How much can you bench?

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i just had the worst lift of my life, couldn't dl for **#%, second back workout in a row that was a straight fail. +%+% was trying to use bad form just to get it up and still couldnt do what i usually do. i bet i strained my back too.
dont know whats going on, im pissed

"Bench press as a measure of strength? Try wrist curls and get at me. Real big boys do them on the squat rack. "

i hate these people. or the people who use the squat racks for pullups when there's like 8 free pullup bars located elsewhere.
Take 3-4 days off and eat a bunch. When you get back do 10-15% less (of 1 rm) than you would usually do. That first week back should be a confidence builder.
Once the bad workouts start rolling it becomes more mental than physical.
thanks. 3-4 days off from lifting all together?

i think a lot of it is mental, sets i used to easily do 5 reps of and not even blink are like tough for me i have to psych myself up for them andthey seem so heavy when a month ago they were easy....ever other lift has gone up since then but dl
im 5'9 @ 155lbs. havent tried maxing out in awhile, but i can rep 205 (3-4 reps w/o spot) on the barbell.

hoping to be able to rep 225 by the end of the year.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i just had the worst lift of my life, couldn't dl for **#%, second back workout in a row that was a straight fail. +%+% was trying to use bad form just to get it up and still couldnt do what i usually do. i bet i strained my back too.
dont know whats going on, im pissed

"Bench press as a measure of strength? Try wrist curls and get at me. Real big boys do them on the squat rack. "

i hate these people. or the people who use the squat racks for pullups when there's like 8 free pullup bars located elsewhere.
Take 3-4 days off and eat a bunch. When you get back do 10-15% less (of 1 rm) than you would usually do. That first week back should be a confidence builder.
Once the bad workouts start rolling it becomes more mental than physical.
thanks. 3-4 days off from lifting all together?

i think a lot of it is mental, sets i used to easily do 5 reps of and not even blink are like tough for me i have to psych myself up for them and they seem so heavy when a month ago they were easy....ever other lift has gone up since then but dl
Oh it's just the dl. I would say it was def physical at first but it turns mental quickly.
It's pretty easy to over train the dl. Same with any compound exercise. The thing is every lifter is different.

For example.
I can dl and front squat 2or 3 times in a week (if training is going well; not all heavy sessions of course) but I can't back squat heavy more than once in2 weeks. If I start back sqautting heavy every week by the 3rd or 4th week I just hit a wall.

I'd recommend taking 4-6 weeks away from the deadlift and train the core and hamstrings using other exercises.
Front squats, seated (or standing) good mornings, heavy side bends, adduction/abduction machines (the chick sex machines
) etc.
Originally Posted by liquidswords1988

Originally Posted by QueensFinest101

my 5x5 are.


straight bar deadlift? but yea I haven't lifted since high school football haha...Max was 265

i dont beleive half of what people are saying.. inless their BB'ers

my 1x1..

bench- 3 plus
DL- 4 plus
squat - 5 plus

in perfect ratio
I don't know how y'all can say bench press is a true measure of strength. There are dudes that bench press way more than me, but it doesn't lookthat way on the court.
I weigh 130-140, depending on scale and my diet at the time...
I bench 220-250, depends if I am maxing out or 1-3 reps...
I try to avoid maxing out b/c it really doesn't prove anything to me, since I play no sports and I just want to be in shape....

and idk about the person who said they are 6' wiegh 150 and bench 200+...maybe possible but I would definately have to see it to believe it...
I deadlift 450

I benchpress 325

I squat 400

I powerclean 260

I hangclean 225

I boxsquat 565

I'm 6'1 weight 283 almost in the 1000 pound club at F.I.U I play DT
Originally Posted by Al Audi

all true though.

and what is with nt'ers going "oh yeah i can rep 315 but that's really not a great lift, not a true indicator of strength, blah blah" shut updude. i can too, but i'm not pretending like i didn't work to get there or that it's a lift on par with calf raises or some garbage. get real.bench squat and dl are the three core compound mass-building lifts. dont act like its some bs.

or the dudes who probably use the nautlius chest presses at like 120 and come in here and dispense advice.

and queen city - nice #s but you should be dling more than you squat, not to e-coach but you sure you're going parallel?
5'10 160...most I benched was 185 x 3. Most I did with dumbells were 90 x 4. My strength has gone up slowly over the last 3 yrs despite remaining the sameweight.

@ all the liars in here. 140 putting up 205? 130 putting up 220? Please.

And dumbell presses > Bench IMO.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Al Audi

all true though.

and what is with nt'ers going "oh yeah i can rep 315 but that's really not a great lift, not a true indicator of strength, blah blah" shut up dude. i can too, but i'm not pretending like i didn't work to get there or that it's a lift on par with calf raises or some garbage. get real. bench squat and dl are the three core compound mass-building lifts. dont act like its some bs.

or the dudes who probably use the nautlius chest presses at like 120 and come in here and dispense advice.

and queen city - nice #s but you should be dling more than you squat, not to e-coach but you sure you're going parallel?

na na na...........

don't include bench with dl and squat.

Bench is dl and squats pos vindictive stepmom.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by Al Audi

all true though.

and what is with nt'ers going "oh yeah i can rep 315 but that's really not a great lift, not a true indicator of strength, blah blah" shut up dude. i can too, but i'm not pretending like i didn't work to get there or that it's a lift on par with calf raises or some garbage. get real. bench squat and dl are the three core compound mass-building lifts. dont act like its some bs.

or the dudes who probably use the nautlius chest presses at like 120 and come in here and dispense advice.

and queen city - nice #s but you should be dling more than you squat, not to e-coach but you sure you're going parallel?

na na na na [martin] holddddddddd on [martin].

Don't ionclude bench with dl adn squat.
Bench is dl adn squat's pos vindictive stepmom.
i mean you seem like you're partly joking....but that is a crazy view imo.

so you seem like you powerlift, so dl squat and olympic lifts are what you focus on. ok cool.

but dl's and powercleans arent gonna give you the upper body strength benching will. not to mention the right physique/proportions.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

i mean you seem like you're partly joking....but that is a crazy view imo.

so you seem like you powerlift, so dl squat and olympic lifts are what you focus on. ok cool.

but dl's and powercleans arent gonna give you the upper body strength benching will. not to mention the right physique/proportions.
I am partly joking but of the the 3, bench is at the bottom for sure.

I still bench (mostly with DB's) but it's just tiring to always here "bro, what do you bench. bro, bench this. Bro, bench that. Dude I lovebench!"

I actually do a fair amount of incline bench press with the bar. I bench more incline (in terms of weight) then I bench flat with the bar.

I work tri's on my pressing days so Bench is just, like you said, to strengthen the chest and bring some proportion.
Bench is whatever to me. As long as I'm decent at it with the bar I'm cool with with it.

Although, I'm, sure you've seen the dudes who walk around with their shoulders curled inward. Too much bench, not enough back.
You rarely see people with massive backs and small chests. Or well developed legs and small chests.
However, how many do you see with well developed chests but no back and chicken legs? Lots.

Also, so much of the bench press is a function of the tri's (the entire motion under parallel) that if you have strong pressing you cannot have a weak
bench even if you don't bench that much.
Comapred to the legs and the back (the various muscles within) the pecs are a small muscle.

The thing is, if a person is strong in the dl and squat or clean and snatch (which means he has to be strong in the dla dn sqaut) he will not be weak in thebench. I guarantee you that. It'd be virtually impossible.
Some of the strongest pound for pound benchers are the "pro" olympic weightlifters and most of their benching with a bar is of the incline vareity.

Let me bring in another example.
People love to focus on bi's right? They do upwards of 15 sets a week just working bi's. I see people in the gym going nuts on bi's even thoughit's a relatively small muscle.

Again, the thing is, look at people with well developed backs. Do they have small bi's?
If you have a well developed back then you will have relatively big/strong bi's. They just go together. It's impossible to have a strong back and weakbi's.

On the other hand there are plenty of people with big bi's who are disgustingly weak when it comes to their back.

To be honest throughout this entire thread I am partly trolling but that's because I know how much it irritates the meatheads.

At the normal gym that I go to a few times a week the regs and I always have this argument. It's all in good fun though.

There's always been competition between strentgh training and bodybuilding. BB'ers are just mad that not only are we stronger but we look just as good.

I know I ramble a bit in my posts but I'm just trying to show those who are newer to trainign that if you succumb (being a bit dramatic here
) to thejersey shore meathead chest /bi's routine then you won't advance too far in actually getting stronger.
a lot of that has to be because of compound lifts though. rows, pullups, etc. all hit biceps very hard....only time my biceps are ever sore is after a backworkout.

youre right, dudes who do biceps abs and chest are weak and hell they look like %@$! too, theres no excuse for not doing legs and back.

and let me get this straight you incline more than you flat bench??? whaat i've never heard of this before.

also iv never seen so many people saying dumbbells>>>barbell. db's are great, i uually do both every workout (dbs after flat and incline bb) but ithink barbell = more weight = more mass = >> dumbbells.
I'm 5'10 160lbs, i maxed today at 235lbs. Hoping to hit 245 by the end of summer. Trying to lift more but stay more on the lean side, don't want tolook all bulky.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

a lot of that has to be because of compound lifts though. rows, pullups, etc. all hit biceps very hard....only time my biceps are ever sore is after a back workout.

youre right, dudes who do biceps abs and chest are weak and hell they look like %@$! too, theres no excuse for not doing legs and back.

and let me get this straight you incline more than you flat bench??? whaat i've never heard of this before.

also iv never seen so many people saying dumbbells>>>barbell. db's are great, i uually do both every workout (dbs after flat and incline bb) but i think barbell = more weight = more mass = >> dumbbells.
Yeh I incline more than I bench. Not by too much though. Comes out to something like 10% more.
It's similar with dumbells.

I never focused on flat bench that much to eb honest. The extent of my flat bench workouts usually consist of 4x6 db's flat and then I'm done.I'll do flat bench for a few weeks if I'm feeling that I'm reaching some sort of plateau with the DB's.

When it comes to flat benching I do think DB's are superior in that they put a bit more workload on the various stabilizer muscles and more importantlyprovide a ROM far beyond that of benching with a bar.

It also needs to be mentioned that aroudn 10% of any weight lifted (in most cases; exact % obv diff for each individual) is the direct result of musclememory.
Whatever one does more of that's what one will be proficient at.
Originally Posted by ioRound3

I weigh 130-140, depending on scale and my diet at the time...
I bench 220-250, depends if I am maxing out or 1-3 reps...
I try to avoid maxing out b/c it really doesn't prove anything to me, since I play no sports and I just want to be in shape....

and idk about the person who said they are 6' wiegh 150 and bench 200+...maybe possible but I would definately have to see it to believe it...

my dude, your talking about have to see it to believe it?!?!?!?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Joseph Camel Jr .

There's always been competition between strentgh training and bodybuilding. BB'ers are just mad that not only are we stronger but we look just as good.

power lifters have digusting builds cmpared to bbers.
olympic, any of them cant compare, and are not asthetically pleasing

and bbers are not weak

please prove me wrong
i bench my weight (150 lbs. max). how much you bench is not important in basketball, kevin durant for example.
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