Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Also check the "Events" section of your public libraries.

In DC, we have
PG County
Montgomery County
Arlington County
Alexandria County
Howard County
Fairfax County

Again, search through the calendars for each and find something. Those with kids, same thing.

Just went to an author talk last Thursday @ Arlington Public Library.

Most dudes aren't creative so your ideas will always stick out.

Too much to do in this world man.
Chelsea's ain cheap.
giphy - 2023-02-21T221615.537.gif
Oh I got it. It ain no problem spending it. But on me, I'm selfish. Shoe's ain cheap.

It's a pretty simple formula. I want to obtain the most amount of QUALITY YAMBS = QY while spending the LEAST AMOUNT of WASHED BUCKS = WB.

On AVERAGE on a scale of 1-10 I would say it costs me about 7WB for every point value up on the scale. HOWEVER I refuse to spend any WB on anything that's below a 7.

SO if the yamb is like an 8 for example I'm willing to spend at MAX 56WB. Which is why I said $50.

My guy made a formula to price out his dates :wow:

That's amazing famb:rofl: :rofl: It has been brought up but your best bet is probably waiting a couple weeks then you can take advantage of picnic SZN. Those dates can be layered too depending how much time you are willing/expecting (I know what I said about expectations) to spend :lol:

I don't even know what the most I've spent on a date is.
A little over $200 maybe. I've spent more than that at the strip club :smh:

For a non-gf....this is an interesting question. Most of them blend together because dinner x post-dinner drinks kind of always works out to a similar cost. Probably would have to be something that involved another extracurricular event or "extra assistance".

Would you count the $1k per person in free company seats in that TikTok guys date cost or nah?
Some go out just because they're bored/lonely. They'll even pay/split. Plenty of relationships only exist for the same reason plus convenience. It's not a new phenomenon they were just waaaay less flagrant with it back then.

Wasting time is worse than spending whatever if everyone isn't on the same page but dudes don't really care it's all about ego/principle.

The first date shouldn't be the initial get to know you interaction/conversation. You don't "get to know" someone during a date or 2 anyway.
You're only interacting with their representative but conversation/communication skills and effort are at a all time low so this is what we're left with.

Resentment/hurt aside. The fact of the matter some men/women don't actually like women/men. Not in a homosexual way but just as people/individuals they don't rock with them on human level. They're just trying to extract whatever they can get. And that along with the simps,weirdos etc throws off the market for everyone else.

You Are spitting facts today bro. The time element is being heavily slept on IMO. I would much rather exchange messages while I'm in a pointless meeting, taking a ****, in the back of an Uber on train or have a phone conversation while I'm doing something around the crib to make SURE they are legit rather than dedicate several hours exclusively getting to know that person...only to find out they are trash :lol:

I also feel like if you ask a woman out to dinner early that she is going to say yes regardless of if she's into you or not which only benefits her. Getting to know each other first evens the playing field and makes things mutually beneficial.

Most dudes aren't creative so your ideas will always stick out.

Bingo. This is the main reason dudes (and women too) should be against dinner dates tbh. It is probably the least involved and least thoughtful date you can plan. It's literally just going on OpenTable, setting a time/date/location and picking a location :lol: . Whereas there are far more options for a much cheaper price available if you do some research AND it could potentially show how intently you were listening if you pick an activity based on your conversation.

Most guys aren't willing to put in that amount of effort but IT matters.
My guy made a formula to price out his dates :wow:

That's amazing famb:rofl: :rofl: It has been brought up but your best bet is probably waiting a couple weeks then you can take advantage of picnic SZN. Those dates can be layered too depending how much time you are willing/expecting (I know what I said about expectations) to spend :lol:

For a non-gf....this is an interesting question. Most of them blend together because dinner x post-dinner drinks kind of always works out to a similar cost. Probably would have to be something that involved another extracurricular event or "extra assistance".

Would you count the $1k per person in free company seats in that TikTok guys date cost or nah?

The amount of time and money which is = WB is directly linear to how attractive the woman is.

I think that’s true of everyone here.
You Are spitting facts today bro. The time element is being heavily slept on IMO. I would much rather exchange messages while I'm in a pointless meeting, taking a ****, in the back of an Uber on train or have a phone conversation while I'm doing something around the crib to make SURE they are legit rather than dedicate several hours exclusively getting to know that person...only to find out they are trash :lol:

Dudes have already mentioned in here that they don't like talking to chicks or girlfriends. Anti phone calls and facetime but they're "getting to know" them on dates. I've heard women say voice notes only.

If you talk to or pursue woman period she's benefiting in terms of attention/ego boost. Too many people keeping score and playing defense. It's competition/ego and everyone is too good/fake busy and socially regressed
Dudes have already mentioned in here that they don't like talking to chicks or girlfriends. Anti phone calls and facetime but they're "getting to know" them on dates. I've heard women say voice notes only.

If you talk to or pursue woman period she's benefiting in terms of attention/ego boost. Too many people keeping score and playing defense. It's competition/ego and everyone is too good/fake busy and socially regressed

Being anti-phone call/face time is crazy to me. It is basically a lowkey, no-cost attempt to weed them out and/or boost your stock. As a man, it’s extremely beneficial. I have noticed a movement towards voice notes which overall is fine but can be annoying at times depending on the attention.

If am okay with an attention/ego boost benefit from a couple messages as long as that is a merely a byproduct and NOT the intended goal. May you please expound last part about the competition/ego, too good/fake busy and socially regressed part? I can definitely see the social regressed part even as how we talk about the evolution of dates but I am curious about the other areas you mentioned.
It sucks that our society is now having most of us default to singleness rather than love.

No simp here. Far from it.....

Just want what my grandparents(& their parents) have...
I have noticed a movement towards voice notes which overall is fine but can be annoying at times depending on the attention.
I hate voice notes. They feel like they waste more time than a phone call.
I only do them with one person and it's because of timezone difference.
Dinner and a movie use to be a default first date for many. But you cant talk during a movie so you really cant get to know someone and there are women who go out just for free food so that date type phased out for casual dating.
Alot of dudes get used like a college meal plan.

In the old TAY thread I remember someone posting a chick that would line up dates for the week just so she could eat for free :lol:
What are the best places in D.C. to get that first link in? For less than $50?

Midas whale not even do a date then :lol:. If you spending $50, tell shorty to meet you at a bar on U Street on Saturday/Sunday, and spend that bread there. That’ll be enough for two drinks :lol:. But you in there.

Hit me if you round this way dawg!
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