How important is high school? ??

my GPA in high was a 2.10 and my GPA in college was a 2.08

if you can sell yourself, that is all that matters
Graduated with a 2.25 GPA, Was a complete underachieving. I finally started taking school seriously after taking a year off after hs and then going to community colllege. I ended up getting a bachelor's from a state university, and I'm now in my 30s and have been very succesful. Sometimes I think if I would have taken hs more seriously I would have went to a much better college and be in an even better place right now. However, I also think the path I took has made me who I am today and I am happy with what I've become so I don't have any regrets. So, no I don't think hs matters that much. It matters more for some than others.
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Not important at all over here. technically you can fail as many years as you want, graduate with a 51% total and still go to the best university in the country.
My total average was usually ~68-70%, so a little over the average here. I became lazy as hell in hs. Skipped a lot of homework and rarely ever studied. My preparation for most final exams is reading over my notes once or twice just before going to sleep the day before the exam :lol: I think the most I've ever studied for any exam is 2h
I guess I didn't really see the point in putting in effort when hs grades don't really affect your future and I can easily score the hs average with almost zero effort
Stepped my game up in college though, #2 of my class :pimp:
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Not important at all over here. technically you can fail as many years as you want, graduate with a 51% total and still go to the best university in the country.
My total average was usually ~68-70%, so a little over the average here. I became lazy as hell in hs. Skipped a lot of homework and rarely ever studied. My preparation for most finals is reading over my notes once or twice just before going to sleep the day before the exam :lol:
I guess I didn't really see the point in putting in effort when hs grades don't really affect your future and I can easily score the hs average with almost zero effort
Stepped my game up in college though, #2 of my class :pimp:

You a cool lil Belgium cat

Don't know why you catch so much flack.

Young Belj

I would say that all schools important. Not crushing it in high school severely lowers your chances of acceptance, scholarships, etc etc and college you're paying for it. To pay tens of thousands of dollars potentially and not walk out with a B average at the minimum is wasteful to me.

Employers are still out here pulling your high school GPA when you're ten plus years removed from high school. It matters.
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Graduated with a 2.25 GPA, Was a complete underachieving. I finally started taking school seriously after taking a year off after hs and then going to community colllege. I ended up getting a bachelor's from a state university, and I'm now in my 30s and have been very succesful. Sometimes I think if I would have taken hs more seriously I would have went to a much better college and be in an even better place right now. However, I also think the path I took has made me who I am today and I am happy with what I've become so I don't have any regrets. So, no I don't think hs matters that much. It matters more for some than others.
bruh are you me?!? 

not in my 30's though
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Employers are still out here pulling your high school GPA when you're ten plus years removed from high school. It matters.

Really? I don't think I've ever had an employer in my field even check my college GPA, in the ten years I've been in my field. :lol:
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I was nominated for National Honor's Society, but didn't really give a damn about it so I mosied into my interview with no preparation and basically just ad libbed the whole thing.

I had excellent grades and did well on the SATs, but I sort of went against the grain when it came to how schools want their student body to be in terms of extracurricular activities and community involvement and all that.

I think high school is important, not because of the curriculum, but for socialization and becoming accustomed to a daily routine that evolves into college and finally a career. Things like social interaction, following directions and rules, meeting deadlines, time management, and so on stick out as being important for real world preparation.
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In terms of employment after college no one cares just do well if you want to go to a college with a "name" but even then it's not the end of the world if you don't...and this is coming from a man who put way too much importance on hs when it didnt matter much at all now at 24
When you go from elementary to middle school, no one cares about your elementary grades anymore

When you go from middle to highshool, no one cares about your middle school grades anymore

When you go from high school to college, no one cares about your high school grades anymore

When you go from college to the real world, no one cares about your college grades anymore
When you go from elementary to middle school, no one cares about your elementary grades anymore

When you go from middle to highshool, no one cares about your middle school grades anymore

When you go from high school to college, no one cares about your high school grades anymore

When you go from college to the real world, no one cares about your college grades anymore
These last two points are not true. Your college grades matter until you're about five years post grad and even then there's still a chance they get pulled.

Like I said employers are still pulling high school and college GPAs
Can't honestly say that I gained much from high school except a few close friends that I still talk to 10 years later. I played golf and basketball and cheated/copied my way to a 3.0 gpa. Graduated a year late too lol but now my career literally doesn't require any schooling really and i'm so thankful 
Graduated high school with a 3.0 gpa without trying. Graduated college with a 3.5 with trying. It matters cause you get better choices to go to and you get more scholarships and grants. I ended up going to a state school and I was fortunate my pops was able to pay my tuition but living at home and going to school while your friends are dorming and living the life is lame as hell.
When you go from elementary to middle school, no one cares about your elementary grades anymore

When you go from middle to highshool, no one cares about your middle school grades anymore

When you go from high school to college, no one cares about your high school grades anymore

When you go from college to the real world, no one cares about your college grades anymore
These last two points are not true. Your college grades matter until you're about five years post grad and even then there's still a chance they get pulled.

Like I said employers are still pulling high school and college GPAs
Well if all you have is a degree than yeah

But if you have a lot of work experience you can just build your pitch around that and not have to worry about grades.
I went to a prep HS on scholarship and was surrounded by smart folks. A lot of them came from rich, famous families too.

I honestly think HS was a lot harder than college. College was a joke to me; I should've tried to get into a better college though.
When you go from elementary to middle school, no one cares about your elementary grades anymore

When you go from middle to highshool, no one cares about your middle school grades anymore

When you go from high school to college, no one cares about your high school grades anymore

When you go from college to the real world, no one cares about your college grades anymore
These last two points are not true. Your college grades matter until you're about five years post grad and even then there's still a chance they get pulled.

Like I said employers are still pulling high school and college GPAs
Well if all you have is a degree than yeah

But if you have a lot of work experience you can just build your pitch around that and not have to worry about grades.
"Your resume is VERY impressive but..........I saw you had to go to summer school for gym one year. I'm sorry but you're not the candidate we're looking for at this time. We wish you luck in your job search and hope you will consider us again in the future."
Well if all you have is a degree than yeah

But if you have a lot of work experience you can just build your pitch around that and not have to worry about grades.
yeah. When we are looking to hire someone and interviewing at my job now, and past jobs, it was more about experience, and just getting a general feeling of the candidates personality. Most of the time finding out the candidates personality is most important, because we can tell pretty easily whether someone knows their **** or not. It's really about finding someone that is a good fit for the company/team personality-wise.
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You can joke and trivialize it but I've been working in my field since I graduated college, had certifications and credentials to supplement it, and last June I still had my high school GPA and SAT scores pulled, and was asked during the interview process what they were.

That's ten years out of high school and those questions were still being asked and I'm positive if I lied or they weren't up to par they would have pulled my offer off the table.
what employer asks for hs grades? It's been a while since I filled out a job app but j remember some asking for things like awards or honors and SAT scores but not the actual average you had in high school. I mean, there's a huge difference in the quality of high schools too so I'm not sure how employers would even factor that in.
High school is basically if you try to earn a scholarship(to me).. I never once had a job asked me for my high school diploma.. Hell I don't even know Where's my high school diploma is at..
Your username is Jamie Dimon though. It wouldn't shock me if JPMorgan was out here pulling high school GPAs depending on what division you end up in.
You can joke and trivialize it but I've been working in my field since I graduated college, had certifications and credentials to supplement it, and last June I still had my high school GPA and SAT scores pulled, and was asked during the interview process what they were.

That's ten years out of high school and those questions were still being asked and I'm positive if I lied or they weren't up to par they would have pulled my offer off the table.
Sure they will bring it up but if you can address it rather than trying to hide it or change the subject it's not a big deal.

I go with something along the lines of "I have a 1.9 GPA and half a degree after three years. I felt like I was wasting my time in college classes so I decided to teach myself skills I felt would be more useful. As you can see I have more experience than pretty much any of my peers of the same age group, I have very good at what I do and I don't miss deadlines."

Bad grades implies irresponsibllity but if you can change the narrative to thinking outside the box you can get past bad grades. Just always be genuine and don't try to hide anything.
Not important at all over here. technically you can fail as many years as you want, graduate with a 51% total and still go to the best university in the country.
My total average was usually ~68-70%, so a little over the average here. I became lazy as hell in hs. Skipped a lot of homework and rarely ever studied. My preparation for most final exams is reading over my notes once or twice just before going to sleep the day before the exam :lol: I think the most I've ever studied for any exam is 2h
I guess I didn't really see the point in putting in effort when hs grades don't really affect your future and I can easily score the hs average with almost zero effort
Stepped my game up in college though, #2 of my class :pimp:

Just looked it up and they dont eem have real grades in belgium smh. People in the niet geslaagd group going into the top universities?

Need to move to belgium
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