How do you feel about females wearing color contacts?

Natural >

Most females with color contacts just get 'em for the attention.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Natural >

Most females with color contacts just get 'em for the attention.
word... i always thought they got them to be inconspicuous and blend in with the rest of society.
WACK. I have green eyes and chics wild out over the $+%% but do you and be confident.

Take her home, smash, wake up in the morning and shes a whole different person.

Fake eyes, fake hair (weave), fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake ****, fake @!#, just fake. Yucky
--Eh. Not my cup of tea.
--Or it depends how they pull it off I guess/how "natural" it looks on them.
It annoys the #$%! out of me. Especially girls who have dark brown eyes and try to pull off green. Yo I can see the brown through it smh.

I'm lucky though, mine are two-tone
it's ok, had a few girls in my high school do it, it was cool for a while when it was just the regular colors like hazel and stuff but when they went to gray, green and blue it was like c'mon
They're obviously fake. Guess it's cool as long as you're not trying to pass them off as real.
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by LRJONES84

WACK. I have green eyes and chics wild out over the $+%% but do you and be confident.

Chicks love my blue eyes
i have green eyes 2 
green > blue tho

pics or ducktales.

color contacts are ridiculous.. it makes girls look chongaish  
i think its so funny because you can always tell that their eyes are fake lmao. stupid broads. i got a friend that wears colored contacts and i call him a fruit cake errtime i see him lol.
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