How often do you approach girls?

Originally Posted by Dead Stokc

I wanna kno how most women feel about being approached while they're on the phone.

I see plenty bad women, but they'll be having convos on the phone, and I would hate to just intrude.

Seems rude and like a straight shoot down.
that can be tricky...some girls could be fronting like they are on the phone so no one will talk to them. it really all depends on the woman. i myself wouldnt mind and ive had this happen before. but i think im pretty friendly...sometimes. other chicks might curse you out..especially if theyre black. i wouldnt advise it. if you are really interested get your stalker status on from a DISTANCE and wait until she gets off the phone.
After getting out of a 3 year relationship about 6 months ago, I had maaaaad approach anxiety. I learned that all it takes is confidence, it really doesnt matter what you say. I have approached a girl and said something observative about the enviroment around us and I have straight up walked up to a girl and said "Hi, how are you?"

"You miss 100% of the shots you dont take". So take the shot. If you get rejected, learn from it and improve on the next approach.
whenever i see a chick look i say sumthin to her. normally i just make a slick joke & get em laughin, & once that happen im in there
I do most of my damage on facebook/twitter.

Depends on the mood im in when im out if i want to approach a girl in a store or somewhere.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Question to the men/boys in here...What makes you approach a girl?Is it the fact that she's approachable or it seems like she'd be receptive?Do you approach a girl depending on if you think she is in your league or not?

oh dima, i would NEVER approach you....
Originally Posted by Philthy

After getting out of a 3 year relationship about 6 months ago, I had maaaaad approach anxiety. I learned that all it takes is confidence, it really doesnt matter what you say. I have approached a girl and said something observative about the enviroment around us and I have straight up walked up to a girl and said "Hi, how are you?"

"You miss 100% of the shots you dont take". So take the shot. If you get rejected, learn from it and improve on the next approach.
true. some of the stupidest
 i say works, while my slickest 
 isn't noticed.
I sell phones for a living,and its almost too easy. A lot of the time I just joke with them if they have an older phone or a phone that gives them problems. I always smile and make them comfortable. Then when I'm done selling them their phone I just ask them if I can enter my number in the phone. I let them know what my intentions are and let them make the call sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Forget a club I'm pulling them at my job.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

What I used to take for granted is that girls talk/think about this more than guys do. They've already done a lot of the work for you. Go with your instincts. If you feel her eyeing you, then that's a good sign that she'll be receptive. Once you know that, you don't have to be amazing to get her interest. Just say hi. She wants to talk to you. If you're gonna see her often, she'll probably end up approaching you first. And her friends will too. Girls talk.

If on the other hand, the girl is not interested and you're trying to get her to be interested, it's a lot tougher and you need to be witty and stuff. 

Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
Question to the men/boys in here...What makes you approach a girl?Is it the fact that she's approachable or it seems like she'd be receptive?Do you approach a girl depending on if you think she is in your league or not?

LOL, I guess that's a good way of thinking about it.
Just walk up to a random female and start spitting game (never)

If a female walks by me and I say Hi or nod my head and she looks good, all it takes is for her to say 1 word to me and my game goes off and I get the digits, whether she works in a certain store, or at my job or where ever.

Like if I walk by a chick and I say hi and she says "Hey" Or extend the "HeeeeY" then thats when I go into rico suave mode, and its all kill after that.

I do most of my damage on social sites, I bag ALOT of Booty on social sites, Facebook now a days. but every now and then my homies hook me up with a shorty. I dont club or do any socializing that much, but if I did Im pretty sure my coochie meeter would quadruple.

Also I havent been single in like 3 years and banged 15 chicks while I was in relationships.

Cheating is a mother.

I dont know what holds me back from approaching females, I guess its fear of rejection or embarrasment, but knowing who I am I highly doubt that would happen, but I still feel kinda iffy about it. Im getting better at it though.

I dont drink but I heard being buzzed helps approaching females more easier. I might try 1 day,lol
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