How much can you bench?

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

That whole "bench your bodyweight" thing doesn't take into account your body structure/type and how much bodyfat you're carrying. Someone who's an overweight 200lbs isn't just supposed to bench 200lbs. Fat doesn't contract and move weight. Some people are also just not built well for a bench press. Long arms + Narrow clavicles usually means a weak bench press.

you dont think i know that?

BMI is a whole nother story

thats my whole point.

I was like who is this new kid talkin like he know wassup...then I saw L2L. What happened mang, did you get sniped?
Negatives can be applied to any exercise to help shock your muscles.

The purpose is to get stonger/strength an also muscle growth.

why would I need to to increase my bench press?
it's fine as it is and it won't aid me in what my goals are.

I'm not the only one who knows how to train properly (obviously) but .........drum roll........most people don't.

I've met enough people like you at the regular gym that I go to. I usually just try not to argue because what's the point?
All people like you care about is arms and chest and you think you know it all.
Whatever it's cool.

If you think I can't bench give me 3 months exclusively with the bar and I guarantee that I'd put up more than you. I'd give you 2:1 odds on that.
I rep (4 sets of 6) 130 dumbbells for chest but I don't do the bar that much because dumbbells work better for what I do. Why would I waste time in mytraining for competitions?

btw, I've been in many gyms and in different types of gyms and most people do not lift properly. That's a fact. No, I don't bnother thema bout it either.

I was lucky enough to be trained and guided by various experienced lifters on proper techniques and posture. If I had to do it my own I wouldn't knoweither or it';d take me a lot longer.

So honestly **** with your garbage. Same #!%% I''ve heard year after year. "Bro, why do you almost never do bicep curls. Bro, you need to benchmore. You'd be putting up nice weight"

It's not like I haven't been in this argument 20,657 times. I haven't been lifting seriously for 30 years but I have beendoing it for a hell of a lot longer than most people.

do what you do, just don't do bicep curls in the squat rack plz.
- On barbell days I bench max 275 2-3 reps, but lately I've focused on more reps with lighter weights to switch things up.

- On dumbbell days I'll do 100lb on each arm on the flat bench (6 reps)......lately I'm doing 60-70lb dumbbells while balancing on a exercise ball.

- I would never be able to do MAX (listed above) of both barbell/dumbbell workouts on the same day (I'd have to lower the dumbbell weight a bit).

- I also don't drink any protein shakes or take any supplements, I just eat like a normal person and take a daily multi-vitamin in the morning.

- Coffee is appreciated.

- Only dead lifts I mess with are stiff-legged dead lifts for the lower back and hamstrings, I don't like to mess with my knees too much so I keep theweights relatively low (esp for squats).
If people are interested in strentgh training on a more serious level these 2 works are classics.


Cheesy title but the text is indispensable.
It's by Mel Siff


Originally Posted by Al Audi

Negatives can be applied to any exercise to help shock your muscles.

The purpose is to get stonger/strength an also muscle growth.

There is no shocking going on.

It's basically theorized that the actual breakdown of muscle fibres occurs on the negative motion of an exercise. By prolonging the negative motion morelactic acid is being built up and that is what breaks down muscle fibers.

It leads to muscle growth but not necessarily strength gain in all cases.
I maxed out at 225 last month. Haven't went any higher due to not having a spotter since the last month. I just generally start at 135 and add 10 pdswith each set.
I was just wondering that's all. I've been doing about 7 sets on the bench lately, with the last 3 being negatives with what I warm up with (about 155on the bench).
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

calling Ducktales since majority of NT doesnt work out (the laziness thread will say it all)

but 5'11 190 and bench 225, thats from over 6 months of dedication and training I was benching 180 6 months to a year ago

1200th post

at least there are some cats being real. Im bout 170 and can bench 185
7 sets on the bench?

Damn, I don't see why you should do anymore than 3-4 sets (MAYBE 5).

I don't even go past 4 sets because I'll do 4 diff chest exercises on chest days. Last thing you should do is over-work the muscle.
5' 8"
I don't go for my 1rm but from my benching routine I should be able to do 215, hopefully 225 by the end of August.
Ducktales to most of what has been posted...

Im 5' 11" 203-205 depending on the scale

Smith press machine 360 (I dont include the bar when counting)

Max out at 315 with a raw bench (hit my plateau in may) I have been doing one handed negatives on the smith press machine to help break it.
i just had the worst lift of my life, couldn't dl for **#%, second back workout in a row that was a straight fail. +%+% was trying to use bad form just toget it up and still couldnt do what i usually do. i bet i strained my back too.
dont know whats going on, im pissed

"Bench press as a measure of strength? Try wrist curls and get at me. Real big boys do them on the squat rack. "

i hate these people. or the people who use the squat racks for pullups when there's like 8 free pullup bars located elsewhere.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i just had the worst lift of my life, couldn't dl for **#%, second back workout in a row that was a straight fail. +%+% was trying to use bad form just to get it up and still couldnt do what i usually do. i bet i strained my back too.
dont know whats going on, im pissed

"Bench press as a measure of strength? Try wrist curls and get at me. Real big boys do them on the squat rack. "

i hate these people. or the people who use the squat racks for pullups when there's like 8 free pullup bars located elsewhere.
Take 3-4 days off and eat a bunch. When you get back do 10-15% less (of 1 rm) than you would usually do. That first week back should be aconfidence builder.
Once the bad workouts start rolling it becomes more mental than physical.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

7 sets on the bench?

Damn, I don't see why you should do anymore than 3-4 sets (MAYBE 5).

I don't even go past 4 sets because I'll do 4 diff chest exercises on chest days. Last thing you should do is over-work the muscle.
I hear ya, but the last 3 sets like I said were all negatives. about 12 reps total with 5 being negative, 7 being regular presses. Nonetheless,I'm also working on muscle stamina as well as building. Trust me, it's not bad once you get your body used to it.
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