How do you get through the work day?

I honestly dont know....I work in whatever the weather is like...Tonight it was snowing/ice/streets frozen....My @%+@*!* had to go to work.....@##$ UPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
besides do actual work?

I'm relatively new at this company so i don't go on NT & all that yet.  the most i'll do is the usuals CNN, yahoofinance(to check my stocks), msn, or AIM with other co-workers(can IT track these convo's?
), etc

to make time go by faster when it's slow i usually just get up and walk around the office/talk to people(always bring a notepad so it looks like you're actually doing something) or go to the restroom lol

Oh, i ALWAYS have to have some sort of caffeine in me

Usually though, there is always some work that can be done so it isn't always a drag. & even when it is it isn't that bad 

but really, there is always something to do at work.  Like this week went by really fast cause there was so much work to do
i dont do a damn thing at work ..i ususally just check people in and sell rooms when people come usuaally just sit here watch tv, do homework, nt, chat same *%%* i would do at home but im getting paid.
--Work at T-Mobile. Internet is locked to only work related sites. FTL.
--Not allowed to be on our cell phones. FTL.
--So I end up just doodling/drawing or something.
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