Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

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fam said...

Based on that text convo seems like they've been talking for a decent amount of time...2/3 days to a week. She's not being pushy. He's sketchy and too much of a coward to just say no.

Not facetiming/video chatting or doing your due diligence before meeting up in 2022 is stupid.

I check out social media. Chicks hide marriages/families/kids...not that I care but all that lying/withholding for no reason :smh:
I always hated to FT girls because it required a lot more attention than texting or talking on the phone.

My girlfriend tries to FT me here and there and I just hit the **** you button. :lol:

I linked up with someone - went on a date. She looks like her pics. Been about a month now - she tried to FT me last week…text her *** right back. Then she asked why I’m not FaceTiming her - acted like I didn’t hear her. :lol:
voice messages right after matching
facetime to confirm the person

i dont exchange socials until i meet them in person
worst thing is spending time building a gal up and when you meet she’s pretty but hella short and stumpy.
like when smokey found out janet j look like freddie j lol
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