How many of you still believe that YOU will get married one day....? *Serious Discussion*

Been married, don't think I'm doing it again ...No matter how you slice it marriage is selling your soul to woman
I ain't DOING IT AGAIN. If a dude says he's happy married he's lying, he's just convincing himself life isn't OVER
which it is.

There's only one song on my playlist by this guy...I be hitting them from the back quoting the intro in my head
SMILING so I never forget! Marriage ain't about NOTHING

Lil B "Pretty Boy"  0:00 - 0:26
The commitment part is not the issue but keeping some sort of compatibility over time is. How can my a potential wife and I keep each others interests "til death do us part?" Hell, my longest relationship ended because we weren't compatible and that didn't even last a year so the whole same person thing is scares the !+$% out of me. Also, if I have kids I don't even want to deal with them seeing parents fight if its not working, I saw my folks do that and I wouldn't put that on anyone.

So to answer the question, probably not.
The commitment part is not the issue but keeping some sort of compatibility over time is. How can my a potential wife and I keep each others interests "til death do us part?" Hell, my longest relationship ended because we weren't compatible and that didn't even last a year so the whole same person thing is scares the !+$% out of me. Also, if I have kids I don't even want to deal with them seeing parents fight if its not working, I saw my folks do that and I wouldn't put that on anyone.

So to answer the question, probably not.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Been married, don't think I'm doing it again ...No matter how you slice it marriage is selling your soul to woman
I ain't DOING IT AGAIN. If a dude says he's happy married he's lying, he's just convincing himself life isn't OVER
which it is.

Not sure if serious
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Been married, don't think I'm doing it again ...No matter how you slice it marriage is selling your soul to woman
I ain't DOING IT AGAIN. If a dude says he's happy married he's lying, he's just convincing himself life isn't OVER
which it is.

Not sure if serious
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

**Raises hand.

Reality--there are many suitable and marry-"able" women out there. You just have to put in work to find 'em. Aint no such thing as a free meal.

I think too many dudes in my generation are caught up in the hype of women like Kim K (
) and all these other artificial broads out there.
The consequence is an unreal expectation when it comes time to date women in the real world.

Also, there are cases where dudes target jump-offs, for the easy smash, and then have the nerve to insinuate that all women are jump-offs and the whole nine. Don't demonize all women because of your pathetic choices.

Also, specifically responding to OP's OT, you just gotta find the one chick that believes in marriage just as much as you do.
People get married for many wrong reasons these days, and that's why marriage is such a bad situation for many.


let em filter themselves out.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

**Raises hand.

Reality--there are many suitable and marry-"able" women out there. You just have to put in work to find 'em. Aint no such thing as a free meal.

I think too many dudes in my generation are caught up in the hype of women like Kim K (
) and all these other artificial broads out there.
The consequence is an unreal expectation when it comes time to date women in the real world.

Also, there are cases where dudes target jump-offs, for the easy smash, and then have the nerve to insinuate that all women are jump-offs and the whole nine. Don't demonize all women because of your pathetic choices.

Also, specifically responding to OP's OT, you just gotta find the one chick that believes in marriage just as much as you do.
People get married for many wrong reasons these days, and that's why marriage is such a bad situation for many.


let em filter themselves out.
I used to believe that one day I would get married. But now, I just dont see that happening anymore. I've been with my boyfriend
for 3yrs and I've tried to believe that it could possibly happen but I'm seeing now that it just may never happen. I still have hope in
me getting married one day... But I just dont see it happening for me.
I used to believe that one day I would get married. But now, I just dont see that happening anymore. I've been with my boyfriend
for 3yrs and I've tried to believe that it could possibly happen but I'm seeing now that it just may never happen. I still have hope in
me getting married one day... But I just dont see it happening for me.
Originally Posted by JayeLove

I used to believe that one day I would get married. But now, I just dont see that happening anymore. I've been with my boyfriend
for 3yrs and I've tried to believe that it could possibly happen but I'm seeing now that it just may never happen. I still have hope in
me getting married one day... But I just dont see it happening for me.

Originally Posted by JayeLove

I used to believe that one day I would get married. But now, I just dont see that happening anymore. I've been with my boyfriend
for 3yrs and I've tried to believe that it could possibly happen but I'm seeing now that it just may never happen. I still have hope in
me getting married one day... But I just dont see it happening for me.

I think I will end up marrying someone who I don't really like and will spend most of my time at work. Of course I will love our kids but there wouldn't be anything special between my wife and I. we will wind up growing old together but not in love.
I think I will end up marrying someone who I don't really like and will spend most of my time at work. Of course I will love our kids but there wouldn't be anything special between my wife and I. we will wind up growing old together but not in love.
At a later age than the norm probably like 40+

I'm actually surprised at myself that I would want to, but I guess it's because of my desire to have children.

And a house with both a loving a mother and father are needed because I know the pain of not having it at what I imagined it to be.

So in short, yes I do, but I'd still wanna be baggin chicks at 40. I'ma have that George Clooney #swag

At a later age than the norm probably like 40+

I'm actually surprised at myself that I would want to, but I guess it's because of my desire to have children.

And a house with both a loving a mother and father are needed because I know the pain of not having it at what I imagined it to be.

So in short, yes I do, but I'd still wanna be baggin chicks at 40. I'ma have that George Clooney #swag

Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by JayeLove

I used to believe that one day I would get married. But now, I just dont see that happening anymore. I've been with my boyfriend
for 3yrs and I've tried to believe that it could possibly happen but I'm seeing now that it just may never happen. I still have hope in
me getting married one day... But I just dont see it happening for me.

Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by JayeLove

I used to believe that one day I would get married. But now, I just dont see that happening anymore. I've been with my boyfriend
for 3yrs and I've tried to believe that it could possibly happen but I'm seeing now that it just may never happen. I still have hope in
me getting married one day... But I just dont see it happening for me.

i'd like to, but i dont see it happening..

marriage should be like NBA rookie contracts...3 yr deal w/ an option for a 4th. after that you can either be a free agent or sign an extension.
i'd like to, but i dont see it happening..

marriage should be like NBA rookie contracts...3 yr deal w/ an option for a 4th. after that you can either be a free agent or sign an extension.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

I think I will end up marrying someone who I don't really like and will spend most of my time at work. Of course I will love our kids but there wouldn't be anything special between my wife and I. we will wind up growing old together but not in love.


How the hell do you predict something like this for yourself?!
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