How exactly is the world supposed to end?

Cameron Nelson fixes the saturn. 
The accomplishment of "that which was never meant to be accomplished" creates a tear/vacuum in the space--time continuum.

The universe implodes...then explodes...then eximplodes.

All is reduced to a singularity...

Only the saturn remains as a distinct entity.

Here, it begins, anew, the processes that led to the birth of the universe.

All glory to the almighty saturn.

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

the universe will collapse once the human species is wiped out completely. It is the only feasible thing to do.

We are the chosen ones. We are gods.

If we die, the universe dies.

Are you being sarcastic? Cause the universe and many species were here before modern man---Unless you don't believe that sort of thing (aka you Christian) then carry on
1. Nuclear Destruction (War, accident (Chernobyl), or Natural Disaster (Japan))
2. Volcano (Namely Yellowstone National Park)
3. Asteroid/Comet
4. Biological (Man-Made or Natural Mutation)
5. Global Warming leads to Ice Age
6. Man Made-Accident (Underwater oil spill, Exxon Valdez, etc.) leads to contaminated water or seismic activity

These are the only ways I can see everyone on earth dying. #3 and #5 seems like it would take thousands of years.
Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Read revelations.

This, and you can find similar stories throughout ancient history that give account to the ending of times. The most common ending is by fire.  
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

When those red foams release.

All hell will break loose(in the dmv anyways)
so true
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Originally Posted by gllahone84

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Read revelations.

This, and you can find similar stories throughout ancient history that give account to the ending of times. The most common ending is by fire.  
You mean the Revelations that was (according to theological scholars) added by the catholic church into the canon of the bible? 
Just making sure. 

I prefer the members of Mt. Olympus coming down to intervene honestly...Get a glipse of Hera and Athena... 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by gllahone84

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

Read revelations.

This, and you can find similar stories throughout ancient history that give account to the ending of times. The most common ending is by fire.  
You mean the Revelations that was (according to theological scholars) added by the catholic church into the canon of the bible? 
Just making sure. 

I prefer the members of Mt. Olympus coming down to intervene honestly...Get a glipse of Hera and Athena... 

LOL @ people in here being sure fire is going to destroy us all, the fact that Ancient people were so shook of fire doesn't mean that what's going to kill us for sure

I'd place my bets on plagues, an ice age or alien invasions
It will be a Protoss invasion. slow moving flying ships carrying protoss. tripod walking machines shooting lasers making sweet sounds. the works
Had a dream last night of a man made virus that attacked our brains turning us into zombies and the world ending in a zombie apocalypse, thats just me tho
If you go the science route, not the bible or some ******ed a few billion years (way after us) the sun is going to eventually run out of energy and turn into a red giant which will make the world too hot to live on, then it will become a while dwarf and the earth will be too cold to sustain life.

From my astronomy class
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