term effects would probably be breathing issues and things like strokes/heart attacks. I’m not sure we totally know yet but I keep hearing of younger people with those sorts of issues.
My main problem is that my head is all congested - I can’t hear a thing out of my left ear.

My wife got me fancy new headphones for my birthday and I can’t hear ¥€#%!
No, only available here for immunocompromised folks. I’ve really just been waiting for it to get better - and the usual cough and cold stuff. Today’s the first day for a few that I’ve felt well - just the congestion left, and even that is better than yesterday - things are moving now which is a relief.
That’s too bad. I started taking it within hours of testing positive (few months ago after attending a moderately crowded outdoor event) and felt completely better on day 3 and tested negative on day 4. No lingering symptoms at all, thankfully. I was able to isolate immediately upon feeling unwell and the rest of my household didn’t catch it. Wishing you and your fam all the best.
So 3 years and some change on from the outbreak.

Is there anything that you regret about how you moved / acted in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic??

No. As far as I know, I never had covid. But I assume I did in December 2019 cause I had all the symptoms and I remember calling my mom and telling her I felt like I was dying.

If I decided to go out and wear my mask like a potato I could've ended up as another number for deaths like my dad did. He said he had to socialize in person and passed away just a month or two before vaccines were available.
So 3 years and some change on from the outbreak.

Is there anything that you regret about how you moved / acted in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic??
The only thing that I regret is not spending more time with my mom when the cancer was at bay during 2020. Her and my dad wanted my wife and I to visit (we live about 30 minutes away) more but with her being immunocompromised I didn't want her getting COVID. We still talked and visted (we stayed in the car) but if I knew 2020 was the last time she was herself I would've done more car visits.
No. As far as I know, I never had covid. But I assume I did in December 2019 cause I had all the symptoms and I remember calling my mom and telling her I felt like I was dying.

If I decided to go out and wear my mask like a potato I could've ended up as another number for deaths like my dad did. He said he had to socialize in person and passed away just a month or two before vaccines were available.
Sorry for your loss fam
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