Hurricane harvey....texas nters stay safe

Social media is a real powerful tool man.

Katrina was worse than this but unless you turned on the news or tried gettin more info on it you woudnt know too much on what was going down.

Now? Im seeing it all over IG.

I suppot celebs issuing challenges and somewhat flexing how much they donate. It gets everyone involved.
Social media is a real powerful tool man.

Katrina was worse than this but unless you turned on the news or tried gettin more info on it you woudnt know too much on what was going down.

Now? Im seeing it all over IG.

I suppot celebs issuing challenges and somewhat flexing how much they donate. It gets everyone involved.
Nah Katrina controlled 24/7 news and radio. Had telethons on mtv. Kanye west incident actually brought more light to the situation. **** was on yahoo main page for weeks.
^it still wasn't as immediate as the news we're getting right now in 2017. There's people snapping their locations as stuff is happening, putting vids on Twitter, IG, etc. News stations are often pulling news directly off that media and showing it. That was unheard of in 05 with a just beginning Facebook and Myspace on the decline.
Citizens of Houston need to put Mayor Turner on BLAST. Forget Joel Osteen. Turner did not order even a voluntary evacuation, us (HFD) and HPD have very few boats, very few high water vehicles, he is not approving overtime for more fire/rescue personnel, etc. We were underprepared in many ways due to him crippling the fire department, who is in charge of rescues. Thankfully the national guard, Metro, the coast guard and FEMA task forces (comprised of firefighters from OTHER STATES since he will not staff HFD with extra firefighters to help) are helping a ton plus citizens and their boats are helping a ton. The citizens are really stepping up and HPD is going on TV and social media and unfortunately taking credit for most of it.

My coworkers and I have been in the water over 2 days straight on boats with breaks here and there. Most of us won't go home till Thursday at the earliest. We can't thank the citizens for helping us enough. Mayor decided not to plan accordingly nor use local resources we have right here waiting. He is weakening public safety all around the city and it's showing it's ugly head.

100% what I was thinking. I wasn't going to post it but that definitely is what I was thinking.
I always liked Joel and enjoy his sermons. For the longest I never understood the hate. This situation I can kinda understand why people are salty.

Is the Toyota center flooded badly?
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100% what I was thinking. I wasn't going to post it but that definitely is what I was thinking.
I always liked Joel and enjoy his sermons. For the longest I never understood the hate. This situation I can kinda understand why people are salty.

Is the Toyota center flooded badly?

100% what I was thinking. I wasn't going to post it but that definitely is what I was thinking.
I always liked Joel and enjoy his sermons. For the longest I never understood the hate. This situation I can kinda understand why people are salty.

Is the Toyota center flooded badly?
Don't think so it's close to the GRB don't know why they haven't opened it.
I guess Turner didn't wanna have another hurricane Rita situation. More people died evacuating than the actual storm. That happened a few weeks after Katrina. Folks didn't wanna wait out the storm which is understandable after seeing what Katrina did. But nearly 4 mil trying to evacuate at the same time in 100 degree weather is a disaster in itself. Gridlock, traffic accidents, heat stroke and that bus fire.

He could've told folks that was gonna get hit the hardest to evacuate but then that might trigger everyone else who might not be affected to evacuate as well. Causing another Rita situation. Loose loose situation.
Yup. Peeps took 15+ hours in traffic just to drive 90 miles during Rita. Less people would've died if they had just stayed home. I don't blame the mayor for not announcing a mass evacuation.
people blaming the mayor for not evacuating are funny. an evacuation order would have killed hundreds or thousands.... you see those highways 20 ft under water... imagine them gridlockd with cars...

critical reasoning skills they must not teach in school anymore
Yeah it should be obvious at this stage why not evacuating is a good idea. That being said, you can't ask people to stay and not have the right resources in place.
I was more worried about a cat 4 hurricane going through houston. This rain is dangerous but a cat 4 hurricane would have killed alot more.
I was reading these articles about all these kids losing their back to school clothes and that hit me right in the feels. As NT can we do something like a clothing drive for kids to get them some new clothes?
Just watched the news. They confirmed the six drowned :frown: 2 great grandparents and their 4 great grandkids. They was talking to the grandfather who was telling the story how it happened according to his brother who was driving the van. **** was heartbreaking.
Didn't expect this at all
no one did. people are saying so much in hindsight but it's impossible to prepare for something like this until it happens
the 4th biggest city in the US goes can only do so much
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