How much can you bench?

i been lifting for a while now, but i never had a bench untill a few weeks ago, do you guys think 160 is pretty good starting for never having benched before?
for real....check it out...

this thread and all benching threads are a waste of time...

unless you post a video clip of you benching the amount....I'm callin ducktales for the simple fact that everyone will just start throwin out numbers likefrisbees....

dudes will come up in here talkin bout benching 200 but for some reason they picture looks somethin like this

Originally Posted by needsomejays

i been lifting for a while now, but i never had a bench untill a few weeks ago, do you guys think 160 is pretty good starting for never having benched before?
Depends on if you're a big guy or an average skinny guy. If you're big, you could probably do a lot, but if you're skinny, try 135, or155.

I maybe could do about 175 or 185, but I'm really conscious about not having a spotter.
5'9' 200lbs
425lbs bench max.
Just came off of playing ball so my max might be a little bias to the normal person.
i weigh 138 lbs and i know i can bench 135 consecutively.. never tried to max.
i dont bench often
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

for real....check it out...

this thread and all benching threads are a waste of time...

unless you post a video clip of you benching the amount....I'm callin ducktales for the simple fact that everyone will just start throwin out numbers like frisbees....

dudes will come up in here talkin bout benching 200 but for some reason they picture looks somethin like this

how you make skinny jeans baggy?
225 for about two reps. I don't go any higher because i always hurt my shoulder (probably because of bad form) so i keep my reps for sets at 200.

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by jflip

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

NT is weak
How much do you bench?

I did the bar like 4 times the other day but I was on No-Xplode which is steroids so I'm not sure if that counts
Wait the No Xplode made in Zimbabwe or United Arab Emirates? I heard the U.A.E. one helps add like 2kg.
Originally Posted by jflip

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by jflip

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

NT is weak
How much do you bench?

I did the bar like 4 times the other day but I was on No-Xplode which is steroids so I'm not sure if that counts
Wait the No Xplode made in Zimbabwe or United Arab Emirates? I heard the U.A.E. one helps add like 2kg.
i dont know i stopped taking it because it has creatine which causes liver cancer
Since no one is posting evidence I'll bite the bullet.� I didn't eat a Nutrigrain bar before I did it so I could've probably added another 20 lbs.if I did.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by THE FAME

5'9' 200lbs
425lbs bench max.
Just came off of playing ball so my max might be a little bias to the normal person.
wow nice how much do you incline

We never maxed on incline.
But we always had sets of 8 or 12
Weight increasing each rep of sets.
On average I my last set would be 265lbs.

If youre looking to figure out how much you "think" you should be lifting.
Nt will not help you out at all. Some people on here never lifted a weight a day in their
life while others may do it every other day.
Therefore you may get someone who is 6'4' 250 only benching max 135. Or someone who's 5'8' 175 doing 300.
get my point?
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