Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

You're telling me every woman you've taken to dinner you've obtained the cheeks?

Nah that would be a lie. After that post I gave it thought and all of the “unsuccessful” dinner dates that came to mind were pre-dating apps which I don’t think is a coincidence. They were all essentially randos I met in person but didn’t do enough vetting through messaging before initiating like dude in the video. If I had, I probably wouldn’t have asked them out…except for one.

She was this baaaadddddd meteorologist from NBC and met her randomly at a charity event. I obviously knew who she was and was nervous, not about the date but about missing it/being late/rescheduling because of when she was available so I set it up for the restaurant in my building which was unprecedented for me at the time. Dinner was going well but at some point it came out that I lived in that building and shorty was PEEVED thinking I set the whole thing up to try for the easy post-dinner smash. I was reeling from that point forward and it was a wrap |l

This. If I'm doing anything other than drinks/coffee/random summer activity probably means I've vetted you for some time and we facetimed or spoke on the phone etc.

Dont have a problem taking to dinner at all. Obviously not to some $$$$ restaurant.

But for the most part, ballinsam23 ballinsam23 summed up my approach. It’s now moreso that both parties are mutually interested in dinner after going from app > iMessage > phone/FT so I am both know what’s good and have similar expectations.

As far as $$$$ restaurants, I like to pick spots based on a number of factors but I think it’s important for folks to realize to remember more money =/= better date. With proper vetting, the location should be the least of your worries or influences on how the date goes tbh.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head. Women feel entitled the dudes splurging on them, dudes feel entitled to the yambs and neither party being upfront about what they really want. I think you can sus that out through sufficient conversation, though.
This is pretty much my go to response when anybody asks me why dating is trash in Atlanta. Women are more concerned with how much money the dude is going to spend and men are mostly trying to smash. Intentions are not being shown upfront and no one is walking into these dates genuinely wanting to get to know the other person.

When you’re single and dating just to get P this is fine but when you want something deeper its all a headache.

That’s deep bro :lol:
This is pretty much my go to response when anybody asks me why dating is trash in Atlanta. Women are more concerned with how much money the dude is going to spend and men are mostly trying to smash. Intentions are not being shown upfront and no one is walking into these dates genuinely wanting to get to know the other person.

When you’re single and dating just to get P this is fine but when you want something deeper its all a headache.

This is precisely why I would rather talk for a bit prior setting up a dinner date. If you have no interest in investing time to get to know each other prior to breaking bread then what are we really doing here? Why should I invest thought, time or money on a date? Why would I even expect to obtain the cheeks purely based on a few hours of conversation over a hot $$$$ meal?

It just doesn’t make sense on any level for either party :lol:
You're lost the minute you start concerning yourself with what a woman that you don't know wants.

In my experience, if a woman is actually feeling you then it doesn't matter if you take her to McDonald's or Ruth Chris on a first date.

Only simps lead with their wallet.

Do what you want to do because it's what you want to do.

Hey, I'm going to be doing such and such this weekend - Are you down to roll? Ok, cool meet me there at such and such time.

It really is just that simple.
This is precisely why I would rather talk for a bit prior setting up a dinner date. If you have no interest in investing time to get to know each other prior to breaking bread then what are we really doing here? Why should I invest thought, time or money on a date? Why would I even expect to obtain the cheeks purely based on a few hours of conversation over a hot $$$$ meal?

It just doesn’t make sense on any level for either party :lol:

Well it makes sense for the woman. Just not the man.

She gets a nice meal, gets to make a post on social media and brag to her friends.
Better take them joints to a museum or something. Because you can't drink for less than $50 in the city.

But if you wait until the weather breaks you can take the women to gravelly point with the blanket and wine for the picnic-type deal. Once she sees those planes flying over her head you gonna be winning playa.

You can't drink for less than $50? What are y'all drinking Ace of Spades? Cristal?
You're lost the minute you start concerning yourself with what a woman that you don't know wants.

In my experience, if a woman is actually feeling you then it doesn't matter if you take her to McDonald's or Ruth Chris on a first date.

PREACH. Somewhere nice should be considered a luxury not an essential. It should just be about spending time together in-person.

I've never done dinner with someone I don't know. The potential for misery is too high.

What do you mean by “don’t know”? I have been on one absolute blind date where I was set up (ironically by a girl I smashed/was smashing) and it surprisingly went really well for a few months but she ended up joining #StormVoodooDollGang :lol:
Well it makes sense for the woman. Just not the man.

She gets a nice meal, gets to make a post on social media and brag to her friends.

You can't drink for less than $50? What are y'all drinking Ace of Spades? Cristal?

mrtarheel mrtarheel can clarify but I’m assuming he’s operating under the assumption of $12-16 per cocktail (which isn’t abnormal in DC) and 2 cocktails each, putting you closer to the $60-75 range with tip.
mrtarheel mrtarheel can clarify but I’m assuming he’s operating under the assumption of $12-16 per cocktail (which isn’t abnormal in DC) and 2 cocktails each, putting you closer to the $60-75 range with tip.


That math's up correctly then.....if I was going to tip.....and buy her 2 drinks.
You can't drink for less than $50? What are y'all drinking Ace of Spades? Cristal?
Idk about DC but $15 per drink in NY, paying for you and her, hitting maybe 2-3 bars in the night if it's a good time, $50 is easy to reach :lol:
PREACH. Somewhere nice should be considered a luxury not an essential. It should just be about spending time together in-person.

What do you mean by “don’t know”? I have been on one absolute blind date where I was set up (ironically by a girl I smashed/was smashing) and it surprisingly went really well for a few months but she ended up joining #StormVoodooDollGang :lol:
"I've met you and I already like you" is the qualification for dinner. Not a high one but I've never had a bad dinner date so it works at least a little.
Idk about DC but $15 per drink in NY, paying for you and her, hitting maybe 2-3 bars in the night if it's a good time, $50 is easy to reach :lol:

"I've met you and I already like you" is the qualification for dinner. Not a high one but I've never had a bad dinner date so it works at least a little.

Y'all are wild boys.

She can get a TRULY.

That math's up correctly then.....if I was going to tip.....and buy her 2 drinks.

A woman expecting me to buy her more than 1 drink on the first link is CRAZY.

Should be NO expectations

I agree that there should not expectations. No denying that. And the tip, # of drinks, who pays, location, etc. is all subjective. Like P Present said - just do something or go somewhere that is representative of you and is within your means and there shouldn't be any issues if she's into you.

This conversation is making me realize that this is the EXACT problem with ole boy from Vancouver in the video. The minute you start talking about how much the various facets of your date cost (tickets and dinner in his case), complaining about not getting cheeks and comparing the cost of said date to your rent, you are LOSING.

No matter what anyone says there isn't a foolproof formula - and there shouldn't be. Just be yourself and NEVER compromise who you are/your character or go outside your means just for some yambs.
I agree that there should not expectations. No denying that. And the tip, # of drinks, who pays, location, etc. is all subjective. Like P Present said - just do something or go somewhere that is representative of you and is within your means and there shouldn't be any issues if she's into you.

This conversation is making me realize that this is the EXACT problem with ole boy from Vancouver in the video. The minute you start talking about how much the various facets of your date cost (tickets and dinner in his case), complaining about not getting cheeks and comparing the cost of said date to your rent, you are LOSING.

No matter what anyone says there isn't a foolproof formula - and there shouldn't be. Just be yourself and NEVER compromise who you are/your character or go outside your means just for some yambs.

Oh I got it. It ain no problem spending it. But on me, I'm selfish. Shoe's ain cheap.

It's a pretty simple formula. I want to obtain the most amount of QUALITY YAMBS = QY while spending the LEAST AMOUNT of WASHED BUCKS = WB.

On AVERAGE on a scale of 1-10 I would say it costs me about 7WB for every point value up on the scale. HOWEVER I refuse to spend any WB on anything that's below a 7.

SO if the yamb is like an 8 for example I'm willing to spend at MAX 56WB. Which is why I said $50.
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Dinner and a movie use to be a default first date for many. But you cant talk during a movie so you really cant get to know someone and there are women who go out just for free food so that date type phased out for casual dating.

Some go out just because they're bored/lonely. They'll even pay/split. Plenty of relationships only exist for the same reason plus convenience. It's not a new phenomenon they were just waaaay less flagrant with it back then.

Wasting time is worse than spending whatever if everyone isn't on the same page but dudes don't really care it's all about ego/principle.

The first date shouldn't be the initial get to know you interaction/conversation. You don't "get to know" someone during a date or 2 anyway. You're only interacting with their representative but conversation/communication skills and effort are at a all time low so this is what we're left with.

Resentment/hurt aside. The fact of the matter some men/women don't actually like women/men. Not in a homosexual way but just as people/individuals they don't rock with them on human level. They're just trying to extract whatever they can get. And that along with the simps,weirdos etc throws off the market for everyone else.
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