How much can you bench?

I never really max out because I lift by myself and if I can't get that bar up once....RIP.
I can do 185 8 times.

5'11", 165 btw.
Originally Posted by jflip

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by jflip

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

NT is weak
How much do you bench?

I did the bar like 4 times the other day but I was on No-Xplode which is steroids so I'm not sure if that counts
How am I supposed to bulk up when all these steroid supplements threaten to make me fat with their calories?

It's like, "Hello! Makers of NO-Explode! I'm trying to burn calories, not store them, duh!"

Also, it's pointless to do any sort of leg-lifts. I like sticking to hardcore upper-body and abs.

A typical work-out for me would be biceps, triceps, bench, and abs.

About 5 minutes between each set (busy taking camera-phone pics or spitting game at the fly cuties in the place
Originally Posted by HipHopJunkie

Im 5'9'' 168lbs. lift 200-210 on the regular and max out at 250.
see people who say things like this make me wonder.....nobody benches 200, 210, or 250 unless they are throwing on 2.5 plates, which nobody does.

i'm not trying to call you out or anything, it's not like these are crazy numbers, but......

But when i was....160 was my max for like 3 reps...

5 ft 7 and 150 btw.....
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I'm 6'3 150 and I can do three 45's on each side
it's believable but not for someone your height at 150.
depending on how much the bar is im gonna say its 45 cause most are. its only about 315 but still i dont see 6'3 dude who only weights 150 benching that much
Judging on the information provided, I'm gonna have to call ducktales.

As for myself:

H: 5'10
W: 175
Bench: 215 x 5
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

The deadlift is a better universal strength indicator
I hate deadlifts.....

but neway 6'2 170 and maxed out at 245 a month ago....

I'm not satisfied....
when i was 18 i maxed out at 245+ (5' 9" 165)

4 years later idk....i dont wanna know....havent touched weights since then
real men squat and Dead lift.. lol i hate those gym punks who always curl and bench, or NEVER TRAIN THERE LEGS LMAO./rant

My one rep max's

btw, i am 231, 5"10.... fall/spring - clean bulk ( fall i eat more calories though, spring i go less) , winter-dirty bulk , summer-cutting .. i reallyhate cutting lol

bench- 330
squat- 510
DL- 420

catch me on lol ( same username)
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