How many partners is considered acceptable???

Dec 26, 2005
I was talking to my boys and we got into the discussion on how many sexual partners they would accept from a girl. I always said 5 and it depends at what ageshe is at the time. Figuring at 23 she has 5 then i can deal if it was spread out, but my boys are convinced that females are humping at an alarming rate andyou have to bump the number up to 10! So i'm putting it out there for my follow NTers. What's the number you will accept?
deedeecee012 wrote:
i think what you're trying to get at is "acceptable."

but at this point of my life i feel like "what you did before me was before me". thats a question i stopped askin a while ago. besides thefact scary questions get scary answers, i dont think the average girl is gon tell the truth anyway so i dont even bother
wait to like go out with a chick what is acceptable? or just gettin your groove on? cuz if im just lookin for a 1 or 2 time thing i dont care as long as shesclean, and the kitty doesnt smell like the litter box. but if im lookin for a girlfriend if she tells me more then 5 its a no go. i was my ex's 2nd, shes20. and right now im talkin to this chick that claims shes a virgin, shes 20 also, and i kinda believe her
Another sex thread
. You also misused the word "exceptable".Anyway, to answer your question, if you are concerned about the amount of sexual partners a female has had, perhaps you shouldn't be having sex at all.
I wouldn't put an actual number, just a label: "$%+!" or "not-a-$%+!" what's the breaking point to determine if she is? you'llknow....
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I want a freaky %$% virgin chick.

Is that possible ? LOL

hell ya it is, once you expose virgins to the darkside theyll be all over you. ive turned so many virgins out its not even funny, you have to remember theyhave no experience in most anything involving sex, so once you get theyre trust, you hit em with the thrust
man i miss high school

you kids in school TAKE ADVANTAGE of your surroundings, it will never be the same.
Another sex thread
. You also misused the word"exceptable". Anyway, to answer your question, if you are concerned about the amount of sexual partners a female has had, perhaps youshouldn't be having sex at all.

You???? We know each other?

Men will almost always have sex with a female who has a high number just for the simple fact of she maybe a freak. I'm talking more on the lines of havinga relationship with the person.
smh at all the sex threads...real talk though, sex is so cliche these days, its almostt like holding hands.
before it was something sacred, now and days people are a lot more open minded. the question you
should be asking is "did you use protection with your partners?
i find it wrong to hold someone's past against them anyway
5? so you'll be #6... I read some article saying that the average 21 year old girl has around 9 sexual partners.
It depends on the girl and YOU. Diferent people have different standards. Environment has a lot to do with it, these gurls in the south are PROS so im guessingthey been around the block acouple times LOL. But it depends on You, some people they chicks off the hook and get bored with girls with no experience.
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