Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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All these talking heads are apparently essential, so why not carry this out for them for years? You don’t hear of mayors or governors taking pay cuts. I think they want this prolonged. Same with media folks doing interviews from home. We need some boots on the ground workers letting us know what they are seeing.

just made a weekly beer/grocery store run. What a crap fest. They’re limiting pretty big stores to 30-40 people. Lines for hours. And the line crosses the exit doors so someone is always crossing your path. Smaller outlets used to be the go to spots. But those were deemed non essential. Now we have grocery stores price gouging on booze. It may be craft beer for dinner for a few nights lol. They’re about the only small outlets that are still essential around my way.
yeah no ain't happening gmfu
don’t know if I already asked , but is California still forcing reusable bags ? I believe Minneapolis suspended plastic bag fee and not letting people use reusable bags
don’t know if I already asked , but is California still forcing reusable bags ? I believe Minneapolis suspended plastic bag fee and not letting people use reusable bags

Not sure if all stores are enforcing this, but at some that I've been to, if you bring your own bags, you will be asked to bag your own groceries. They will only bag it for you if you buy new ones there on the spot.
The WHO Director General is a Mainland China puppet. This Ethiopian needs to be replaced ASAP by someone from a country not involved in the One Belt Road initiative.

Teddy a political Tool. First Non-physician in role, won over two actual doctors. All these multi national UN agencies suspect. And US pays outsized funding for all these organizations. Terrible.

Has anyone been using food/grocery delivery services during these times?

I tried to use Instacart and not getting any delivery options

My parents use it and they’ve been complaining about missed deliveries and long delays. I’d much rather do my own shopping once a week since I’m already out going to work, but understand those who would rather not be out if they don’t have to.
Has anyone been using food/grocery delivery services during these times?

I tried to use Instacart and not getting any delivery options

Amazon. Gotta keep trying during random times of the day.
Just not worth it trying to go out. Online at least you know exactly what they have
I’m in Michigan and apparently there’s a petition going around to get rid of the governor because people are upset with what she shut down...

Idiots I swear.

I’m really curious. Have you read up on what exactly her executive order details? You don’t see any problems with some of those measures? If they actually make sense?
Serious question. Very interesting news reads. Personally feel she’s also trying to stand out as a long shot on short list for number two spot on Dem ticket.
60 C is 140 F

92 C is 197.6 F

SARS-CoV-2: Virus able to survive in 60C temperatures
The virus that causes COVID-19 can survive for long periods at relatively high temperatures, which has implications for researchers.

he coronavirus can survive long exposures to high temperatures, a new peer-reviewed study published on Biorxiv has shown.

Researchers had to bring the temperature to almost boiling point to kill the virus completely.
The finding could have implications for the safety of lab technicians working with the virus.
Most labs use a 60C, hour-long process to deactivate the virus before further processing. But Professor Remi Charrel and colleagues at Aix-Marsellie University in France found that after heating the virus to 60C for an hour it was still able to replicate.
Only heating the virus to 92C for 15 minutes was able to totally kill it.
Amazon. Gotta keep trying during random times of the day.
Just not worth it trying to go out. Online at least you know exactly what they have
I'm a little skeptical (with Whole Foods at least). A bunch of things are out in the store but supposedly I can get them online with Amazon? I want to try it just to confirm but it seems odd.
The longer these dumb **** politicians keep politicizing everything the longer we suffer. I wish there was a test of intent - "Are you doing this only for the health and benefit of the nation?" If the results come back as yes then good you keep your seat/job
60 C is 140 F

SARS-CoV-2: Virus able to survive in 60C temperatures
The virus that causes COVID-19 can survive for long periods at relatively high temperatures, which has implications for researchers.

he coronavirus can survive long exposures to high temperatures, a new peer-reviewed study published on Biorxiv has shown.

Researchers had to bring the temperature to almost boiling point to kill the virus completely.
The finding could have implications for the safety of lab technicians working with the virus.
Most labs use a 60C, hour-long process to deactivate the virus before further processing. But Professor Remi Charrel and colleagues at Aix-Marsellie University in France found that after heating the virus to 60C for an hour it was still able to replicate.
Only heating the virus to 92C for 15 minutes was able to totally kill it.
Yep we ******
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