Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Someone and their son was slashed with a blade at a grocery store.

Be safe. You never know what kind of psychos you'll see. Leave your younger and older relatives at home and don't fight over items.
For those demanding domestic flights be grounded for 2-4 weeks please keep in mind life doesn't stop because there's a pandemic. People are still dying from other things. Things still happen not related to coronavirus. You can't cancel every single flight bc if someone lives in NYC and a relative dies in Cali you can't tell them stay your *** home bc there's a pandemic. I agree they should limit travel and most people should only fly if absolutely necessary but to cancel every single flight isn't practical
There’s a bunch of prominent black athletes in the NBA and multiple European soccer leagues that have tested positive for the virus. Please don’t use a serious situation as an opportunity to troll and spread misinformation; there are enough idiots on here who’ll believe it and put themselves in risky situations
Da rona he got and beat mustve affected his brain

After years of urging its terrorists to attack major European cities, ISIS is now telling them to steer clear due to the coronavirus.

The “healthy should not enter the land of the epidemic and the afflicted should not exit from it,” the newsletter advised.


Black peole haven't gotten the virus yet I'm just saying....

it's a lot of REAL Africans in Italy too... I know I used to live there...

BTW I'm not saying they Can't get it, I'm just saying that if they were to have gotten it they would've gotten at least one person with it already

if there´s one positive to come out of this, it´s the reality check that humans are more similar than different.
They are shutting down bars/cinemas/libraries here. And restaurants can only have 50% of their capacity (1 tables between each group of clients).

Pharmacies and grocery stores will remain open but i’m sure they’ll request all other stores to close down.
Italy 368 New deaths in a day..

I'm sincerely hoping I'm misreading that. Or the person meant to write infection instead of death
You read it right.

People need to stop being ******* idiots.

This is not just Asians and This is not just old people.

People keep looking at South Korea and using then as example to show that is not as dangerous, but they took immediate action and started quarantine people right away and even so, I'm fearing they aren't being transparent.

China, forget about it .... they never reported actual numbers. If indeed the numbers were that low, no way they shut down or months.

Italy is being fully transparent and these are the results. MF entitle know it alls keep being in denial and god I hope I'm just overreacting, but in a few days when test are actually avail and people start dropping, hope you was prepared. Which none of us really are.
Hospitality industry is going to need a hefty bailout when this is all said and done or will the states that ordered them closed, let them wallow in their debt? Between local officials willing to tank their economies and the media inciting fear as CCP puppets, this needs to end sooner than later.
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