Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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might not be such a thing as a clean United State...what happens when airports and Greyhounds reopen?

That’s why I’m having such a hard time with all this “peaking” talk while on mandatory stay at home orders. Limited time behavior seems like it’s only causing a fake peak unless we’re ALL willing to wait it out, because if the disease is anywhere... it’s only a matter of time before it’s everywhere again and we continue to have multiple waves until herd immunity is achieved or a vaccine is developed.
I think we should consider that most of the summer done, but I see more businesses opening up little by little. The Spanish Flu had an 18 week period from beginning to end for the most part, I see our situation as a slightly longer predicament.
I think reopening it back up before we have a vaccine or some sort of treatment will only bring about a second surge.

I'm sure some attempts will be made to reopen certain things/aspects sometime this year, however I don't see how anything positive comes from it.
I wonder to what extent this disease can have lasting effects on recovered patients. There was a report from Hong Kong in mid-late March that claimed a small number of recovered patients displayed lasting damage, including a 20-30% loss in lung capacity. I haven’t really seen any follow-up on that.

those long term effects are super scary to think about
might not be such a thing as a clean United State...what happens when airports and Greyhounds reopen?

At this point UNTIL we have a functional vaccine ready (in like 1 year at the earliest, 2 years at worst), it is time for America and the other Western countries to start adapting to the social lifestyle that ******* Eastern Asian countries (like Japan and S. Korea) have been accustomed for the last 2 decades..........................

we are wearing in masks in public areas for a long *** time, whether the economy re-opens this summer, this fall, or next winter.
I think reopening it back up before we have a vaccine or some sort of treatment will only bring about a second surge.

I'm sure some attempts will be made to reopen certain things/aspects sometime this year, however I don't see how anything positive comes from it.
Pretty much what I've been thinking about the last couple of weeks - ain't nothin gonna go back to normal until we have some kind of vaccine to treat people.

Even if you flatten the curve, that does nothing for us when it's so easily transferable.
I think we should consider that most of the summer done, but I see more businesses opening up little by little. The Spanish Flu had an 18 week period from beginning to end for the most part, I see our situation as a slightly longer predicament.
Then it came back with Die Hard John McClaine vengeance in the fall. Ravaged the country. Was worse that the first hit.
I don't mind masks being the new normal.
Then it came back with Die Hard John McClaine vengeance in the fall. Ravaged the country. Was worse that the first hit.
I'm mostly going by what I read in this article and a few others, the worst of the Spanish flu in most US major cities was within a span of a 24 weeks period.


Feel like I keep seeing articles about people getting sick/dying way back with COVID related symptoms. This girl was totally healthy. Dr thought she was sick with the flu and when she died it was shown she was negative for the flu and her body went into sepsis. Makes you wonder.
She died in December..
She died by going into Septic Shock, that's when the body reacts negatively to bacterial infection which results in organ failure, nothing to do with a virus. Also, That was an article from the end of 2017/early 2018.
Just found out I’ll be working from home till at least September. This is crazy. I’ll be at till Sep big chilling.
State Farm has a commercial advertising a "new normal". ****s changing people before our eyes. People are waiting on a vaccine but they still haven't created a working vaccine for the OG SARS Corona virus. The new normal :frown:
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