How do you feel when people wish you a 'Merry Christmas'?

Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

If I wore a Santa hat into the living room I would be showered with anti-gay epithets.
Sucks that you live in one of those "Machista" families, I as someone who doesn't care what the next person is doing, would bother the *+%+ out of me. That's just me of course.
Honestly, I don't put much thought in to it...and I don't think others should as well. Say "thank you" or smile, and keep it moving.


Some people put too much thought into things so small and insignificant that it amazes me. I see it in the same light as people who look for a fight.

Just say "thank you" and keep it moving dude, it really isn't that serious.

Feliz Navidad.

For the record: When I worked retail, as well as doing cable, I said Happy Holidays
I just say happy holidays but regardless unless someone is being condescending it's not that serious. 
Originally Posted by mtg

kind of similar as to when people ask me how my summer was...depends on the chick though

on a side note...hey fam, your avy (below) is dope. is that carlos v?

That's Rene Higuita.. the goalie Colombia had when Carlos V was on the team. Scorpion kick save 
I just say happy holidays but regardless unless someone is being condescending it's not that serious. 
Originally Posted by mtg

kind of similar as to when people ask me how my summer was...depends on the chick though

on a side note...hey fam, your avy (below) is dope. is that carlos v?

That's Rene Higuita.. the goalie Colombia had when Carlos V was on the team. Scorpion kick save 
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by laflech44

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i get kinda offended like, what if i was jewish or muslim. i could be either y'know. or what if i don't believe in christmas? i know they mean well so i end up just saying "thanks! you too!" and keep it moving.
 but what's offensive about that?
if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah I wouldn't be offended.

It's just someone trying to be polite/nice... like you said keep it moving.
it just reminds me of piagetian egocentrism ... just because you and everyone you know celebrates christmas, it doesn't mean EVERYONE celebrates christmas.

This right here is a by-product of an afluent free society.

Little kids in india PRAY for the day when they get to $%*!# about things of this magnitude.

freaking brats

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by laflech44

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

i get kinda offended like, what if i was jewish or muslim. i could be either y'know. or what if i don't believe in christmas? i know they mean well so i end up just saying "thanks! you too!" and keep it moving.
 but what's offensive about that?
if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah I wouldn't be offended.

It's just someone trying to be polite/nice... like you said keep it moving.
it just reminds me of piagetian egocentrism ... just because you and everyone you know celebrates christmas, it doesn't mean EVERYONE celebrates christmas.

This right here is a by-product of an afluent free society.

Little kids in india PRAY for the day when they get to $%*!# about things of this magnitude.

freaking brats

Man soon you won't even be able to breathe without someone getting offended.
Man soon you won't even be able to breathe without someone getting offended.
Are you people serious? So what happens when someone wishes you merry christmas? Do you engulf in flames? I swear this is a way people seek attention...If you don't like it, then for the whole month of December stay home and don't watch TV, you should be safe from hearing the dreaded words 
Are you people serious? So what happens when someone wishes you merry christmas? Do you engulf in flames? I swear this is a way people seek attention...If you don't like it, then for the whole month of December stay home and don't watch TV, you should be safe from hearing the dreaded words 
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