How do you control your anger NT?

I have that problem with some of the females at work. And just certain things in general life. Most of the time I take a deep breath and focus my anger onsomething else. Like if I'm at work and someone pisses me off, I just focus on my tasks at hand.

Most of the time I'll come home and play on my PS2 to relax me. I'll play Manhunt or Grand Theft Auto.
I can't, actually. Constricting emotions is unhealthy, so I wear them and don't worry about who knows it.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i have a broken xbox controller to throw when im angry...i wanna make like rubber ones and market them for people who get angry at games lol

That's an awesome idea.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

i have a broken xbox controller to throw when im angry...i wanna make like rubber ones and market them for people who get angry at games lol

That's an awesome idea.

ohh the memories
When I get angry......actuallyI don't get angry like that. Life is to short. Whatever it is, it probably wasn't that serious to begin with.
@ this thread

GTA 4, just hoot people and run over them

I used to do that !#%*. play madden and throw hail marys/get delay of game calls all game

I usually have to listen to some mellow music to ease my nerves though personally
Personally, i'd rock a punching bag.

And avoid alcohol. Otherwise you might end up pissy drunk trying to crawl into your car with a machete. Just sayin'.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION #%@$!...

I'm just gon be blunt. You are too damn old to be lettin ANYBODY on NT OR real life get to you like that. I'm 100% positive I'm younger than you, and even I don't wear my heart on your sleeve like you do. I just read yo lil' e-argument in the other thread, and judging from what was being said, I KNOW you done had a lot of problems in your life that were created by your lack of self control.

Video games is my might sound lame, but it's a real stress reliever when you go for 20 kills on Halo 3 and you teabaggin everybody that thought they could beat you. Just calm down, fam.
What if you suck at Halo? That'll be another "Halo kid" on Youtube waiting to happen

Really though, just go lift if you're able to. Whenever I'm angry, I'm wide awake and my bloods pumping = good good lifting.

If anybody it should be mad though, it should be me - I just got the invoice for 4 new tires for my car installed and its 580. FML...only because my dad waswilling to go half on it...but he only wanted to pay 500 or under.
I Lose All Control And Begin To Smash


Over 300 Days Without Incident Tho...Keeping My Cool For The Win
seriously, ya'll need to open your minds and experiment with some +@%#.

enough of any drug can cure any ailment
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

seriously, ya'll need to open your minds and experiment with some +@%#.

enough of any drug can cure any ailment

Enjoy that crack.
no one is talkin about crack.

psychadelicssss. your own pineal gland secretes a form of psychedelic.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

When I get angry......actuallyI don't get angry like that. Life is to short. Whatever it is, it probably wasn't that serious to begin with.

I'm sayin'.. I never get angry to the point were I need to throw something or hurt somebody

If it's a person bothering me or whatever I'll just go to another room or leave

Not letting yourself get out of control FTW!

Devils Lettuce is a good stress reliever
Originally Posted by FeeninLikeJodeci

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

damn that s^&* really got to you huh

I'm sayin. I thought you was going to the aquarium or some +%!@?
aight, im late but someone explainn to me what happened?

Basically this:
- Joseph Camel posed ??? to females on NT about preferred body type - Male NTers start posting PICs
- Usual 6-10 female NT regulars comment
- Females call for Pookiman
- More males start posting shots after the attention the others got
- Other NTers call +*@!
- Dudes catch feelings
- AI Audi & I'M NOT YOU "conversate"
- AI Audi makes new thread from frustration of there "conversation"

Then this happened...

Originally Posted by ericescobar


NikeTalker (a message board for people that like shoes and Ben Baller) and gym enthusiast Al Audi was arrested this afternoon for power bombing a baby tiger shark inside an aquarium.

"It was crazy", one on-looker said. "I mean, the guy just jumped in the tank, got on top of the shark like he wanted to ride it, then just made a quick move to get under it, and then BAM! Son literally WWF'd that creature!"

Witnesses say he was alone and looking angry, ready for danger. His car, a 1994 Ford Taurus, was found nearby. Inside, police found a laptop with the website NikeTalk in use.

He intended to leave what appears to be a threatening letter.

DISCLAIMER-What you are about to read is disturbing and graphic in nature.

"I want to $*%*** kill any &$*$# that isn't tough! Man, *#@# you! Talking tough!. I'm not a *#&$, but you are! %#$# and #%*$ until you can't &#^$! Next, I will eat you."

Police took him in for questioning.

Al Audi, I'm just playing. Don't hurt me.

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

damn that s^&* really got to you huh

I'm sayin. I thought you was going to the aquarium or some +%!@?

son said F_ the aquarium...ill go another day

^ thats just asking to much

but seriously i let all my anger out in full contact sparring match's

edit: it use to be bad with me.. throwing and punching things but i learned to control it
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