Homeless man with golden radio voice (vid)

This has morphed into a pathetic PR stunt. If you want to help the guy then quietly offer him a job. If he accepts, great...then cross your fingers and hope he makes the best of it. Starting a website, mentioning it at games and having your PR dept contacting the media about it is pathetic. I feel like this went from a nice gesture to a sad attempt at distracting people from how +%@%$! our team has become.

I'm not saying this guy doesn't deserve a 2nd chance...everyone does. I dont have all the details but it sounds like its turning into a bidding war...that's a little crazy. Are they really offering him a house? If he turns us down, I hope Gilbert gives the proposed house to a family that lost their home from the economic downturn or medical bills...and not from drugs and crime.
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Moral of the story: It doesn't matter who you are, everyone gets a second chance. 
Originally Posted by bC

Originally Posted by ethanlee29

Originally Posted by Diego

Smoking a cig aint really bother me that much, but did he really have to hold it like a blunt?


glad he's gotten a second chance though

dude needs PR/body language coaching.. he cant be acting like a fiend any more
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

damn its me wrote:

rashi wrote:

[h1]'Golden Radio Voice' Guy -- Grounded in Ohio By No ID[/h1]

1/5/2011 12:55 PM PST by TMZ Staff  

The 'Golden Radio Voice' guy -- who went from homeless to overnight Internet sensation -- is struggling to board a flight to NYC because he doesn't have ID ... according to his rep (yep, he's got one now).

ed Williams' peeps tell us Ted is currently at the courthouse in Columbus, OH trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. 

Ted is supposed to be in New York tomorrow for an interview on "Today" -- but according to the rep he's been homeless for more than four years so he doesn't have ID ... and can't board a flight.

It's the first bad news Williams has had in 24 hours. He's gotten a job offer, a home offer, and a free trip home to visit his mom -- all because of the YouTube clip that went viral.

Ted's rep says having to reestablish identity is a common problem for the homeless. Let's hope someone has a plan B to get Ted to NYC.

but you do not need an ID to travel...i think TED needs to hire a new rep.

Uhh,no. If you drive then you don't need one, but if you're planning to fly, you need a valid ID.

"Christmas Day bomber" didn't.

Legally, you do NOT have to present your ID to TSA/Airport personnel, and they still have to let you fly
z at least google things before saying them

I used to work as a ticket screener at BNA, and YES, you absolutely need an ID to fly.
And not only do you need an ID, it has to be a valid ID. It cannot be expired.

They use the ID to confirm that you are indeed the person whose name is on the boarding pass.
Otherwise anyone can use anyone elses boarding pass to get through security. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

The only people who do not need an ID, are those under 18.

Try knowing what you are talking about before you try calling someone else out.

Back to the topic.
This is a great story. Im really happy that Ted got a second chance.
Homie, I started the topic, and NO YOU DO NOT NEED ID..i've flown, my lady has flown, as have many careless Europeans to the USA after losing their ID...c'mon son
 (thats only on my side, im sure many of us have lost our across the pond...)

BTW, sorry you had to work as a ticket monkey...  I'd NEVER give you a job at google, searching relevance


and yes i now there are RARE circumstances..
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by bC

Originally Posted by ethanlee29

Originally Posted by Diego

Smoking a cig aint really bother me that much, but did he really have to hold it like a blunt?


glad he's gotten a second chance though

dude needs PR/body language coaching.. he cant be acting like a fiend any more
this gif is ()&*#$#$# hilarious
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by bC

Originally Posted by ethanlee29

Originally Posted by Diego

Smoking a cig aint really bother me that much, but did he really have to hold it like a blunt?


glad he's gotten a second chance though

dude needs PR/body language coaching.. he cant be acting like a fiend any more
this gif is ()&*#$#$# hilarious
look at how quickly his facial expression goes from jolly to scared as hell.
Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Im really happy for Ted, but am I the only one who found this picture hilarious?

he gets more mexican in every picture.. ( no racist )
This is all about $$$. Nobody is reaching out to this dude for free.  They are using him because hes the hot story.  Thats instant advertising and then they look good for giving a bum a chance.  It's a win/win for these companies.  If he turns back to drugs they will fire his *!+ and say "oh well we tried".  Don't buy into the 2nd chance crap.  Talent? His voice is great but I know there's other people out there with equal or better voices.  He's a bum and he got rewarded for being a bum.  I hope he makes the most of this because he didn't earn it.
Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by JaysRcrak

Originally Posted by damn its me

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

damn its me wrote:

rashi wrote:


[h1]'Golden Radio Voice' Guy -- Grounded in Ohio By No ID[/h1]

1/5/2011 12:55 PM PST by TMZ Staff  

The 'Golden Radio Voice' guy -- who went from homeless to overnight Internet sensation -- is struggling to board a flight to NYC because he doesn't have ID ... according to his rep (yep, he's got one now).

ed Williams' peeps tell us Ted is currently at the courthouse in Columbus, OH trying to get a copy of his birth certificate. 

Ted is supposed to be in New York tomorrow for an interview on "Today" -- but according to the rep he's been homeless for more than four years so he doesn't have ID ... and can't board a flight.

It's the first bad news Williams has had in 24 hours. He's gotten a job offer, a home offer, and a free trip home to visit his mom -- all because of the YouTube clip that went viral.

Ted's rep says having to reestablish identity is a common problem for the homeless. Let's hope someone has a plan B to get Ted to NYC.

but you do not need an ID to travel...i think TED needs to hire a new rep.

Uhh,no. If you drive then you don't need one, but if you're planning to fly, you need a valid ID.

"Christmas Day bomber" didn't.
Legally, you do NOT have to present your ID to TSA/Airport personnel, and they still have to let you fly
z at least google things before saying them

I used to work as a ticket screener at BNA, and YES, you absolutely need an ID to fly.

And not only do you need an ID, it has to be a valid ID. It cannot be expired.

They use the ID to confirm that you are indeed the person whose name is on the boarding pass.

Otherwise anyone can use anyone elses boarding pass to get through security. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

The only people who do not need an ID, are those under 18.

Try knowing what you are talking about before you try calling someone else out.

Back to the topic.

This is a great story. Im really happy that Ted got a second chance.
Homie, I started the topic, and NO YOU DO NOT NEED ID..i've flown, my lady has flown, as have many careless Europeans to the USA after losing their ID...c'mon son
 (thats only on my side, im sure many of us have lost our across the pond...)

BTW, sorry you had to work as a ticket monkey...  I'd NEVER give you a job at google, searching relevance


and yes i now there are RARE circumstances..


Did you really just post an article from 2007 to prove your point about flying with no ID in 2011?

Did you even read it? Obviously you didn't.

Well Dan, the good news is that she'll probably be able to fly. The bad news is that we can't definitively say that she will be able to board a plane without ID because the laws regarding IDs and planes are secret. Yes, these laws are considered "SSI" or Sensitive Security Information. A civil liberty activist recently petitioned the Supreme Court to disclose the law, but his petition was denied.

So, the answer is we don't know if you're legally required to show ID or not, but we do know that people have, in the past, been allowed to board planes without showing ID. To board a plane without ID, you should explain your situation to the TSA agent. Bring any documentation you have, and expect to go through secondary screening.

The author of the article admits that she does not know for sure if you can board the plane or not.
It does say that in the past it haas happened, but I'm sure that it was pre-911.
In RARE instances when some from another country loses their passport, they will let you fly.
But only after they take you in an unseen room upstairs somewhere, and vigorously check your idenity with their countries authorities.

BTW I'm sorry that you are illiterate. I would NEVER give you a job that involves reading anything with comprehension.

On a side note:
You and others like you are what is wrong with NT. So quick to try and prove a point that you fail to find the answer to the question.
I pity you
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