How much money, is enough money ?

It depends on where you live also, I can live very comfortably with 50k-75k here in Buffalo, NY, I don't really know about living in other places though... long as I got somewhere to sleep, gas and electricity, ill be good... I don't need all the extra stuff...

But Id rather make 50k and be able to spend time with my family then make 100k and never see them.. In Buffalo anyway...
Greed.............thats the problem with most people. Always wanting more. All my peeps got the urge to spend all their money like theres no tomorrow. No self control. I always managed to save money. 
Greed.............thats the problem with most people. Always wanting more. All my peeps got the urge to spend all their money like theres no tomorrow. No self control. I always managed to save money. 
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Society would function a lot better if the top person in a company could only make certain amount more than the lowest paid worker.  It doesn't help the world having someone sitting on $100 million dollars.
goin off on a tanget here but i couldn't disagree more with this statement.  the beauty of capitalism in its purest form is that the sky is the limit and you can reap the benefits of the hard work you put in.  why would anyone be motivated to outwork the next person if they are capped on how much money they are allowed to make?  on the flip side, why should the low level ri-tard scrubbin toilets be entitled to 1/100th or hell... even 1/1000th of what the top level guy makes, when his real value in terms of contribution to the business is maybe 1/100,000,000th of the president?  all this talk of cappin earning potential, or sharing the wealth with the common man is a cop out and excuse for the common man not to work hard and still get his.

for people saying they would be straight with a $100K salary for the rest of their lives, you must live in a part of the country with a very favorable cost of living and not have any dependents.  by no means am i rich or live a lavish lifestyle, but my wife and i bring in collectively $160K a year and after mortgage, bills, car payments, insurance, incidentals, 401k and IRA contributions, paltry savings contributions, etc.. etc... we pretty much living paycheck to paycheck.  I bet half of NT drives a nicer car than me, has more shoes and clothes in their closet, bigger retirement funds, and more.  If my wife were to get pregnant tomorrow, I would probably have to take a night job to help cover some of the additional costs.  $100K in LA does not go that far at all.

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Society would function a lot better if the top person in a company could only make certain amount more than the lowest paid worker.  It doesn't help the world having someone sitting on $100 million dollars.
goin off on a tanget here but i couldn't disagree more with this statement.  the beauty of capitalism in its purest form is that the sky is the limit and you can reap the benefits of the hard work you put in.  why would anyone be motivated to outwork the next person if they are capped on how much money they are allowed to make?  on the flip side, why should the low level ri-tard scrubbin toilets be entitled to 1/100th or hell... even 1/1000th of what the top level guy makes, when his real value in terms of contribution to the business is maybe 1/100,000,000th of the president?  all this talk of cappin earning potential, or sharing the wealth with the common man is a cop out and excuse for the common man not to work hard and still get his.

for people saying they would be straight with a $100K salary for the rest of their lives, you must live in a part of the country with a very favorable cost of living and not have any dependents.  by no means am i rich or live a lavish lifestyle, but my wife and i bring in collectively $160K a year and after mortgage, bills, car payments, insurance, incidentals, 401k and IRA contributions, paltry savings contributions, etc.. etc... we pretty much living paycheck to paycheck.  I bet half of NT drives a nicer car than me, has more shoes and clothes in their closet, bigger retirement funds, and more.  If my wife were to get pregnant tomorrow, I would probably have to take a night job to help cover some of the additional costs.  $100K in LA does not go that far at all.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

 but give me just 1 million and i'll be set for life. 
such a bad mindset to have.. i guarantee you will be set for maybe about a year.. 3years tops before you go broke
A year? 3 years tops? Does this rule apply for any and everyone? That is a lot of $ to spend in a 3 year span. I know my spending habits, I know if I don't buy a house, pay for school, or buy a new car (which I don't EVER intend on doing) that I wouldn't even spend 15K in a year. And I am being modest with that number.
15K?  That's like $1250/month.  Does that cover the essentials like rent/mortage, bills, food, and transportation?
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Society would function a lot better if the top person in a company could only make certain amount more than the lowest paid worker.  It doesn't help the world having someone sitting on $100 million dollars.
goin off on a tanget here but i couldn't disagree more with this statement.  the beauty of capitalism in its purest form is that the sky is the limit and you can reap the benefits of the hard work you put in.  why would anyone be motivated to outwork the next person if they are capped on how much money they are allowed to make?  on the flip side, why should the low level ri-tard scrubbin toilets be entitled to 1/100th or hell... even 1/1000th of what the top level guy makes, when his real value in terms of contribution to the business is maybe 1/100,000,000th of the president?  all this talk of cappin earning potential, or sharing the wealth with the common man is a cop out and excuse for the common man not to work hard and still get his.

for people saying they would be straight with a $100K salary for the rest of their lives, you must live in a part of the country with a very favorable cost of living and not have any dependents.  by no means am i rich or live a lavish lifestyle, but my wife and i bring in collectively $160K a year and after mortgage, bills, car payments, insurance, incidentals, 401k and IRA contributions, paltry savings contributions, etc.. etc... we pretty much living paycheck to paycheck.  I bet half of NT drives a nicer car than me, has more shoes and clothes in their closet, bigger retirement funds, and more.  If my wife were to get pregnant tomorrow, I would probably have to take a night job to help cover some of the additional costs.  $100K in LA does not go that far at all.

i live in NYC and I just started making $50k, married, 2 kids. When my wife goes back to work we'll be in the $90-$95k range. If I made 100k, I'd have her stay home and focus on her side job of baking. I'll make that %+# work.

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Society would function a lot better if the top person in a company could only make certain amount more than the lowest paid worker.  It doesn't help the world having someone sitting on $100 million dollars.
goin off on a tanget here but i couldn't disagree more with this statement.  the beauty of capitalism in its purest form is that the sky is the limit and you can reap the benefits of the hard work you put in.  why would anyone be motivated to outwork the next person if they are capped on how much money they are allowed to make?  on the flip side, why should the low level ri-tard scrubbin toilets be entitled to 1/100th or hell... even 1/1000th of what the top level guy makes, when his real value in terms of contribution to the business is maybe 1/100,000,000th of the president?  all this talk of cappin earning potential, or sharing the wealth with the common man is a cop out and excuse for the common man not to work hard and still get his.

for people saying they would be straight with a $100K salary for the rest of their lives, you must live in a part of the country with a very favorable cost of living and not have any dependents.  by no means am i rich or live a lavish lifestyle, but my wife and i bring in collectively $160K a year and after mortgage, bills, car payments, insurance, incidentals, 401k and IRA contributions, paltry savings contributions, etc.. etc... we pretty much living paycheck to paycheck.  I bet half of NT drives a nicer car than me, has more shoes and clothes in their closet, bigger retirement funds, and more.  If my wife were to get pregnant tomorrow, I would probably have to take a night job to help cover some of the additional costs.  $100K in LA does not go that far at all.

i live in NYC and I just started making $50k, married, 2 kids. When my wife goes back to work we'll be in the $90-$95k range. If I made 100k, I'd have her stay home and focus on her side job of baking. I'll make that %+# work.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

 but give me just 1 million and i'll be set for life. 
such a bad mindset to have.. i guarantee you will be set for maybe about a year.. 3years tops before you go broke
A year? 3 years tops? Does this rule apply for any and everyone? That is a lot of $ to spend in a 3 year span. I know my spending habits, I know if I don't buy a house, pay for school, or buy a new car (which I don't EVER intend on doing) that I wouldn't even spend 15K in a year. And I am being modest with that number.
15K?  That's like $1250/month.  Does that cover the essentials like rent/mortage, bills, food, and transportation?
what kind of question is this? it will never be enough obviously, as long as there's such a thing as
what kind of question is this? it will never be enough obviously, as long as there's such a thing as
Originally Posted by derrty6232

15K?  That's like $1250/month.  Does that cover the essentials like rent/mortage, bills, food, and transportation?
Sure does. Plus I really don't spend $ recreationally for the most part. Some here and there but nothing serious. I can stretch a dollar. I still don't see how he thinks a million will be spent in a year, 3 years max.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

15K?  That's like $1250/month.  Does that cover the essentials like rent/mortage, bills, food, and transportation?
Sure does. Plus I really don't spend $ recreationally for the most part. Some here and there but nothing serious. I can stretch a dollar. I still don't see how he thinks a million will be spent in a year, 3 years max.
1 million isn't what it use to be OP. You wouldn't be set for life even if you invested it all after taxes.

For me, a cool 50 billion and I'll have no complaints.
1 million isn't what it use to be OP. You wouldn't be set for life even if you invested it all after taxes.

For me, a cool 50 billion and I'll have no complaints.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

People would be satisfied with 100k a year, really?


if you can't live on $100k a year, you're doing something wrong. Seriously.
Originally Posted by Anthony Stark

People would be satisfied with 100k a year, really?


if you can't live on $100k a year, you're doing something wrong. Seriously.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Society would function a lot better if the top person in a company could only make certain amount more than the lowest paid worker.  It doesn't help the world having someone sitting on $100 million dollars.
goin off on a tanget here but i couldn't disagree more with this statement.  the beauty of capitalism in its purest form is that the sky is the limit and you can reap the benefits of the hard work you put in.  why would anyone be motivated to outwork the next person if they are capped on how much money they are allowed to make?  on the flip side, why should the low level ri-tard scrubbin toilets be entitled to 1/100th or hell... even 1/1000th of what the top level guy makes, when his real value in terms of contribution to the business is maybe 1/100,000,000th of the president?  all this talk of cappin earning potential, or sharing the wealth with the common man is a cop out and excuse for the common man not to work hard and still get his.

for people saying they would be straight with a $100K salary for the rest of their lives, you must live in a part of the country with a very favorable cost of living and not have any dependents.  by no means am i rich or live a lavish lifestyle, but my wife and i bring in collectively $160K a year and after mortgage, bills, car payments, insurance, incidentals, 401k and IRA contributions, paltry savings contributions, etc.. etc... we pretty much living paycheck to paycheck.  I bet half of NT drives a nicer car than me, has more shoes and clothes in their closet, bigger retirement funds, and more.  If my wife were to get pregnant tomorrow, I would probably have to take a night job to help cover some of the additional costs.  $100K in LA does not go that far at all.


And there is the misconception...That rich people work harder than everybody else.  I prolly grew up more fortunate than almost everybody on this sight and that is just not true.  The hardest working people are often the poorest, the ones who work 2 jobs "scrubbing toilets" as you say to make end meat.  When your rich, life comes easy.  I've seen so many of my peers **** up so many times but guess what, there daddy is rich and they will always have a safety net than ends with at least a 6 figure salary.    If those kids were in any different situation they would be dead or in jail.  Capitalism just allows the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor.  In capitalism, there is no open market, wealth disparities only worsen as time goes along.  There is a reason the middle class has all but dissapered in this country.  We have a country which doesn't now protect the interests of the average citizen but big corporations, which really only protect the interests of a few hundred people.

Maybe because you are middle-class you have a fantsay that rich people are rich deservedly so...that's the case about 5% of the time.  You are talking about sky's the limit, but that's a fantasy.  The American Dream of getting rich is no different than the lottery, it gives those who have little some fantastical idea of being king, but in reality that is not true.  Why wouldn't you want a system that could inflate your 160K that you and your wife share into 250K???
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Society would function a lot better if the top person in a company could only make certain amount more than the lowest paid worker.  It doesn't help the world having someone sitting on $100 million dollars.
goin off on a tanget here but i couldn't disagree more with this statement.  the beauty of capitalism in its purest form is that the sky is the limit and you can reap the benefits of the hard work you put in.  why would anyone be motivated to outwork the next person if they are capped on how much money they are allowed to make?  on the flip side, why should the low level ri-tard scrubbin toilets be entitled to 1/100th or hell... even 1/1000th of what the top level guy makes, when his real value in terms of contribution to the business is maybe 1/100,000,000th of the president?  all this talk of cappin earning potential, or sharing the wealth with the common man is a cop out and excuse for the common man not to work hard and still get his.

for people saying they would be straight with a $100K salary for the rest of their lives, you must live in a part of the country with a very favorable cost of living and not have any dependents.  by no means am i rich or live a lavish lifestyle, but my wife and i bring in collectively $160K a year and after mortgage, bills, car payments, insurance, incidentals, 401k and IRA contributions, paltry savings contributions, etc.. etc... we pretty much living paycheck to paycheck.  I bet half of NT drives a nicer car than me, has more shoes and clothes in their closet, bigger retirement funds, and more.  If my wife were to get pregnant tomorrow, I would probably have to take a night job to help cover some of the additional costs.  $100K in LA does not go that far at all.


And there is the misconception...That rich people work harder than everybody else.  I prolly grew up more fortunate than almost everybody on this sight and that is just not true.  The hardest working people are often the poorest, the ones who work 2 jobs "scrubbing toilets" as you say to make end meat.  When your rich, life comes easy.  I've seen so many of my peers **** up so many times but guess what, there daddy is rich and they will always have a safety net than ends with at least a 6 figure salary.    If those kids were in any different situation they would be dead or in jail.  Capitalism just allows the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor.  In capitalism, there is no open market, wealth disparities only worsen as time goes along.  There is a reason the middle class has all but dissapered in this country.  We have a country which doesn't now protect the interests of the average citizen but big corporations, which really only protect the interests of a few hundred people.

Maybe because you are middle-class you have a fantsay that rich people are rich deservedly so...that's the case about 5% of the time.  You are talking about sky's the limit, but that's a fantasy.  The American Dream of getting rich is no different than the lottery, it gives those who have little some fantastical idea of being king, but in reality that is not true.  Why wouldn't you want a system that could inflate your 160K that you and your wife share into 250K???
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