How did you get put on?

Heard about it three years ago on "the other site". Lurked for a year and decided to join. Far better than the other site
Originally Posted by Souljaman22

Originally Posted by airjordanjack

Originally Posted by wildcard

a video on youtube called dont step on my j's. now that i think bacck on it-who was the guy in that video? is he a poster on here? if anyone knows what im talking about

Haha I found NT the same one. Great video
your avy is so sick
Thank you sir.
Its been a while but I think I was looking for release dates. Back when was still up....those were the days
about 2 1/2 years ago I was just getting into sneakers and I started lookin up kicks on websites and then I stumbled upon NT. Then I forgot about it for alittle while and I remember being mad that I couldn't recall what this site was called (lol), but then I finally stumbled upon NT again and joined. Been anactive member since and is still the best messageboard that I'm a member of.
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