How do you "date" women? Not as stupid as it sounds...

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I was on the singles scene for quite some time. To me, it's easier to date a stranger than a mutual friend because on the first few dates, all you're really looking to do is getting to know rather than impress. If I like what I hear/see after the first few dates, I put on the pressure. I call randomly for impromptu dates, text more often (the rate depending on how quickly she responds and seems open to con-text-ation), talk about personal topics, things like that. It takes a long time to really know someone, so not only do I like having conversations, but I like to see how she operates in certain situations. Is she controlling? Domineering? Is she a hands-on girl or a princess?

I have a pretty good sense of what I want in a woman, so I usually dead a girl after a few dates if I think she's not what i'm looking for.

As for hooking can tell which girls are in it for the long run and the ones who are looking for some action. I pick and choose.

Anyway, I met the girl i'm currently with at an art showing at some loft party. We've been dating for about four months (which isn't long since time has been flying).

best response i n here.
BTK wrote:
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

How do you "date" women?

�video gets me everytime...pause.
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