How do you feel when people wish you a 'Merry Christmas'?

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

How about if you sneeze and someone says "Bless You?" Must drive Anton Lavey crazy....

Honestly, I don't put much thought in to it...and I don't think others should as well. Say "thank you" or smile, and keep it moving.

I do make sure to tell others Happy Holidays out of courtesy
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

How about if you sneeze and someone says "Bless You?" Must drive Anton Lavey crazy....

Honestly, I don't put much thought in to it...and I don't think others should as well. Say "thank you" or smile, and keep it moving.

I do make sure to tell others Happy Holidays out of courtesy
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

these days i just say "happy holidays".
Same just out of respect.  But those who get angry from a "Merry Xmas" need to get over themselves.
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

these days i just say "happy holidays".
Same just out of respect.  But those who get angry from a "Merry Xmas" need to get over themselves.
at getting offended when someone says merry Christmas to u. Get your head out your *@$
at getting offended when someone says merry Christmas to u. Get your head out your *@$
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

at getting offended when someone says merry Christmas to u. Get your head out your *@$
Thank you.
Freedom of speech.  I say Merry Christmas to people and if they have a problem with it...TOO BAD.
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

at getting offended when someone says merry Christmas to u. Get your head out your *@$
Thank you.
Freedom of speech.  I say Merry Christmas to people and if they have a problem with it...TOO BAD.
Damn, some of you need to stand up and get that sand out of your vagina. Getting offended by this
people just complain and get mad just for the sake of doing it.
Damn, some of you need to stand up and get that sand out of your vagina. Getting offended by this
people just complain and get mad just for the sake of doing it.
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Is it that serious? Maybe I don't think it is cause I don't see xmas as a religious holiday. If someone said it to be I usually just respond with happy holidays to u too and keep it moving.

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