How do you feel when people wish you a 'Merry Christmas'?

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Is it that serious? Maybe I don't think it is cause I don't see xmas as a religious holiday. If someone said it to be I usually just respond with happy holidays to u too and keep it moving.

Cry me a river why don't ya, its the biggest holiday there is your gonna have to embrace it whether you like it or not.
Cry me a river why don't ya, its the biggest holiday there is your gonna have to embrace it whether you like it or not.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

at getting offended when someone says merry Christmas to u. Get your head out your *@$
Thank you.
Freedom of speech.  I say Merry Christmas to people and if they have a problem with it...TOO BAD.

Ok this guy i might be offended by, he's going around using Merry Christmas to terrorize people. Using it like a weapon.

No but seriously its not offensive, people are usually being genuine and Christmas isn't a religious holiday to alot of people.
The guy who mentioned not saying thank you to people who hold doors for them, THAT annoys me a little. You dont have to stop and turn to me and be like oh thank you kind gentleman but atleast say it while your walking or atleast mutter it or something.
I see where OP is coming from. I just see it as people being inconsiderate. No need to fret I just keep it moving with a "you too or happy holidays."
I see where OP is coming from. I just see it as people being inconsiderate. No need to fret I just keep it moving with a "you too or happy holidays."
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

at getting offended when someone says merry Christmas to u. Get your head out your *@$
Thank you.
Freedom of speech.  I say Merry Christmas to people and if they have a problem with it...TOO BAD.

Ok this guy i might be offended by, he's going around using Merry Christmas to terrorize people. Using it like a weapon.

No but seriously its not offensive, people are usually being genuine and Christmas isn't a religious holiday to alot of people.
The guy who mentioned not saying thank you to people who hold doors for them, THAT annoys me a little. You dont have to stop and turn to me and be like oh thank you kind gentleman but atleast say it while your walking or atleast mutter it or something.
who cares...people nowadays are so sensitive, it's a gesture so they ask for your autobiography before they issue a gesture
who cares...people nowadays are so sensitive, it's a gesture so they ask for your autobiography before they issue a gesture
I bet if they said Merry Christmas and handed you a $20 tip for your efforts you wouldn't be offended
I bet if they said Merry Christmas and handed you a $20 tip for your efforts you wouldn't be offended
Thing is, I know someone this actually offends because shes muslim but looks indian. She never has celebrated xmas and we had a discussion about how people presume that shes christian.
Thing is, I know someone this actually offends because shes muslim but looks indian. She never has celebrated xmas and we had a discussion about how people presume that shes christian.
Yeah man I feel you.


Some dude said good afternoon to me today and I was furious.
Yeah man I feel you.


Some dude said good afternoon to me today and I was furious.
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