How I Met Your Mother Post Series Discussion. Rustled Jimmies to the Maximum

When she was talking to her ex about moving on and then her singing, them feels :frown: this was easily the best episode of the season.
Finally, this season is picking up. Good episode tonight. I just saw that the series finale is on march 31st...that's very early for a cbs network sitcom. They usually do it in May.
Wow Ted Why
What do you mean? I hope this episode finally killed off the Ted/Robin thing.

There are only a few more episodes. I'm really hoping that they show Ted/the Mother meeting/talking for the first time.
havent been enjoying this show for the past couple seasons but tonights episode was really good

why ted and robin couldnt be together man 
I'm glad this is it for Robin and Ted. At first, I thought they were gonna kiss and Barney would see it. I'm glad Ted finally moved on and let her go.
Glad Ted finally let Robin go, it had to happen sometime soon but her literally floating away just look bad :lol:
When Robin floated away.
My favourite moment from this season was when they found out what Barney did for a living.
barney talking about "the game" and how to live life to those two teenagers. dem feels

Barney Stinson is top 5 GOAT TV sit com characters
I'm sure it'll be a little of both. I think they'll pull it all together and have a very satisfying ending.. and she's probably upset the show she's been doing for almost a decade is over.
Apparently, Jennifer Love Hewitt was initially approached to play Robin
Today, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas did an AMA on Reddit. I have painstakingly compiled all the highlights for you below.
  • When asked about The Pineapple, Carter said "maybe we'll find out eventually" where it came from. He later added: "You might find out what happened with the pineapple eventually. We had always said we'd never reveal it, but now I'd say it's fifty fifty. It's always been an appealing idea to us artistically to leave it as the one mystery that never gets solved. But on the other hand, we do have an explanation for it that we like so it may make its way into these last few episodes."
  • When asked about the spin-off "How I Met Your Dad", Carter said that it's Emily Spivey's show and he and Craig are there just to pitch the ideas, if needed.
  • About a fan asked if they could reveal anything about tonight's episode, Carter said: "The last shot of tonight's episode is maybe the weirdest, most Fellini-esque thing we've ever done, but every time I watch it it breaks my heart a little more. I'm really proud of tonight's episode."
  • Carter said that "we'll definitely get to see the entire gang with the Mother."
  • A fan asked, "have you considered showing Bob Saget and the older version of the mother in the series finale" and the reply he got was "Stay tuned...".
  •  Britney Spears was the one who contacted them to be on the show and she specifically asked to be in the episode "Ten Sessions". "We got a call a few weeks after the writers strike ended saying that Britney Spears wanted to be on our show. And she specifically wanted to be in the episode "Ten Sessions," which sent a chill down our spines, because that's the one where we meet Stella. I immediately imagined Britney playing Stella and had a minor panic attack, because it's such a big role and needed an proven, experienced actress like Sarah Chalke. But to her credit, Britney liked the character of Abby, and wanted to play that part. So we said sure! And by golly she put our show on the map. It can't be overstated. Britney Spears rescued us from ever being on the bubble again. Thanks Britney!"
  • When asked if we'll see flashforwards of the gang, Craig said "we will see more and more flash-forwards in the remaining 8 episodes. There's an episode called "RALLY" coming up in a few weeks where we do a whole bunch -- everyone gets a flash forward peek into the near and far future..."
  • When someone asked about Scooter, Craig replied, "You may not have seen the last of Scooter..."
  • There will be a "twist" at the end.
  • When asked about Robin becoming a bull fighter, Craig replied: "Stay tuned -- we will get to it! We haven't forgotten!"
  • One of the last scenes will be set in MacLaren's.
  • When asked about Robin Sparkles' return, they reply was the same: "Stay tuned...people do tend to sing at weddings..." He later added: "Maybe not a song, but a performance isn't out of the question."
  • Ted's daughter's name DID come from the Lucky Penny.
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt was the "a pretty famous actress" (Carter and Craig have mentioned this before but never said who she was) that turned down the role of Robin because of Ghost Whisperer.
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