I was there this morning. Got there like at 1030 and there was maybe 4 people in line. No big deal, went across the street and had breakfast. By that time it was like 1115, went to chill at the park and grabbed some sun. The line was small the whole time, maybe 10 deep at one point. Either way I let the line die down and then walked in and picked up 5 of the 6 they had available.
All 3 plaid colorways and the black/white and knicks colorways.
Decided to drive to Sutter and check out the scene. Woah, crazy. Hella folks still in line. Hayes had a lot of fitteds, maybe 100 of each. These are probably still available.
Hit me up if you have HUF fitteds in 7 1/4
AIM= cubbyfresh