How Early Is Too Early??

Jan 10, 2008
So I'm off for the rest of the week.... And I'm wondering how early would one wait to be first in a line for black Friday.... I want that $200 42 inch tv from best buy but don't no what time i should go out there.... Any serious opinions for people who do this every year...
Your time is worth more than the money you'll save on that $200 dollar TV.

You could be out making money to buy a better quality TV with the time you'll completely waste in line.

I'm serious.
Yeah I figured that but I'm off for 14 days (personal vacation aka told my job I was going away but not)... I don't have Fam in my state so truthfully I wouldn't b missing out on anything... More then likely just be in the crib the whole two weeks with females and video games
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Your time is worth more than the money you'll save on that $200 dollar TV.

You could be out making money to buy a better quality TV with the time you'll completely waste in line.

I'm serious.

real talk
Just a note, that tv is going to be a 60hz 42", which means if you play games with it, it's going to have some motion blur on it. You'd do better to wait for CES and get the current crop of tvs at a lower price when the new ones roll out.
Target is the place to be on BF. Got my eye on an xbox and some toys for my nephew.
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