Hurricane Irma, FL Nters We May Be Next

Keys, as expected are taking a direct hit

Tampa might actually avoid a direct hit, but storm surge will still be a problem

I can't believe it's back up to 4. It was a 3 all Saturday. Picked up a second wind smh
It been staying at 130 mph too .. glad didn't get back to 150

I didn't shift west on the 8pm report
Keeping all my NT Florida peeps in my prayers, those of you that didn't evacuate, please try to stay safe the best you can....

Can Meth set up a donation for us to donate to? to help those NTers that will lose it all
Wind picking up and getting loud in Miami-Dade and Broward

Likely receiving tropical storm level sustained winds and slightly stronger gusts

Many in South Florida without power already

Irma appears to be weakening somewhat due to interaction with Florida and wind shear from the same trough that's pushing it north
Sunday morning; we are starting to get more wind and rain out there.
Feeling bad for your dumb *** comment?

No amount of money can take away the spiteful and outlandish comment.

Until you face a situation like this, to talk Ill will towards people, don't comment at all unless it's positive vibes.

It was a tasteless joke I didn't think all the way through when initially said it, no different than countless memes online making light of such situation, calm the **** down and move on, much more worst **** to be concerned about, specially YOU living through this than to be so hurt by a comment.
Last night the weather felt mad calm with a slight breeze. I just woke up and haven't stepped outside on my balcony, but I'm glad it's been downgraded to a Cat 3.
Heard it might shoot up to 5 again, since is skimming the coast, least that's what my coworkers were saying...haven't had a chance to check the news
What did he say? Not surprised at him putting his foot in his mouth....SMH.

A short sighted jab at Florida Trump supporters, after Ninja tried to give this thread a political turn for some reason, was it wrong, yes...already apologized for it...not sure what else he wants from me.
450,000 in Dade without power
100,000+ in Broward
34,000 (the entire Florida Keys) without power

At my aunts house in Fort Lauderdale and, we still have power.

Key West will be getting ravaged
Being a state prone to these type of disasters and being a first responder in a hospital I sure a hell hope Hospitals are fully prepared with multiple generators that are flood proof.
Guys, seriously, it isn't worth the arguing now. The storm is upon those who are gonna have to go through it, let's utilize this thread now to check in, update, and share evac/safety information.

If others need help, feel free to throw up the smoke signal. We are in this together now guys. Don't let petty differences divide us.
Conditions are detiorating in Miami but a direct hit from Cat 5 Irma would have been catastrophic.

Miami-Dade County currently starting to feel the 70-80 mph official hurricane winds with Broward a little later.

This is gonna be an all day thing for those on the east side
Fam was what I said THAT serious? You really blowing this **** way out of proportion and like I said, you have more important stuff to worry about than to get so bent out of shape about a comment that wasn't a direct statement about you, it was short sighted and I apologized and you wanna continue pushing the envelope, I let you say you piece back when I made the comment because you were in your right to be upset...a couple of days later and you still irritated about that, specially with what's going on, you need to grow not that serious....don't think Ima sit here and kiss your *** for it.


Tasteless jokes, really cool to drop when people's homes and families are on the line?

No need for you.

Who said it was cool!? I repeatedly admitted it was in bad taste and apologized, here you are still fighting this petty battle, **** you want from me?

You must be a perfect human being.

Do yourself a favor and hit the block button.
The Weather Channel really has this man outside on live TV in Miami. About to get blown away. What is there to prove by having him out there?
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