Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof


Been scoping out D.C. lately. Got some candidates Im intrigued by. Finally got through all this big spending in February so I’m ready to have some fun again.

What are the best places in D.C. to get that first link in? For less than $50?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What are the go to apps these days? Vegas tinder appears to be all fake profiles or the women you pay smh
What are the go to apps these days? Vegas tinder appears to be all fake profiles or the women you pay smh

Hinge is popular amongst regulars in this thread and I frequent Bumble. The problem with the latter is that after you match, the woman has 24 hours to message you first. If she does not then it disappears. Hinge is like Tinder where either party can send the message first.
Nice lookin! I need a catchy go to opening line…

One with an alleged decent success rate provided by our very own WASHED KING WASHED KING is "This is the picture I want in my wallet" then securing her phone number in 2 or 3 messages. Generally you want to migrate from the app to traditional iMessage/text message as quickly as possible. Same with setting something up.
Lack of self awareness from this clip to the rest of the video is crazy

Somebody needs to find his social media and link him to this thread. He provided some lulz and he may have been acting for the cameras but his demeanor, volume and overall approach could explain to me why he has been unsuccessful in obtaining the cheeks.

Taking a woman to dinner on a 1st date is wild

I am in the minority in the the thread on this specific subject but I don’t think it’s that wild tbh.
Applebees wouldnt be too wild. By dinner what do you mean? Lol

I just meant like a restaurant local to whatever city it is I am in of any type of cuisine in the evening consisting of an appetizer or two + entrees + cocktails + dessert if folks are feeling froggy.

However, I have to note the major difference from myself and dude in the video (and what may be his problem) is that he is doing/initiating dinner off the rip when he meets these women. Knowing a yamb 2-3 days and having her come through a high profile sporting event (even if the tickets are free) + a nice dinner is a got damb waste unless you have a really strong vibe and a gut feeling that things could be serious down the road.

Me on the other hand, if I am going for dinner on the first date then I have done a good deal of vetting and have a high level of confidence that it won’t be a waste of time in terms of time or money spent.

He’s out there playing Russian Roulette with his dinner dates (and apparently rent money) :lol: :smh:
Nuance doesn't really exist for most especially with topics like this. Getting food, drinks etc isn't a problem. The issue is people meeting up without being honest/direct with their intentions or having an actual conversation to assess the situation before going out.

I am in the minority in the the thread on this specific subject but I don’t think it’s that wild tbh.

FOOD and a movie, bowling etc used to be the go to first date 10+ years ago. Now some on both sides look down on it all. There's a of entitlement and stupidity all around.

It's become a competition of sorts....women seeing what they can get because dudes like that goofball in the video thinking he can fancy dinner/event his way into some cheeks when he doesn't have the facilities (socially/mentally/physically) for it. And other guys seeing what the least they can do.

Somebody needs to find his social media and link him to this thread. He provided some lulz and he may have been acting for the cameras but his demeanor, volume and overall approach could explain to me why he has been unsuccessful in obtaining the cheeks.

I am in the minority in the the thread on this specific subject but I don’t think it’s that wild tbh.

You're telling me every woman you've taken to dinner you've obtained the cheeks?
Dinner and a movie use to be a default first date for many. But you cant talk during a movie so you really cant get to know someone and there are women who go out just for free food so that date type phased out for casual dating.
Me on the other hand, if I am going for dinner on the first date then I have done a good deal of vetting and have a high level of confidence that it won’t be a waste of time in terms of time or money spent.

This. If I'm doing anything other than drinks/coffee/random summer activity probably means I've vetted you for some time and we facetimed or spoke on the phone etc.

Dont have a problem taking to dinner at all. Obviously not to some $$$$ restaurant.

Been scoping out D.C. lately. Got some candidates Im intrigued by. Finally got through all this big spending in February so I’m ready to have some fun again.

What are the best places in D.C. to get that first link in? For less than $50?

Better take them joints to a museum or something. Because you can't drink for less than $50 in the city.

But if you wait until the weather breaks you can take the women to gravelly point with the blanket and wine for the picnic-type deal. Once she sees those planes flying over her head you gonna be winning playa.
Nuance doesn't really exist for most especially with topics like this. Getting food, drinks etc isn't a problem. The issue is people meeting up without being honest/direct with their intentions or having an actual conversation to assess the situation before going out.

FOOD and a movie, bowling etc used to be the go to first date 10+ years ago. Now some on both sides look down on it all. There's a of entitlement and stupidity all around.

It's become a competition of sorts....women seeing what they can get because dudes like that goofball in the video thinking he can fancy dinner/event his way into some cheeks when he doesn't have the facilities (socially/mentally/physically) for it. And other guys seeing what the least they can do.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. Women feel entitled the dudes splurging on them, dudes feel entitled to the yambs and neither party being upfront about what they really want. I think you can sus that out through sufficient conversation, though.
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