How did you ask your date to prom?

Originally Posted by DangerousG

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

I got asked... I had no plans of going, but this chick with huge jahoobs expressed interest so I jumped on it. On the way to prom, one of the straps holding up her yabbos broke and we had to repair w/duct tape.

I ended up leaving her there b/c she instantly went on some Loretta Lockhorn tip... I paged her at like 4 to see where she was; at home upset, I went over all "sowwy" and got the buns.

And oh, those buns were majestic.

Current pics?

I'd gladly share... it's been over 10 years (class of '99), and I don't remember her real name... she had a real african name but went by an american name, and i don't remember her last name either... and all my yearbooks have been lost (along with an awesome VHS pr0n collection) in many moves since. i don't even have prom pics, those i remember paying with, uh, monopoly money and thinking "W"... and now I don't have them. L.
to put it in perspective, my dad, who's really old school and not particularly tolerant, saw her and said "holy****" out loud and drew an EVIL look from my mother in the process.
me: "idk if i'm going. i don't have a date yet"
her: "i'll go to prom with you"
me: "aight cool"

something like that.
I'm not going. Me and my homeboy from last year (graduated last year) are gonna get fresh, rent a camarro and take girls that will let us get it in to the after parties.
bought a cookie cake from ms fields that said ____ will you go to prom with me? then under that had 2 boxes, 1 with yes and the other with no, the one with yes was already checked
also throw in some flowers in there as well
when we were going out in 10th grade we made a deal that even if we weren't together senior year we'd still go to the prom together, too bad  i was locked up the last 3 months of my senior year smh.. missed prom and had to graduate after summer school 
what i remember from my high school days was
Her: did you ask anybody to the prom yet?
Me: yea you.
Her: wait so your asking me to the prom?
Me: yea you wanna go?
Her: yeah sure i'd like that
Me: (thought) im hungry
when i was in high school i casually brought it up during class, asked if she was going/if she had a date. when she said she didnt have a date, i basically just said, "we should go. how about you and me?" and she said yes. 
worked for me (shrug)

other times i was asked to go 
heres one
-buy pink balloons, fill 3 to 4 of them with helium at your local supermarket, draw a pigs face on each, stick maybe 3 to 4 in a box (big). on the top of the box write "the day pigs fly..." give her instructions on the box to open it (a simple "open this box, for: NAME".)
-when she opens it, the balloons fly out (attach them to a string and something to hold them down) and on the inside bottom write "... will be the day you go to prom with me" you can even sneak a flower in the box

What to do:
-leave em on the front door of her house and ding dong ditch and hide.
-have one of her best friends help you out, don't tell the friend the plan just set up a time and place, either friends house or her house, when you ring the door bell have the friend tell her to answer the door

-when you see her reaction walk up with a smile and maybe a flower or something
Originally Posted by JayJunkie

Walked up to her table at lunch.

Me: You got a prom date?
Her: No
Me: Well, you got one now.

Her friends and my friends:


I might have to try that
yeah i have a connect with the office, my mom works in there haha so the announcements thing and passes thing would be way too easy and like i didn't even think of anything.
the pigs flying idea is great but i'm asking my best friend so it's not like it is a big deal.

some of you guys were simpin. others,
on just asking in person.
evo v sti wrote:

heres one
-buy pink balloons, fill 3 to 4 of them with helium at your local supermarket, draw a pigs face on each, stick maybe 3 to 4 in a box (big). on the top of the box write "the day pigs fly..." give her instructions on the box to open it (a simple "open this box, for: NAME".)
-when she opens it, the balloons fly out (attach them to a string and something to hold them down) and on the inside bottom write "... will be the day you go to prom with me" you can even sneak a flower in the box

What to do:
-leave em on the front door of her house and ding dong ditch and hide.
-have one of her best friends help you out, don't tell the friend the plan just set up a time and place, either friends house or her house, when you ring the door bell have the friend tell her to answer the door

-when you see her reaction walk up with a smile and maybe a flower or something


This sounds like a plan
My girl at the time asked me to go


and I turned her down numerous times until her friends guilted me into it....


Told my other ex to kick rocks I wasn't goin to prom PERIOD-
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