HP Touchpad for $99/$149

These people on Craigslist are freaking morons. I hate them all. $280 for a 16GB? And I have to drive to you to get it? What is wrong with you?
True or false?
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

These people on Craigslist are freaking morons. I hate them all. $280 for a 16GB? And I have to drive to you to get it? What is wrong with you?

If you can't find one for retail, your best bet is to wait until the hype dies down and the dust settles. By the time everyone recieves their touchpads from websites and online stores, they'll be less demand and you'll probably find one for a better price. It's just like sneakers. Just wait it out for another week or so, and they'll be more sellers and less buyers = cheaper price.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

These people on Craigslist are freaking morons. I hate them all. $280 for a 16GB? And I have to drive to you to get it? What is wrong with you?

If you can't find one for retail, your best bet is to wait until the hype dies down and the dust settles. By the time everyone recieves their touchpads from websites and online stores, they'll be less demand and you'll probably find one for a better price. It's just like sneakers. Just wait it out for another week or so, and they'll be more sellers and less buyers = cheaper price.

At this price I doubt it...demand will remain off the charts.
so my order says shipped n i got a tracking number in an email but they took the hold off my card. should i cancel my debit card n hope these still arrive? lol
2 of my orders from onsale were cancelled. 1 order of 2 16gb did go through and was shipped today. I ordered at 5:40 ET
Originally Posted by socluis90

so my order says shipped n i got a tracking number in an email but they took the hold off my card. should i cancel my debit card n hope these still arrive? lol

Thats weird. I have not received any e-mail yet, and my order still reads "shipping soon" but I was charged already.

Originally Posted by solesavage

Originally Posted by socluis90

so my order says shipped n i got a tracking number in an email but they took the hold off my card. should i cancel my debit card n hope these still arrive? lol

Thats weird. I have not received any e-mail yet, and my order still reads "shipping soon" but I was charged already.

mine is through samsclub.

Yeah... you can't talk about illegally downloading copyrighted video game ROMs here..
Meth lurking 
 You getting one?
Well, I am responsible for the forums at large.  If there's a 93 page thread on here, it probably deserves some attention.  (Especially given the likelihood that people would try to sell here, as with a QS sneaker release.) 
I won't lie.  Thanks to this thread, I actually did try to pick up one (yes, only ONE) 16GB touchpad for a family member, but like many people my orders were all eventually cancelled.  (Best Buy, B&N, OnSale.)  Time is valuable, so if I couldn't pick one up easily online it wasn't going to happen.  

I realize that a lot of people are frustrated, but please keep in mind that selling outside the buy/sell area on NT isn't allowed and we can't make any exceptions in this case.  Best of luck to those still searching. 
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

My onsale order got cancelled. @#@@ onsale

This. I guess its not happening for me. Me and KatieJade4 been fighting to get one for 50 pages, and nothing.
I cant see myself spending more than 120 on this thing, so for now im giving up.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Shipped with tracking from onsale, finally. Since y'all hit the same time I did you might be lucky.
It seems to be random as hell, I saw alot of ppl who ordered before I did and got cancelled
It does seem VERY RANDOM. Plenty of people ordered after me, and are getting one. I guess that is what i get for not being Greedy.
Had i ordered 10 instead of 1, i would have probably got em.
finally got mine

posting from it now

gotta be honest with you guys. Ive had an ipad and now after using this for awhile, these things, ipads included, are only worth 100-200$

but these are nice for the price. When amazon drops their two secret tablets around Christmas for cheap its gonna be a great move

I got 4 but all are going to family
To all the people that got charged..... if your order cancelled then you have already been refunded.
your bank is either holding the money, or clearing it back in your account. This could take 2-3 business days depending on your Bank.
With Steve Jobs resigning, maybe HP should reconsider starting it back up.

WebOS isnt going anywhere.
The only thing HP siad was that theyll stop making mobile devices supported by WebOS.
I thought I was doing a really good job at negotiating on craigslist but I suck or these people are CRAZY! Now I'm starting with the made up pity stories.

"A family member of mine is sick in the hospital and I thought it would be really nice for them to have. But I can't afford to pay $100 over the actual retail price. Thanks anyways for answering so promptly
Originally Posted by IYE2

With Steve Jobs resigning, maybe HP should reconsider starting it back up.

WebOS isnt going anywhere.
The only thing HP said was that theyll stop making mobile devices supported by WebOS.
yeah their gonna put it on computers and printers now

Katie wants one bad
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

To all the people that got charged..... if your order cancelled then you have already been refunded.
your bank is either holding the money, or clearing it back in your account. This could take 2-3 business days depending on your Bank.

true indeed. I already got my $$ back in my acct. mine should be shipped out tomorrow by hp..im still hunting 2 more tho.
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